My Thesis in 180 seconds (MT180): the winners of 2023
Explaining months, even years of thesis research work in the simplest, most dynamic and entertaining way possible in just three minutes is no easy feat…but it is possible! Fourteen of the University’s PhD candidates took on that exact challenge during the final of the “My Thesis in 180 seconds” competition, which took place on 15 March 2023.
The Audience Award and the Jury’s Prize
Of the fourteen finalists, Goran Stanajic Petrovic won the Audience Award for his thesis “Development of a new nuclear multi-cancer imaging tool using a snake toxin.” Goran Stanajic Petrovic is a PhD candidate at the Laboratory for Drug and Health Technologies – MTS (Univ. Paris-Saclay | CEA | INRAE).
The Jury’s Prize was awarded to Arthur Ledaguenel for his thesis “Neuro-symbolic AI: learning from data and rules”. Arthur Ledaguenel is a PhD candidate at the Mathematics and Computer Science Laboratory for Complexity and Systems – MICS (Univ. Paris-Saclay | CentraleSupélec).
The two laureates will go on to take part in the national semi-final of the competition at the end of March.
The two winners, from left to right: Goran Stanajic Petrovic and Arthur Ledaguenel
The 2023 finalists
- Dzevka DRAGIC, Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health – CESP (Univ. Paris-Saclay | UVSQ | INSERM): “Study of breast cancer risk factors through DNA methylation”
- Romane GASTON-BRETON, Laboratory for Drug and Health Technologies - MTS (Univ. Paris-Saclay | CEA | INRAE): “Innovative Neuroprotective Strategy Based on a New Class of Purine Derivatives for Neonatal Ischemic Encephalopathy”
- Laureen GUITARD, Department for Optics and Associated Techniques - DOTA (Univ. Paris-Saclay | ONERA): “Development of an X-ray phase imaging technique for high spatial resolution non-destructive testing of composite materials”
- Nicolas HEURTEL, the Formal Methods Laboratory – LMF (Univ. Paris-Saclay | CNRS | ENS Paris-Saclay | CentraleSupélec | Inria): “Computational Power and Structure of Linear Optical Quantum Computing”
- Killian LAGUERRE, the Orsay Institute for Molecular Science - ISMO (Univ. Paris-Saclay | CNRS): “Targeting resistant cancer using multifunctional nanoparticles: synthesis and biological evaluation”
- Imran LAHMAR, Laboratory for Tumour Immunology and Immunotherapy - ITIC (Univ. Paris-Saclay | Institut Gustave-Roussy | INSERM): “Immunosuppressive mechanisms of antibiotics in the context of anti-tumour immunity”
- Arthur LEDAGUENEL, Mathematics and Computer Science Laboratory for Complexity and Systems – MICS (Univ. Paris-Saclay | CentraleSupélec): “Neuro-symbolic AI: learning from data and rules”
- Margaux MARCHEFERT, Paramedical Research Team on Neuromotor Disabilities - ERPHAN (Univ. Paris-Saclay | UVSQ): “Non-invasive analysis of physiological markers in the early detection of respiratory and peripheral muscle disorders in patients with ventilatory impairment”
- Chloé MARQUES, Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health – CESP (Univ. Paris-Saclay | UVSQ | INSERM): “Towards an exposome assessment of diet: investigating the global effect of the diet in relation to mortality risk in the E3N cohort”
- Mathilde POTTIER, Laboratory for Matter under Extreme Conditions – DAM - LMCE (Univ. Paris-Saclay | CEA): “Study of radiative decay of a nucleus using the Oslo method”
- Harry RAMADASSE, Laboratory for Innovation, Technology, Economics & Management - LITEM (Univ. Paris-Saclay | Univ Evry | IMT-BS): “The transformation of collaborative ways of working in industrial companies: develop the digital intelligence of employees”
- Goran STANAJIC PETROVIC, Laboratory for Drug and Health Technologies - MTS (Univ. Paris-Saclay | CEA | INRAE): “Development of a new nuclear multi-cancer imaging tool using a snake toxin”
- Ekaterina TOMILINA, Laboratory for Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Genomes to the Environment - MaIAGE (Univ. Paris-Saclay | INRAE): “Copula-based network inference for multi-omics data”
- Taher YACOUB, Institute of Integrative Cell Biology - I2BC (Univ. Paris-Saclay | CEA | CNRS): “In silico design of modified and bioconjugated oligonucleotides against Alzheimer's disease target proteins”.
The 2023 edition of the My Thesis in 180 seconds (MT180) competition was organised for the 10th consecutive year by France Universités, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Université Paris-Saclay, in partnership with CASDEN Banque Populaire and MGEN. The competition gives PhD candidates the chance to present their research to a non-expert and diverse audience. Competitors must present their work in French, clearly and concisely but convincingly. All that in just three minutes with the help of a single PowerPoint slide! Thanks to the competition, from basic to applied sciences, the wide range of thesis topics at Université Paris-Saclay are given centre stage!
Watch the final