Hémostase, inflammation, thrombose (HITh)
Laboratory supervisorsInserm, Université Paris-Saclay
Laboratory website
Laboratory presentation
The Hemostasis, Inflammation and Thrombosis Unit is interested in the platelets biology and associated cardiovascular diseases. This well-defined research perimeters, hospital involvement and the I2B's technical resources at the Bicêtre hospital site offer high international visibility. It brings together two synergistic teams, each made up of biologists and clinicians. Team 1 studies the physiology of haemostasis and its pathological aspects, focusing particularly on haemorrhagic pathologies, such as hemophilia, Willebrand disease, filaminopathies, gray platelet syndrome or Scott\'s syndrome. In addition, this team is in charge of the nanobodies synthesis, new tools created from antibodies for the study of biological phenomena and the treatment of pathologies. Team 2 is interested in the communication between inflammation and hemostasis and its implications in vascular pathologies as well as in platelet and endothelial calcium homeostasis. Some projects are of a fundamental nature while another aspect aims to develop new therapies.