R&D Infrastructures - Institute for the Sciences of Light
A very large number of world-class facilities (SOLEIL Synchrotron, IR free-electron laser, X-UV attosecond laser facility, C2N nanotechnology center) are located on the Paris-Saclay campus.
- CeMOX facility (LCF)
- Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology (C2N)
- CLIO facility (ICP)
- ELYSE facility (ICP)
- FLAG facility (ICMMO)
- MIRCOS facility (DOTA)
- NANOLIGHT facility (LIDYL)
- Onda facility (DOTA)
- Platform for Integration and Testing (PIT) (OVSQ)
- Synchrotron SOLEIL (SOLEIL)
- UHI100 facility (LIDYL)