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Centre Pierre Naville, Laboratoire de sociologie (CPN)

Laboratory presentation

Created in 1994, the Centre Pierre Naville (CPN) conducts its scientific activities with the objective of reconciling theoretical and applied research in the fields of sociology of work, employment, training, territorial development and public policies, sociology of scientific and technical innovations and visual and film sociology.

The CPN is in collaboration with partners (companies, local authorities, associations), in particular by training doctoral candidates in CIFRE thesis, future specialists in the sociology of work and organisations, professional training, training-employment relations, new configurations of urban spaces, public policy issues and science-technology-society interactions.

The 20 latest publications

Title Authors Publication date Source
Unions and Mental Health: Knowledge, Practices, Strategies Lucie Goussard, Guillaume Tiffon 01/01/23 Travailler
Small Arrangements with the Law. On the Wage Relationship in Intermediated Employment François Sarfati 01/01/22 Droit et Societe
INTRODUCTION: La bonne gouvernance morale du capitalisme Jean Pierre Durand 01/01/22 Homme et la Societe
Facing the “segregation of professionalisation”. Tactics of apprentices in higher education François Sarfati 01/01/22 Revue Francaise de Pedagogie
Introduction: La professionnalisation des formations scolaires et universitaires, entre discours et mises en œuvre Dominique Glaymann 10/01/21 Formation Emploi
Do co-investment in training and the territorialization of skills make qualifications more professional? Emmanuel Quenson 10/01/21 Formation Emploi
L’accueil, un territoire inclusif. L’exemple de la parentalité Marjorie Micor 01/01/19 Pensee Plurielle
Terrorism financing and money laundering: two sides of the same coin? Frederic Compin 10/01/18 Journal of Financial Crime
Habitat participatif, habitat groupé: Vers une ouverture à la diversité sociale ? Rolande Beurthey 09/01/18 Homme et la Societe
Le documentaire en 360°, un point de vue impossible ? Étude de NYT VR et Arte 360 Réjane Hamus-Vallée 07/03/18 Studies in French Cinema
LEIBNIZ’ MILITARY CONCEPTION OF SOVEREIGNTY Laurynas Adomaitis 05/01/23 History of Political Thought
LEIBNIZ’ MILITARY CONCEPTION OF SOVEREIGNTY Laurynas Adomaitis 05/01/23 History of Political Thought
The French trade unions in the grip of the current context of industrial relations Dominique Glaymann 01/01/18 Sociologia del lavoro
LEIBNIZ’ MILITARY CONCEPTION OF SOVEREIGNTY Laurynas Adomaitis 05/01/23 History of Political Thought
Présentation de l'ouvrage de Ph. Bihouix et K. Mauvilly (2016), Le désastre de l'école numérique. Plaidoyer pour une école sans écrans Mélanie Guyonvarch 07/01/17 Formation Emploi
Financement du terrorisme et blanchiment de capitaux : Liaisons dangereuses ou manipulations d'État ? Frederic Compin 10/05/16 Homme et la Societe
LEIBNIZ’ MILITARY CONCEPTION OF SOVEREIGNTY Laurynas Adomaitis 05/01/23 History of Political Thought
The Hidden Dimensions of Open Plan Offices: The Case of Call Centre Agents Jérôme Cihuelo 01/01/16 Sociologie du Travail
Quand le travail déborde...: La pénibilité du surtravail à domicile des chercheurs de l'industrie énergétique Lucie Goussard, Guillaume Tiffon 01/01/16 Travail et Emploi
LEIBNIZ’ MILITARY CONCEPTION OF SOVEREIGNTY Laurynas Adomaitis 05/01/23 History of Political Thought

Number of publications of the laboratory by scientific field (2016-2021)

Every paper can be classified in one or more scientific fields. The figure below shows the lab's number of publications in each scientific field, according to the ASJC classification (Elsevier)