Research - Graduate School Computer Science

The Graduate School of Computer Science trains tomorrow’s engineers and researchers, capable of facing the main challenges of digital technology: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Cyber-Security, Quantum Computing, etc.


With 22 laboratories bringing together 1,000 researchers and engineers in Computer Science and Digital Science, it represents nearly 12% of the research potential in this field in France. It offers a unique environment bringing together themes at the heart of tdigital sciences (algorithmics, programming and software engineering, formal modeling, artificial intelligence, data science, human-machine interaction, networks, architecture of machines and systems... ) and other related disciplineswith the other Graduate Schools of Université Paris-Saclay: bioinformatics (with GS LSH), automation, signal processing, robotics and telecommunications (with GS Engineering), theoretical computer science (with GS Maths).

The Graduate School works with several research centers to carry out large-scale actions across its laboratories: the DATAIA institute and the Center for Data Science (CDS) which federate and lead research in Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences at Paris-Saclay, the federation  Demenÿ-Vaucanson for research on movement sciences, the Digicosme Labex, co-animated with the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, or even the IRT SystemX .

The Graduate School’s research teams also contribute to major initiatives of the national scientific policy, on the Paris-Saclay campus. For example, the Digiscope team , the institute for control and decision ( ICODE ) or the Vedecom institute . 

The first French ecosystem in AI, the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of the University Paris-Saclay. brings together the multidisciplinary expertise of its partners and boosts their collective strength in research in AI, data science, and their societal impacts.


The Laboratory of Excellence in Computer Science of the University Paris-Saclay and the Polytechnic Institute of Paris focuses on three themes: reliability and security, network management and massive big data science.


The SystemX Technological Research Institute (IRT) brings together industrial and academic partners. It develops applied research projects for the digital transformation of industry, services and territories.

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