Internships in Europe (Erasmus+ programme)
Going abroad is a unique opportunity to discover another country, another culture and a foreign language. When you complete an internship abroad, you can benefit from an international professional experience, which will be a real asset to your CV.
With the Erasmus+ programme, you can complete an internship in Europe at a higher education and research institute but also within a company, an association or even a community. You can complete an internship at a university even when it has no standing agreement with Université Paris-Saclay. Find out the available opportunities for an internship in Europe on this dedicated page.
You can complete an internship with the Erasmus+programme in one of the 27 member countries of the European Union as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and, just recently, Serbia.
For the 2021-2022 academic year, the United Kingdom is still part of the Erasmus programme+. You can thus complete an internship in the UK and benefit from an Erasmus+ scholarship.
- You must be registered at Université Paris-Saclay (main registration): Jean Monnet Faculty (Law, Economics, Management), Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmay, Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Polytech Paris-Saclay, Cachan Technical Institute, Orsay Technical Institute, Sceaux Technical Institute.
- Your internship must last between 2 and 6 months.
If you complete a study period abroad and an internship abroad within the same academic year, the whole duration of both mobility experiences must not exceed 12 months. - You must sign a tripartite internship agreement
- Through your professors: talk to them about your internship project. Through their research, they are in contact with many researchers in international labs. You can also contact your mobility officer.
- Through the internships office of the university that publishes internship opportunities in France and abroad.
- Look at the programmes and agreements available below for internship opportunities aborad reserved for students of the constituent faculties and institutes of Université Paris-Saclay who can benefit from financial support.
- By exploring the internet and asking around you.
Certain platforms list internship opportunities:
- Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland): https://erasmus.amu.edu.pl/en/internships
- Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) (Faculty of Science) : https://ciencias.ulisboa.pt/pt/erasmus-traineeship-offers
- www.erasmusintern.org
- www.praxisnetwork.eu
- www.eurodesk.eu
- Eugoguidance brochure to internships in Europe
Contact your course director by email or the mobility officer of your faculty to talk about your project.
Find your internship
- Establish your internship contract and complete the Erasmus+ annex
Declare your mobility online by filling in the "Declare your 2022/23 internship mobility" on the portal for outgoing students.
Apply for your European Healthcare card (CEAM) and get in touch with your insurance to get a public liability insurance certificate for the host country. More information below under Insurance.
Download, complete, sign and send by post your mobility contract. This contract is mandatory to enter the Erasmus+ programme. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD IT
Find out about available funding opportunities and apply at the latest 2 weeks before your departure for financial support on the portal for outgoing students.
Take the language test online. As soon as the International and European Affairs Office has received your application, you will be sent an automatic e-mail to take your OLS language test (complusory). Regardless of our level, this test will not prevent you from doing your internship abroad. Find out more on the OLS - Online Linguistic Support of the Erasmus+ programme. Do not hesitate to follow the language classes offered on the OLS platform.
- Connect to the portal for outgoing students and fill in the form entitled "complete your application file" to upload your signed, stamped and dated certificate of attendance by your internship manager (part 1 - Upon arrival). This compulsory document will enable you to receive the first instalment of your scholarship.
Upon reception of your certificate of attendance, and subject to your application file being complete, you will receive a first instalment representing 70% of your scholarship.
- Connect to the portal for outgoing students and fill in the form entitled "complete your application file" to upload your signed, stamped and dated certificate of attendance by your internship manager (part 2 - Upon departure).
- Take another language test (OLS) by following the link that will be sent to you by email.
- Within the Erasmus+ programme, you must fill in a mobility report online. In order to write this report, a link will be sent to you. The report must be filled in within 30 days. Once your report has been submitted, you will receive the second instalment of your scholarship.
- European Healthcare Card (Carte Européenne d’assurance maladie - CEAM)
- The CEAM card is compulsory for your healthcare costs to be handled in Europe.
- The CEAM card is FREE. It is personal and nominative.
- You must ask for the card with your health insurance company at least 20 days before your departure. To ask for your CEAM card, go to your personal Ameli.fr space - You must take out public liability insurance valid throughout your stay abroad
- Public liability insurance is the minimum guaranty included in all insurance policies. In case of an incident (caused voluntarily or involuntarily), the victim of the incident will receive compensation. Without insurance, in case of an incident, you may have to pay high compensation fees.
- All students travelling abroad within the framework of their studies must take out public liability insurance that is valid throughout their stay abroad.
- Contact your insurance company before your departure.
You must have both the CEAM card and public liability insurance before your departure to ensure you are covered abroad and to apply for financial support.
OLS or Online Linguistic Support is a platform provided by the European Commission to help participants of the Erasmus + programme to prepare their mobility and reinforce their mastery of foreign languages. The OLS test is required by the Erasmus + agency before any mobility! It will enable the agency to evaluate your level in the language of your host country before your departure and upon your return.
Not only does the platform enable you to evaluate your level but you can follow language courses in all European languages. This functionality is entirely free and can help you reinforce your language skills before your departure.
Click here to know more about the procedure to follow for an internship outside Europe.
Department for International and European Affairs
Université Paris-Saclay
Bâtiment 300
Rue du Château
91405 Orsay Cedex
For any questions related to internships abroad, contact your mobility officer.
If you are a Université Paris-Saclay student and would like to go on a mobility experience, contact outgoing.international@universite-paris-saclay.fr