Laboratoire de recherche en Management (LAREQUOI)
Laboratory supervisorsUVSQ, Université Paris-Saclay
Laboratory website
Laboratory presentation
LAREQUOI is the Management Research Laboratory of the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. It is associated with the ISM (Institut Supérieur de Management). Created in 1998 by Professors Annie Bartoli and Philippe Hermel, LAREQUOI has been recognised since then as a "Welcome Team" (EA n°2452) by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. In this capacity, he supervises the 12 Master's degree courses (including 1 research master's degree) in management sciences.
The research carried out within LAREQUOI is centred around a multidisciplinary approach to management, which leads researchers to combine a wide range of skills, mainly focused on management sciences and more particularly on strategic management, organisation and public management, but enriched by complementary scientific approaches (education, information and communication sciences, sociology and social psychology), to respond to transversal issues.