Lebanese students: exemption of tuition fees for the 2020-2021 academic year
Université Paris-Saclay is implementing an exceptional measure for Lebanese students for the academic year 2020-2021 by exempting them from registration fees. This decision follows the economic and social crisis that Lebanon is currently going through.
The exemption concerns all Lebanese students registered at Université Paris-Saclay for:
- national undergraduate and master’s programmes
- first year of doctoral studies,
- technical studies,
- national degrees in medical and pharmaceutical studies,
- and for undergraduate initial training degrees whose tuition fees are, at the most, equal to those of national degrees.
Text of the decree
The President of Université Paris-Saclay
In view of the Education Code, and in particular articles L. 712-2, L and R. 719-50;
In view of the provisions of Decree n°2019-1131, dated November 5, 2019, establishing Université Paris-Saclay and approving its statutes;
In view of the decision of the Board, dated March 2, 2020, electing Mrs. Sylvie RETAILLEAU president of the University;
Given that the widespread social and economic crisis occurring in Lebanon has placed Lebanese students who are registered, or who wish to register with French higher education institutions, in great difficulty;
Given that a great number of these students are deprived of financial resources, or that their resources have been drastically depreciated;
Given the support that France has decided to offer Lebanon;
Considering that article R. 719-50 gives the President authority to rule on the partial or total exemption of tuition fees for a category of students, within the framework of the general criteria and strategic policy as defined by the board, to a limit of 10 % of registered students, not including those persons mentioned in article R. 719-49 ;
has decided
Single Article
To exempt students of Lebanese nationality of all tuition fees for registration at Université Paris-Saclay for the 2020-2021 academic year. Such exemption applies to registration for national undergraduate and master’s programmes, first year of doctoral studies, technical studies, national degrees in medical and pharmaceutical studies, and for undergraduate initial training degrees whose tuition fees are, at the most, equal to those of national degrees.