Organisation of the GS Computer Science

Director : Nicolas Sabouret (Orsay, LISN)
Former student of ENS Saclay, doctor of Université Paris-Saclay, professor at the Faculty of Sciences of Orsay and teacher at Centrale Supélec, Nicolas Sabouret conducts his research at LISN, in the field of artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction. His goal as head of the Graduate School is to promote meetings and exchanges between the members of the University. He says: “Building our GS is the opportunity to pool our strengths and build new collaborations in research and teaching, for our students and for our entire scientific community. I want us to build together tomorrow's computer science research and education

Executive Assistant : Nathalie Limonta
Nathalie Limonta is the Assistant Director of the Graduate School of Computer Science and Chemistry since 01 June 2021. With a strong professional background in general administration, her role is to assist the Director in the steering and management of the GS; she also ensures, under the direction of the Vice-Dean Research of the FSO, the follow-up of research activities, the organization of doctoral studies; She contributes to the administrative and financial steering of the research budget of the faculty and the 5 GS that the faculty coordinates.

Deputy director in charge of Training : Karine Zeitouni (UVSQ, DAVID)
Karine Zeitouni is professor at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin and at IUT of Vélizy-Rambouillet. She conducts her research at DAVID where she leads the Big Data research team. She teaches undergraduate students (IUT) as well as master students. As deputy director in charge of training, her main objective is the promotion and enhancement of all master courses in the Graduate School of Computer Science, as well as the coordination of our training offer with all actors of Université Paris-Saclay. She pays attention to the coordination between our master courses and the new structure of undergraduate studies at the Univeristy. In addition to monitoring and steering all aspects of training in the Graduate School, her mission is to coordinate the action of the Graduate School with the academic bodies: CFVU, college of Masters, national authorities to support training actions (calls for projects, mobility grants, educational tools, etc).

Deputy director in charge of Research : Stefan Haar (Inria, LMF)
After his graduation in Hamburg’s University and master and doctorate studies in Germany and the United States, Stefan Haar is now research director at Inria, head of the MEXICO project team and member of the LMF laboratory. His research focuses on formal methods for complex systems in computer science, automation and biology. He also teaches at ENS Saclay and Faculté des Sciences d’Orsay. His role as deputy director in charge of research is to encourage and facilitate the development of new research cooperation between the numerous structures of Paris-Saclay, inside and outside of the University, as well as the emergence of new promising research themes.
Training Manager :

Deputy director in charge of International Relations : Nazim Agoulmine (UEVE, IBISC)
Nazim Agoulmine is professor at University of Evry where he holds the position of vice-president for International Relations. His research is in the field of computer networks. He is the academic manager of the "campus life" working group of the European University EUGLOH. His role in the Graduate School is to build the international relation strategy to create international development opportunities for all members (training, research, value creation). This also involves initiating and coordinating IR actions with members of the Graduate School and other members of Université Paris-Saclay (DRIE / other GS / etc.)

Deputy director in charge of student activities : Dominique Quadri (FSO, LISN)
Dominique Quadri is professor at Université Paris-Saclay, Faculté des Sciences d’Orsay, where she leads the Computer Science department since December 2019. Her research at LISN focuses on non-linear mathematical programming applied to networks. Her role in the Graduate School is to make the connection between undergraduate and graduate studies and to boost student life within Université Paris-Saclay with all the operators of the Graduate School.
Deputy director in charge of finances : Yolaine Bourda (CentraleSupélec, LISN)
Graduate of the University of Bordeaux, France, Yolaine Bourda is professor at CentraleSupélec, She was head of the tcomputer science department from 2004 to 2021. Her research work at LISN focuses on knowledge representation and technology-enhanced learning (TEL). Her role in the Graduate School is to ensure the good management of the budget, in full transparency and in collaboration with the management and communication team.

Deputy director in charge of interdisciplinarity : Sylvie Le Hegarat (Polytech Paris-Saclay, SATIE)
Doctor in Signal and Image from Télécom Paris Tech (1996) and HDR from the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin (2005), Sylvie Le Hegarat is professor at Université Paris-Saclay since 2006. Her research focuses on reasoning under uncertainty and machine learning applied to pattern recognition, computer vision and data fusion. She is a member of CNU 61, member of the committee at ED STIC and HDR advisor for all candidates in the domain of signal processing at Université Paris-Saclay. Her role in the Graduate School is to ensure the interface with the other disciplines of the university.
Deputy director in charge of value creation : Julien Signoles (CEA, LIST)
Doctor in Computer Science from Université Paris-Saclay (2006), research engineer at CEA LIST since 2007 and HDR since 2018, Julien Signoles is an expert in formal methods for software safety and security. He has contributed to many collaborative research projects and R&D partnerships with industry. He is the scientific director of the Department of Software and Systems Engineering (DILS) at CEA. Hi role in the Graduate School will be to promote the valuation of the activities of its members to allow fruitful partnerships, in particular with companies, with the aim of facilitating the transfer of knowledge and technologies.
Deputy director in charge of undergraduate studies : Anne Vilnat (IUT Orsay, LISN)
Professor at Université Paris-Saclay, in the Computer Science Department of the IUT of Orsay, Anne Vilnat works at LISN. Her research field is Automatic Language Processing. Her vision of the Graduate School is to support the representation of each of the components of our University, not only in Research but also in Training, so that all, teachers or students, can be part of it.
Operators representatives
- Agro-ParisTech : Antoine Cornuejols
- CEA : Julien Signoles
- CentraleSupélec : Olivier Gicquel
- CNRS : Olivier Serre et Nathalie Aubrun (suppléante)
- ENS Paris-Saclay : Serge Haddad
- Faculté des Sciences d’Orsay : Dominique Quadri
- INRAE : Claire Nédellec
- Inria : Sylvie Boldo
- ONERA : Philippe Bidaut et Alain Refloch (suppléant)
- UEVE : Jean-Christophe Janodet
- UVSQ : Laurent Dumas
Training representatives
- the STIC Doctorate School : Alain Denise
- Master in bioinformatics : Sarah Cohen-Boulakia
- Master in computer science : Serenella Cerrito et Fatiha Saïs (supléante)
- Master MIAGE : Frédérique Blondel
Laboratories representatives
- Evry Place : Jean-Christophe Janodet
- Saclay Place : Sarah Cohen-Boulakia
- Versailles Place : Philippe Pucheral
Représentatives of the management team of the Graduate School
- Director : Nicolas Sabouret
- Deputy director training : Karine Zeitouni
- Deputy director research : Stefan Haar
Membres élus A
- Anne Vilnat
- Nazim Agoulmine
- Véronique Veque
- Dominique Barth
- Feng Chu
- Franck Ledoux
- Sylvie Le Hegarat
- Nadjib Ait Saadi
- Évelyne Contejean
- Pablo Arrighi
Membres élus B
- Nicolas Gac
- Zoubida Kedad
- Sergiu Ivanov
- Emmanuelle Frenoux
- Adrien Roussel
- Leila Kloul
- Benjamin Hellouin
- Lila Boukhatem
- David Baelde
- Lina Ye
Membres élus IT
- Nicolas Courtay
- Cindy Bielande
Members elected users, sub-collège doctoral students
- Nazarii Ivaniuk Titulaire
- Tassadit Rebrak Titulaire
- Amine Atek Titulaire
- Letitia Ait Mouffok Suppléante
- Yacine Mokthari Suppléant
Nominated members
- Florian GOSSELIN
- Jeanne VEZIEN