3rd International MOMENTOM Congress: Energy at the crossroads
The 3rd MOMENTOM International Congress “Energy at the crossroads: accelerating innovation in the age of disruption” took place from March 8 to 10 at ENS Paris-Saclay. It brought together more than 200 people from more than 18 different countries.
The congress was an opportunity to discuss the interdisciplinary topic of energy through more than fifty oral communications, six plenary talks and five keynotes given by leading scientists from all fields. The posters sessions allowed the presentation, particularly by students, of current scientific researches. Five students were awarded €500 each for their poster presentations. Graduate schools and interdisciplinary programs of Université Paris-Saclay as well as institutional federations sponsored these prizes.
A session was also devoted to Innovation with pitches from five energy-related startups. H2YAM startup was awarded the "innovation" prize at the congress. We concluded this innovation session with a round table presented by Stanislas Pommeret from CEA and Elsa Couderc from the media “The Conversation”. The round table brought together: Roch Drozdowski-Strehl (IPVF), Sterenn Gernigon (SATT), Bruno Benasson (EDF), Pascal Corbel (Université Paris-Saclay), Philippe Boucly (France Hydrogène).
Three workshops more specifically intended for students were also organized on topics such as writing for popular sciences journals, open science, digital identity or design for a sustainable world.
Thanks to all the participants, the invited speakers, the scientific committee, the sponsors, the students for the help provided and to the entire organizing committee!