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Genoscope - DRF/JACOB (GEN)

The 13 latest publications

Title Authors Publication date Source
Low-frequency somatic mutations are heritable in tropical trees Dicorynia guianensis and Sextonia rubra Mélanie Beraud 03/05/24 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Tepidibacter aestuarii sp. nov., isolated from the Bach Dang Estuary, Haiphong, Vietnam Angelina Beavogui, Pedro H. Oliveira 01/01/24 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
Efficient biodegradation of the recalcitrant organochlorine pesticide chlordecone under methanogenic conditions Déborah E. Martin, Delphine Muselet, Hussein Kanso, Pierre Loïc Saaidi 12/10/23 Science of the Total Environment
A paralog of Pcc1 is the fifth core subunit of the KEOPS tRNA-modifying complex in Archaea Violette Da Cunha 12/01/23 Nature Communications
Telomere DNA length regulation is influenced by seasonal temperature differences in short-lived but not in long-lived reef-building corals Q. Carradec, Julie Poulain, J. Lê-Hoang, E. Armstrong, Jean Marc Aury, Patrick Wincker 12/01/23 Nature Communications
Diversity of the Pacific Ocean coral reef microbiome Pedro H. Oliveira, Aude Perdereau, Karine Labadie, Caroline Belser, Julie Poulain, Patrick Wincker 12/01/23 Nature Communications
Ecology of Endozoicomonadaceae in three coral genera across the Pacific Ocean Julie Poulain, Jean Marc Aury, Patrick Wincker 12/01/23 Nature Communications
Host transcriptomic plasticity and photosymbiotic fidelity underpin Pocillopora acclimatization across thermal regimes in the Pacific Ocean E. Armstrong, J. Lê-Hoang, Q. Carradec, Jean Marc Aury, Benjamin Noel, Julie Poulain, Caroline Belser, Corinne Da Silva, Patrick Wincker 12/01/23 Nature Communications
Epistatic interactions between the high pathogenicity island and other iron uptake systems shape Escherichia coli extra-intestinal virulence Guilhem Royer 12/01/23 Nature Communications
Genomic adaptation of giant viruses in polar oceans Tom O. Delmont, Morgan Gaïa, Eric Pelletier 12/01/23 Nature Communications
Airway environment drives the selection of quorum sensing mutants and promote Staphylococcus aureus chronic lifestyle Elodie Ramond 12/01/23 Nature Communications
Open science resources from the Tara Pacific expedition across coral reef and surface ocean ecosystems Julie Poulain, Patrick Wincker 12/01/23 Scientific data
Integrative omics framework for characterization of coral reef ecosystems from the Tara Pacific expedition Caroline Belser, Julie Poulain, Frederick Gavory, Adriana Alberti, Q. Carradec, Corinne Da Silva, Stefan Engelen, Pedro H. Oliveira, Jean Marc Aury, Patrick Wincker 12/01/23 Scientific data

Number of publications of the laboratory by scientific field (2016-2021)

Every paper can be classified in one or more scientific fields. The figure below shows the lab's number of publications in each scientific field, according to the ASJC classification (Elsevier)