Buddy Challenge: an innovation contest for the Buddies of Paris-Saclay University
The student association IPEPS responded to the 2020 Buddy Programme Call for Projects launched by the International Welcome Desk of Paris-Saclay University. If you are a member of the Buddy Programme or an international student and you have an idea of an innovative object that could transform our daily life, register to participate in the challenge!
Group training and brainstorming sessions
Whether you have a Buddy or not, you can participate in the Buddy Challenge! It is a great occasion to work on a common project with your Buddy, meet other local and international students and create connections despite the distance! In groups of 2 or 3, you will have to imagine and present in a 3-minute video an innovative object, that does not exist (yet) and could enchance or even transform our daily life.
The object can be realistic or completely fictional and the presentation can be humorous, so have fun creating it!
If you are not inspired yet, you will have the opportunity to attend trainings provided by EPSA, the umbrella association for european pharamacy student associations, on the topics of communication, teamwork and creativity.
An online contest with amazing prizes
The videos created by the different groups will be posted on Facebook by the association IPEPS, so that all students of Paris-Saclay University can vote for their favourite object. This vote will designate the winner of the Public Award but it will not be the only one awarded: the Excellence Award and the IPEPS Award will be attributed to two other projects, respectively by university staff members in charge of the Buddy Programme and by IPEPS members.
What's in it for the winners? Several prizes worth over 300 €, including touch tablets and gift cards for electronic and media stores!
How to participate in the Buddy Challenge?
- Read the rules of the contest
- Apply before March 31st by filliing in this form, alone or in groups of 2 or 3 ;
- Send your video before April 26th at videos.buddychallenge@gmail.com !
If you have any questions, you can contact IPEPS with the folowwing e-mail address: ipeps.asso@universite-paris-saclay.fr