2020 Buddy Programme Call for Projects - 5 student associations selected
Within the framework of the Bienvenue en France label, launched by Campus France in 2019, Paris-Saclay University will enable five student associations to implement their projects aimed at participants of the Buddy Programme, its mentoring programme for international students.
A call for projects to feed the Buddies network
On June 30, 2020, Paris-Saclay University launched a call for projects open to all staff members, associations and institutions of the university, with the aim to foster the inclusion of international students and PhD candidates, to create links between students and to promote the university.
Six student associations, from four different institutions, submitted a project for the 2020-2021 academic year, of which 5 will be implemented despite the current health situation:
Paris c’est d’Art, led the UVSQ Chercheurs d’ArTchéologie association: visit of the Rivoli neighbourhood in Paris, initiation to art history with the presentation of Parisian buildings and the creation by each participant of an art-book with drawings and photographs of the city;
Moebius, led by the UVSQ Moca association: organisation of 4 workshops directed by professional artists, followed by an exhibition on the topics of diversity and multiculturalism at the UVSQ Student Centre;
Chasse au trésor parisienne, led by the UVSQ French Me Up association: treasure hunt with pictures in front of Parisian monuments, according to a specific theme, followed by an awards ceremony at the UVSQ Student Centre;
The Buddy Challenge, led by the Faculty of Pharmacy IPEPS association: contest on the topic "Imagine an innovative object that would transform everyday life", with training sessions in French or English by the EPSA and a final presentation as a TedTalk and a closing ceremony, if possible;
Découverte de Paris, by the Faculty of Medicine OKB association: visit of the Museum of the History of Medicine and tour of Paris on foot and by bateau-mouche.
You will find all the information regarding the events here (once launched) and on the Facebook group of the 2020-2021 Buddy Programme.
Buddies of Université Paris-Saclay, we look forward to meeting you at these events!