2nd edition of the Paris-Saclay Summit – Choose Science

Science and society Article published on 14 January 2025 , Updated on 12 February 2025

Following a successful first edition in 2024, the event is back for a second edition and aims to showcase the role science plays in society. The event will take place from 12 to 13 February 2025 at the EDF Lab (7 boulevard Gaspard Monge à Palaiseau) on the plateau de Saclay.

Science for society

The Paris-Saclay Summit – Choose Science event gives participants access to scientific and technological excellence, in France and internationally, with a top-quality programme in all disciplinary areas: health, climate, energy, artificial intelligence, transport, space exploration, food, environmental transitions…

Organised by the Paris-Saclay conurbation authority, Le Point and the Île-de-France region, with the support of the Essonne department and in partnership with Université Paris-Saclay, the event, which will be held under the high patronage of the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, will call on the area’s scientific and technological reputation to showcase French excellence and the global reach of public and private research.

More than 60 conferences and debates are part of the programme. They aim to:

  • Explore the latest scientific progress
  • Help us to understand the vital role that science has to play to meet major challenges in health, prevention and innovation
  • Provide opportunities to meet Nobel Prize winners, researchers, scientists, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, politicians and experts from Université Paris-Saclay.

Programme and speakers

Visit the event’s webpage to find out more about the conferences and speakers. You can register now to attend the event.

With the following speakers from Université Paris-Saclay:

  • Amandine Aftalion, CNRS research director at the Orsay Mathematics Laboratory (LMO – CNRS/Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Gaëlle Andreatta, CTO and co-founder of the Swiss start-up Apheros, member of the Swiss Innovation Council Innosuisse, PhD in physical chemistry at CEA Paris-Saclay
  • Alain Aspect, Nobel prize in Physics 2022, professor at Institut d’optique Graduate School – Université Paris-Saclay, professor at École Polytechnique – Institut Polytechnique de Paris, emeritus CNRS research director, member of the French Academy of Science
  • Jean-Pierre Bibring, emeritus professor at Université Paris-Saclay at the Institut d’astrophysique spatiale (IAS – Université Paris-Saclay/CNRS)
  • Julien Bobroff, professor at Université Paris-Saclay and researcher at the Laboratory of Solid-State Physics (LPS – Université Paris-Saclay/CNRS)
  • Jean-Benoît Bost, professor at Université Paris-Saclay at the Orsay Mathematics Laboratory (LMO – Université Paris-Saclay/CNRS)
  • Frédéric Bourgeois, professor at Université Paris-Saclay at the Orsay Mathematics Laboratory (LMO – Université Paris-Saclay/CNRS)
  • Sébastien Candel, emeritus professor at CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay, member of the French Academy of Science
  • Nicolas Curien, professor at Université Paris-Saclay at the Orsay Mathematics Laboratory (LMO – Université Paris-Saclay/CNRS)
  • Camille Galap, president of Université Paris-Saclay
  • Jacques Gierak, CNRS research engineer at the Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N – Université Paris-Saclay/CNRS/Université Paris Cité), winner of the 2023 CNRS innovation medal
  • Julien Guihaire, cardiac surgeon at Hôpital Marie Lannelongue, head of the heart transplant and circulatory support programme at Université Paris-Saclay
  • Vincent Lebon, university professor and hospital practitioner (PU-PH) in Nuclear Medicine at Université Paris-Saclay, Deputy Director of CEA-DRF
  • Purificación López García, CNRS research director at the Ecology, Systematics and Evolution Laboratory (ESE – Université Paris-Saclay/CNRS/AgroParisTech)
  • Thomas Mordant, post-doctoral researcher at Université Paris-Saclay at the Orsay Mathematics Laboratory (LMO –Université Paris-Saclay/CNRS)
  • Jeanne Neuffer, lecturer at Université Paris-Saclay, AgroParisTech, INRAE
  • Sébastien Oliveau, geographer and demographer, head of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris-Saclay
  • Sylvie Retailleau, physicist, professor at Université Paris-Saclay, former minister of Higher Education and Research

With the special participation of members of the European university alliance for Global Health, EUGLOH, of which Université Paris-Saclay is a founding member and coordinates. They include:

  • Dag Rune Olsen, rector of UiT The Arctic University of Norway
  • Henrique Barros, professor of epidemiology at Porto University

Practical information

12 to 13 February 2025 EDF Lab - 7 boulevard Gaspard Monge 91120 Palaiseau Access to the Paris-Saclay Summit 2025 via free buses, every 10 minutes, from the RER B or C station at Massy – Palaiseau/Massy TGV station. 12 February between 9.45am and 8.15pm and 13 February between 8.45am and 7.15pm (journey duration: 20 mins)

The Paris-Saclay Summit also gives students the opportunity to meet and work together, learn, debate with experts and present issues which concern them. This commitment to Science & Society aims to make science accessible to all - secondary school students, university students, PhD candidates -, and is part of numerous actions involving Université Paris-Saclay directly.

Inter-university training: Boost your Entrepreneurial Mind, provided by the European University Alliance for Global Health (EUGLOH) and professor Bich-Liên Doan. It will give 40 students from seven universities in Europe to experiment the transformation of a research project (proposed by research teams or companies) into a marketable product.

Speed networking activity with the research world: Research in trainers, provided by S[cube], la Diagonale de l'Université Paris-Saclay, the Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N - CNRS/Université Paris-Saclay/Université Paris-Cité), is an original speed networking activity for PhD candidates and secondary school students, with visits of cutting-edge research laboratories to find out more about research careers, the process of scientific discoveries and the scientific approach.

Testing research: in this activity provided by the Île-de-France Campus of Professions and Qualifications for Sustainable Energy (Campus des Métiers et Qualifications - CMQ), the association Yookan and the Maison d’initiation et de sensibilisation aux sciences d’Orsay, six classes of secondary school students from the Essonne area will take on the role of apprentice researchers. They will get the chance to learn about discoveries by talking with researchers, gain awareness about the economic world and concrete professional realities by meeting with energy professionals. They will take part in a unique immersive experience in energy professions with the help of virtual reality.