Laboratoire Analyse et Modélisation pour la Biologie et l'Environnement (LAMBE)
Laboratory supervisorsUniv Evry, Univ Cergy-Pontoise, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay
Laboratory website
Laboratory presentation
The activities of the Laboratoire Analyse et Modélisation pour la Biologie et l''Environnement (Analysis and Modeling Laboratory for Biology and the Environment) are based on multi-disciplinary approaches at the frontier of the following disciplinary fields: analysis, gas-phase physical chemistry, physical chemistry of solutions, physical chemistry of solute-material interfaces, electrochemistry and modeling. The UMR''s skills are complementary, combining experimental and theoretical approaches to tackle problems applied to the Life Sciences and the Environment. These include, for example, the study of specific interactions as well as the one regarding the three-dimensional structure of proteins.