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International Welcome Desk - Appointments

If you are having issues in your administrative procedures (residence permit renewal, registration for social security, registration for the CAF...), you can make an appointment with us during the academic year to receive support.

By contacting the International Welcome Desk, you accept our terms and conditions for the use of personal data.

The GATE is now closed for the academic year 2023/2024 but the support in administrative procedures for international students, PhD students and researchers continues during the semester.

If you are a PhD student or a researcher, you can contact Science Accueil.

If you are an international student of Université Paris-Saclay, please read the information below.

The International Welcome Desk of Université Paris-Saclay provides support in administrative procedures during in-person or online appointments. If you have questions or issues regarding health coverage (CPAM), housing allowances (CAF), residence permit (ANEF) or other student life matters, you can get more information and make an appointment online via our website.

You can make an appointment online or in person (building 300, 300 rue du Château in Orsay) via the form below.

Please note that the data collected via this form may be used to contact you for the appointment and, with your authorisation, to contact relevant organisations to solve an issue in your administrative procedures.

Reminder: the renewal of the student residence permit (VLS-TS) must be requested 2 to 3 months before the current residence permit expires. You can make an appointment with the International Welcome Desk to check the supporting documents before you submit the renewal request.

The CAF is available for appointments at the Science Accueil office (18 Mail Pierre Potier, entrée rue Jules Horowitz, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette). You can make an appointment online.