The Chemistry Graduate School’s : Research
A comprehensive research environment
The Chemistry Graduate School’s research programme is made up of 36 contributing research facilities from 12 operators in the Université Paris-Saclay community. The GS Chemistry provides a comprehensive research environment covering numerous areas in chemical science and its applications. The training subjects leading to and via research are carried out in conjunction with the education and professional integration programme, thus ensuring an education/research continuum and personalised education/research/innovation programmes. The development of projects within the GS Chemistry on emerging subjects or those to be consolidated require the use of both disciplinary AND transdisciplinary skills.
As a result, this approach covers not only the core activities of Chemistry, but also the upstream and downstream sectors of the development of chemical transformations.
The overall approach focuses on Chemistry from the fundamental to sustainable, guided by the key concepts of atom, step and energy economy. This approach is underpinned by internationally recognised research excellence in fundamental and applied chemistry. The activities of the GS Chemistry cover the entire value chain from raw materials, analysis and processing tools to the production of consumer goods or technological advances.
A wide range of applications for innovation in chemical science, from human and animal health, wellbeing (perfumes, cosmetics), energy, the environment, heritage science and consumer goods, reflects the activities and skills and expertise employed by the GS Chemistry teams to meet major societal challenges.
The activities of the GS research and education teams are based on two strategic components: a disciplinary programme without pre-defined themes based on a competency-based approach, and cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary areas of focus.
Programme without pre-defined themes
The ‘blank’ disciplinary programme consists of three thematic areas of focus. For each of them, training elements from the Chemistry Master's degree, as well as a component from the DS, make up their educational base leading to and through research, allowing the development of a genuine education/research continuum
Component 1: Physical and Analytical Chemistry: elementary reactions, experimental and theoretical approaches
Component 1 is structured around the key objectives of i) the control of multiscale phenomena, ii) the development of final methods and processes, iii) the understanding of formation mechanisms and the effect on the surrounding environment, in particular via the interaction of light/radiation with chemical/biological entities.
Component 2: Inorganic, coordination and materials chemistry: Interfaces and nanoscience
Component 2 is defined by the following thematic fields: i) Inorganic, bioinorganic, coordination, solid state, hybrid materials and systems chemistry, ii) Nano-Chemistry iii) Flexible materials, polymers, solgels and soft matter, iv) Metallurgy v) Thin film, surface and sensor chemistry, vi) Heterogeneous catalysis, vii) Reactivity at interfaces and electrochemistry
Component 3: Organic chemistry: design and synthesis of multifunctional molecular structures.
Component 3 focuses on the following key terms: (i) design/engineering/synthesis of molecules, (ii) CC C-X bonding, (iii) green and sustainable chemistry, renewable resources, (iv) synthesis of molecular tools for biochemistry, (v) electrosynthesis, (vi) catalysis and (vii) supra- and macromolecular
chemistry. Component 3 also covers aspects of synthesis methods from small molecules to complex molecular structures.
Areas of focus and cross-disciplinary programmes
Several areas of focus and cross-disciplinary programmes and interdisciplinary programmes are available. Each is based on the expertise and profile of the key actors, large-scale projects, existing training programmes or those under construction in relation to identified needs and in connection with issues in Chemistry and challenges at the interfaces. Each is consistent with the economic development priorities of Université Paris-Saclay.
- Health, well-being and living
- Materials for the future
- Energy: processes, production, transfer, storage
- Resources, environment, catalysis
Chemistry is of course at the heart of major societal challenges relating to energy, the environment and health, and is completely in line with the strategy at Université Paris-Saclay and is delivered in partnership with the other Graduate schools within the community.
The GS Chemistry also benefits from an instrument park and first-rate facilities to support any research being carried out by participating teams and laboratories. The innovations and technological breakthroughs developed represent a strong potential for development which reflects the enthusiasm and creativity of the researchers and teams involved in the GS Chemistry
The research teams
The research potential of the GS Chemistry is based on 73 teams comprised of about 950 permanent staff including researchers, academic staff, engineers and technicians.
There are 36 participating laboratories grouped by supervisory authority within the GS Chemistry community:
- Biomolécules : Conception, Isolement, Synthèse - BIOCIS (UMR 8076) : UPSaclay – CNRS
- Laboratoire d’Imagerie Biomédicale Multimodale Paris Saclay - BioMaps (UMR 9011) : UPSaclay – CEA – CNRS – INSERM
- Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Développement - CIRED (UMR 8568) : CNRS – Ecole des Ponts ParisTech – CIRAD – AgroParisTech – EHESS
- Centre for Economics at Paris-Saclay - CEPS : Université d’Evry – ENS Paris-Saclay – UPSaclay – Maison des Sciences de l’Homme
- Chimie et Modélisation pour la Biologie du Cancer - CMBC (UMR 9187/U1187) : Institut Curie – CNRS – INSERM – UPSaclay
- Département Aérodynamique, aéroélasticité, acoustique - DAAA : ONERA
- Département Matériaux et structures - DMAS : ONERA
- Département Multi-physique pour l'énergétique - DMPE : ONERA
- Groupe D’étude De La Matière Condensée - GEMAC (UMR 8635) : Université Versailles-Saint-Quentin (UVSQ) – CNRS
- Génomique Métabolique du Génoscope - Génoscope (UMR 8030) : CEA – CNRS – Université d’Evry
- Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell - I2BC (service SB2SM) (UMR 9198) : CEA – CNRS – UPSaclay
- Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale - IAS (UMR 8617) : CNRS – UPSaclay
- Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay - ICMMO (UMR 8182) : CNRS – UPSaclay
- Institut de Chimie Physique - ICP (UMR 8000) : CNRS – UPSaclay
- Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles - ICSN (UPR 2301) : CNRS – UPSaclay
- Institut Galien Paris-Saclay - IGPS (UMR 8612) : CNRS – UPSaclay
- Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie - IJCLab (UMR 9012) : CNRS – UPSaclay – Université Paris-Cité
- Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin - IJPB (UMR 1318) : INRAE – AgroParisTech
- Institut Lavoisier de Versailles - ILV (UMR 8180) : Université Versailles-Saint-Quentin (UVSQ) – CNRS
- Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay - ISMO (UMR 8214) : CNRS – UPSaclay
- Laboratoire Analyse, Modélisation, Matériaux pour la Biologie et l'Environnement - LAMBE (UMR 8587) : Université d’Evry – CNRS
- Laboratoire d’Etude des Microstructures - LEM (UMR 104) : ONERA – CNRS
- Laboratoire Interactions, Dynamiques et Lasers - LIDyL: CEA – CNRS – UPSaclay
- Laboratoire Léon Brillouin - LLB (UMR 12) : CEA – CNRS
- Laboratoire de Physique des Solides - LPS (UMR 8502) : CNRS – UPSaclay
- Lumière, Matière et Interfaces - LuMIn (UMR 9024) : ENS – CNRS – CentraleSupélec
- Médicaments et Technologies pour la Santé - MTS : CEA – INRAE – UPSaclay
- Nanosciences et Innovation pour les Matériaux, la Biomédecine et l'Énergie - NIMBE (UMR 3685) : CEA – CNRS
- Photophysique et Photochimie Supramoléculaires et Macromoléculaires - PPSM (UMR 8531) : ENS Paris-Saclay – CNRS
- Prévention Du Risque Chimique - PRC (UAR 2206) : CNRS – UPSaclay
- SAYFOOD (UMR 0782) : INRAE – AgroParisTech
- Service De La Corrosion Et Du Comportement Des Matériaux Dans Leur Environnement - SCCME : CEA
- Service D'études Analytiques Et De Réactivité Des Surfaces - SEARS : CEA
- Service D’étude Du Comportement Des Radionucléides - SECR : CEA
- Structures, Propriétés et Modélisation des Solides - SPMS (UMR 8580) : CentraleSupélec – CNRS
- Fédération de Chimie-Physique de Paris-Saclay - CPPS (FR3510) : CNRS
Several Interdisciplinary, Cross-disciplinary Subjects and Institutes are also capable of contributing to the thematic scope of GS Chemistry in various fields including:
- Health technologies (InanoTherad, Bioprobe, Healthi, PASREL)
- Health / biology / food (Microbes, Metabiodivex,LivingMachines@work)
- Environment/climate/energy (REUNIS)
- Materials/physics/chemistry/nano (PSINano, IES, 2IM)
- Heritage science (Palabre)
- Aeronautics and aerospace (I2A)