The international co-supervision of doctorate

The responsibility for the scientific supervision of the doctoral project of the doctoral student is shared within the framework of international co-supervision. The proposal to share the scientific supervision of the doctoral project is subject to the decision of the President Université Paris-Saclay, on the proposal of the director of the doctoral school.

The scientific supervision of the doctoral project is ensured, within the framework of an agreement, in the form of co-supervision, between the thesis supervisor who bears academic responsibility for  Université Paris-Saclay and a thesis supervisor belonging to a foreign institution, meeting the conditions set out in articles 10-1-4 to 10-1-9 of the Internal Regulations.

The international co-supervision of doctorate contributes to the development or strengthening of links between French and international research teams.

An international co-supervisor agreement must be set up by the doctoral school if your registered institution is Université Paris-Saclay, where the doctoral student will follow the doctoral training, defend his/her thesis and obtain his/her diploma.

Intern regulations for doctorate

The eligibilty criteria

The eligibility criteria for an international co-supervision of doctorate are the same as those required to apply for a doctorate without specific arrangements.
Before taking any administrative steps, you must ensure that you :

  1. Have been admitted to the first year of your doctorate by one of the doctoral schools of Université Paris-Saclay
  2. Have a thesis supervisor (qualified to supervise research, holder of an authorisation to supervise research or equivalent) in France and a thesis supervisor at the partner institution who undertakes to supervise your thesis.
  • During your doctorate under international co-supervision, it is appreciated to spend at least 3 months at the partner institution.

NB: If the home university is not Université Paris-Saclay, the partner can propose its model agreement to our doctoral schools.

The implementation of the agreement

The principal thesis supervisor and the doctoral student contact the doctoral school to learn more the modalities of setting-up the agreement.


The principal supervisor, the supervisor of the partner institution and the doctoral student fill in the necessary information and send the agreement to the doctoral school to which they are belonging to.

The international co-supervision agreement is proposed to the partner institution by the co-supervisor. Once the agreement has been approved by both parties, the doctoral school forwards it to the Maison du doctorat.  
The signing process may be initiated either :

  1. By using the digital signature pad to issue certified electronic signatures
  2. By issuing original signatures on the paper version of the agreement.

The signed agreement will be sent by the Maison du doctorat to the doctoral school, which will send it to the partner institution, the thesis supervisors and the doctoral student.

The documentation

Visualize the procedure

The administrative contacts