Immunologie des maladies virales, auto-immunes, hématologiques et bactériennes (IMVA-HB)
Laboratory supervisorsInserm, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay
Laboratory website
Laboratory presentation
The national infrastructure in Health Biology IDMIT is composed of advanced laboratories allowing i) the development and validation of preclinical models (non-human primates / HNP) of infected animals, ii) tracking and / or discovery of markers molecular and / or cellular aspects of infection, inflammation, iii) study (efficacy, safety), improvement (immunogenicity, biodistribution) of new vaccines and innovative therapeutic solutions, and iv) imaging follow-up vivo transmission, dissemination of pathogens, vaccines, nano-objects, or therapeutic molecules (proteins, peptides, aptamers, microbicides ...). The IDMIT infrastructure is associated with several research and technology development teams located on the Kremlin Bicêtre hospital site, which facilitates the transition from innovative preclinical research to clinical practice. IDMIT benefits from laboratories and class 2, 3 and 3 (aerosol) laboratories allowing studies on non-human primates of many infectious pathogens (viruses, bacteria, parasites), as well as the development of preclinical models in relation with the biology threat. IDMIT notably has new technologies such as flow cytometry coupled to mass spectrometry (CyTof), and is developing a single platform in Europe for in vivo imaging involving non-human primates: optical imaging (biosponium microspie on primates) ), MRI (collaboration with MirCen), nuclear imaging (PET-CT). The presence within IDMIT of OncoDesign (Laboratoire PharmImmune) ensures professionalisation and conformity of the industry type of studies and relations, particularly towards industrial partners. Finally, IDMIT hosts a team (Axénis) from Genoway, a team specializing in the development of humanized mice for their immune system, which makes it possible to test / verify the efficacy of new drugs, vaccines or treatments.