Individual PhD student monitoring committee (CSI)
Individual PhD student monitorinf committees (comité de suivi individuel des doctorants - CSI) were introduced into national regulations in 2016, at the behest of PhD sudent representatives.
In 2021, after a five-year observation period, the National Network of Doctoral College (Réseau national des collèges doctoraux - RNCD) conducted a PhD students and supervisors national survey. It included a section about the monitoring committees (pages 57 to 61) which showed that these committees were highly appreciated by PhD students and led to identify a series of recommendations to improve them.
Why this guide ?
In 2022, the 2016 decree and the national legislation were revised. A new national monitoring committee framework resulte from it, which incorporates a large part of the recommended and led us to make change the functioning of monitoring committees of th Université Paris-Saclay. The guide provides information on the rules and procedures in force.
Responses to this survey also highlighted the importance of supporting the members of the monitoring committes in their mission. One of the recommendations of this investigation report was to provide a guide to the members of these committees to clearly explain what is expected of them, to recall the rules applying to the organization ad operation of these committees, and to povide resources and answers to frequently asked questions.
This guide was developed jointly by the assembly of doctoral schools directors and the assembly of PhD students representatives of the Université Paris-Saclay.

The guide and other resources
- The individual PhD students monitoring committee guide of the Université Paris-Saclay is ment for members of the monitoring committees and for the PhD students.
- The confidentiality agreement model, for the members of monitoring committees, if the research work is of a confidential nature (English version coming)
- The questionnaire for evaluating links of interest lets prospective members of committes to check the links they may have with the actors of a doctoral project, and thus to ensuring that the impartiality and objectivity point of view of the committee (English version coming)
- The individual monitoring committee booklet includes monitoring committee report template, and the progress report portfolio template (English version coming)