GS MRES : Multidisciplinary Junior Conference

You are currently studying in a undergraduate (L3), graduate (M1, M2), engineering or normalien program, this is for you!!


The Métiers de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement Supérieur (MRES) Graduate School is organizing its third edition of the Université Paris-Saclay Multidisciplinary Junior Conference on Thursday, May 23, 2024 in the afternoon.

This conference aims to showcase research projects carried out by students within the various programs across every institution, department and associated university composing Université Paris-Saclay. This event will be an opportunity for the student community and their supervisors to meet and exchange ideas about research projects.

The conference will feature presentations from all disciplinary fields and all programs in order to explore and share each other's projects.

Take a look at the promotional video!

Past editions

The first edition of the Université Paris-Saclay Multidisciplinary Junior Conference was held on Thursday June 2, 2022 in the afternoon.

The conference showcased 49 oral presentations, 48 posters and 21 pre-recorded videos

Congratulation to all participants and prize winners!

Each prize recipient (group or individual) won a coaching session for writing a popular science article in the first issue of the Junior Journal, as well as a gift voucher.

2022 prize winners

Take a look back at that day


affiche du congrès junior pluridisciplinaire 2023

The second edition of the Université Paris-Saclay Multidisciplinary Junior Conference was held on Thursday June 8, 2023 in the afternoon.

The conference showcased 54 oral presentations, 31 posters and 11 pre-recorded videos

Congratulation to all participants and prize winners!


Each prize recipient (group or individual) won a coaching session for writing a popular science article in the first issue of the Junior Journal, as well as a gift voucher.

2022 prize winners

Take a look back at that day

Click to watch the recording from the Alain Aspect Auditorium

Click to watch the recording from the first Simondon Auditorium (English)

Click to watch the recording from the second Simondon Auditorium (French)

A look back at the conference on 23 May 2024!

The third edition of the University of Paris-Saclay's multidisciplinary junior conference was held on the afternoon of Thursday 23 May 2024.

We were delighted to see 50 oral presentations, 23 posters and 11 pre-recorded videos.

The organising committee would like to thank all the participants for the quality of their presentations.

The committee would also like to thank all the spectators who came to support the students.

To watch the conference again and again

The plenary session from 1.30pm to 4.15pm:

Amphitheatre Alain Aspect session in french

Parallel sessions from 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. :

Amphitheatre Alain Aspect session in french

Amphitheatre G. Simondon 1 session in english

Amphitheatre G. Simondon 2 session in french

Thank you to everyone who helped organise and run this afternoon's event.

We invite you to complete a quick survey:



Congratulations to all the students shortlisted for the People's Favourite award and the committee's selections!

Each selected participant (individual or group) wins coaching to write a popular science article for publication in the third issue of the Junior Journal, as well as a gift voucher.

Photo of the winners on the day of the conference (coming soon)


Venue: ENS Paris-Saclay - 4 avenue des sciences - 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

Room: Hall Emmy Noether - Amphithéâtre Alain Aspect - Espace Simondon

  • 12:30-13:30: Poster session, welcome for participants and spectators, coffee - Hall Emmy Noether
  • 1.30-2pm: Institutional speeches - Amphithéâtre Alain Aspect
  • 2pm-4.15pm: Plenary session with oral presentations and pre-recorded videos - Amphithéâtre Alain Aspect
  • 4.15pm-4.30pm: Coffee - Emmy Noether Hall
  • 16h30-17h30: Poster session (16h30-17h even numbers and 17h-17h30 odd numbers) - Hall Emmy Noether
  • 17h30-19h30: 3 parallel sessions (one in English) with oral presentations and pre-recorded videos - Alain Aspect amphitheatre and the 2 lecture theatres in the Simondon space
  • 7.30-8.30pm: Poster session and cocktail reception - Hall Emmy Noether
  • From 8.30pm: Awards ceremony - Hall Emmy Noether

Conference programm

The conference program can be consulted from the following files. It shows the breakdown of the different sessions and the schedule for each half-day session.

 Link to summaries of projects presented

List of pre-recorded videos in contention for a prize

You can now watch all the videos from the conference and choose the one you like best to win the Audience Favourite Award!

You can vote in the box below.

  • Éloé DUBUS, Chemisty PhD student, ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Yousna ABOUDOU, Master 2 student, Université Paris-Saclay
  • Laury BATISTA, Physics PhD student, Université Paris-Saclay
  • Théo BEGUIN, Chemisty PhD student, Université Paris-Saclay
  • Guillaume BLONDY, Chemisty PhD student, Université Paris-Saclay
  • Léa CHOCRON, Chemisty PhD student, ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Éloé DUBUS, Chemisty PhD student, ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Léa ESTOURNET, Master 2 student, Université Paris-Saclay
  • Agnès GANET, Linguistics PhD student, ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Audrey GOSSET, Linguistics PhD student, ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Hélène LUBRANO DI SCAMPAMORTE, Neuroscience PhD student, ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Salomé NCOLAS, Chemisty PhD student, Université Paris-Saclay
  • Mélanie PIETRI, Physics PhD student, ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Audrey POLLIEN, Master 1 student, ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Daniela TORRES DIAZ, Chemisty PhD student, Université Paris-Saclay

The Junior Conference will take place in the Alain Aspect Auditorium at ENS Paris-Saclay

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More information

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