Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin (IJPB)
Laboratory supervisorsINRAE, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay
Laboratory website
Laboratory presentation
The Jean-Pierre Bourgin Institute (IJPB) covers a very wide field of activity, ranging from fundamental works on the development and physiology of plants to finalized research. It is organized in five scientific poles: Dynamics and expression of plant genomes, plants adaptation to the environment, Cell Wall, Function and Uses, Reproduction and seeds, Morphogenesis, Signaling, modeling. They study the evolution and functioning of plant genomes, the response of plants to the constraints of their environment, various fundamental aspects of plant biology, from cell to plant, characterization of various molecules of plant origin (cellulose, Lignins, lipids) and their industrial uses. This work aims at the food and non-food use of plant products, within the framework of a sustainable agriculture. Its teams are strongly involved in the development of a green chemistry that aims to enhance the biomass of vegetable origin.