Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles (ICSN)

Laboratory presentation

With a staff of nearly 200 people, ICSN is the chemistry center of the CNRS campus of Gif-sur-Yvette. The Institute is located on the edge of the future Paris-Saclay campus, which will bring together nearly 10% of French research, and is an integral part of this new University. The ICSN develops activities at the chemistry-biology interface, with natural substances as object of study and main source of inspiration.
Organized in four departments, it has multidisciplinary expertise in organic exploratory chemistry, medicinal chemistry and natural substances, biological chemistry, and structural and analytical biology and chemistry. It relies on state-of-the-art equipment and researchers and engineers with unique know-how.
Internationally, it coordinates numerous national and European research projects. At the origin of many valued patents and startups, the ICSN regularly collaborates with small and large companies in the pharmaceutical and agro-food fields.