Julien Bobroff

Laboratory: Physique des Solides 
Université Paris-Saclay

Phone : 33 1 69 15 53 36
Email : julien.bobroff@u-psud.fr


I am a physicist and professor at Université Paris-Sud (Orsay). I have been leading the research team La Physique Autrement (“Physics differently”) at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (CNRS and Université Paris-Sud) since 2013. We are working on new ways to popularise or teach physics, especially quantum physics. Before that, from 1994 to 2013, I worked in the team Nouveaux états de la matière (“New states of matter”) to study the quantum properties of matter at low temperatures, in particular superconductors and quantum magnets.

  • Research topics: Popularisation, pedagogical innovation, didactics
  • Research area: Popularisation of quantum physics
  • Key words: Popularisation, quantum, design, illustration, pedagogical innovation


Important publications

  • « Reimagining Physics », Nature Nanotechnology 496,12 (2017)
  • "Objets de médiation de la science et objets de design. Le cas du projet « Design Quantique » ", C. Jutant et J. Bobroff, Communication et Langage 9 183 (2015)
  • « Design and Interdisciplinarity: the improbable introduction of" fundamental physics" in a design school. », A.Gentes, A.L. Renon, J. Bobroff, in Design Research Society (juin 2016)
  • " A project-based course about outreach in a physics curriculum », J. Bobroff, F. Bouquet, Eur. J. Phys. 37 045704 (2016)
  •  « Donner à voir la physique autrement », Reflets de la physique, 42 26 (2015) 
  • “NMR in the 245 iron-selenides Rb0.74Fe1.6Se2: Phase separation between an antiferromagnet and a superconducting Rb0.3Fe2Se2” Y. Texier, J. Deisenhofer, V. Tsurkan, A. Loidl, D. S. Inosov, G. Friemel, J. Bobroff, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 237002 (2012) 
  • “Defects in correlated metals and superconductors” H. Alloul, J. Bobroff, M. Gabay and P. Hirschfeld, Rev. Mod. Phys., 81, 45 (2009)
  • “Impurity-induced magnetic order in low dimensional spin gapped materials” J. Bobroff, N.Laflorencie, L.K.Alexander, A.V. Mahajan, B. Koteswararao and P.Mendels, Phys Rev Lett 103, 047201 (2009)