Complexité, innovation, activités motrices et sportives (CIAMS)

Laboratory presentation

Research conducted in CIAMS is structured in two teams : Human Movement, Adaptation and Sports Performance (MHAPS) and Sports, Politics, and Social Transformations (SPOTS), about various themes : motor performance, physiology and biomechanics, analysis of performance factors, nutritional strategies linked to sports practice, motor control and coordinations, the intake of pharmacological substances effects, optimization of work retraining among pathological populations, organization of public policies, ...
This research is supported by many facilities (Technology Platform) dedicated to human analysis, located on different places. The societal implications in terms of psychology, sociology and ergonomics (human-machine interactions, sports equipment, etc.) are carried out with academic organizations (mainly with Demenÿ-Vaucanson Federation), and made possible by economics partnership (IBM, ...).