An Economic Model of Optimal Lockdown, lecture by Prof. Stefano Bosi
Summer School on Biomedical Data Processing and Global Aspects of COVID-19 (6-10 July)
Join the EUGLOH community online from 6 to 10 July for its Summer School on Biomedical Data Processing and Global Aspects of COVID-19. Organized by the University of Szeged, the school is open to Bachelor, Master and PhD students as well as junior and senior scientists from all faculties of the 5 EUGLOH universities.
Through live streaming and video courses in different topics related to the development of transversal skills, the 5-day programme will cover global aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including medical challenges, models for the virus spread, and economic and social consequences.
Stefano Bosi is professor of economics at the University of Evry (associated member of Université Paris-Saclay). He will present his current scientific contribution to the E3 project, launched to develop interdisciplinary research at the crossroad of Ecology, Economics and Epidemiology. The E3 network mainly focuses on the impact of infectious diseases on the real economy and aims at providing policy recommendations. Recent research considers two salient aspects of the current COVID crisis: lockdown and vaccination. The paper “Optimal lockdown in altruistic economies”, written with Carmen Camacho and David Desmarchelier, considers a standard epidemiological model (SIS) and studies the impact of lockdown on the spread of the disease and economic activities. By the same authors, the paper “Optimal vaccination and herd immunity” applies another standard epidemiological model (SIR) to determine the optimal investment in medical research to discover and produce a new vaccine.
If you would like to know more about this research, join Prof. Bosi along with a string of researchers and specialists in a 5-day series of online lectures, teamwork, and networking events.
Students who attend the school will receive a EUGLOH Certificate and 4 ECTS.
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