Julien Bobroff

Laboratory: Physique des Solides
Université Paris-Saclay
Phone : 33 1 69 15 53 36
Email : julien.bobroff@u-psud.fr
I am a physicist and professor at Université Paris-Sud (Orsay). I have been leading the research team La Physique Autrement (“Physics differently”) at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides (CNRS and Université Paris-Sud) since 2013. We are working on new ways to popularise or teach physics, especially quantum physics. Before that, from 1994 to 2013, I worked in the team Nouveaux états de la matière (“New states of matter”) to study the quantum properties of matter at low temperatures, in particular superconductors and quantum magnets.
- Research topics: Popularisation, pedagogical innovation, didactics
- Research area: Popularisation of quantum physics
- Key words: Popularisation, quantum, design, illustration, pedagogical innovation
Important publications