The energy transition: the student fair

Education Article published on 15 November 2016 , Updated on 18 February 2020
Workshop WTE - Vers la transition énergétique

The student fair was organized in cooperation with Essonne’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry, on October 4th, 2016. It aimed to facilitate exchanges between students of level Bac + 2 to Bac + 5 (master’s degree) and academic and industrial players, for students to discover their possible orientation and employability.

The forum attracted 210 students, most of them with or soon to have a master's degree, but also from IUT (45). Eight exhibitors welcomed them: Université Paris-Saclay, Air Liquide, AUSY (ETI), CEA, EDF, Enertime (SME), PSA group, Institut VEDECOM. The exchanges were numerous and businesses were very solicited and satisfied with this initiative, which met their expectations. In addition, the CCI Essonne proposed a workshop on job search techniques (including CV writing), which also had a lot of success (145 students).

An assessment of this first experience is underway with the exhibitors and the head of education departments, in order to identify ways of improvement for the next edition.