The platforms (Chemistry Graduate School)

The 25 laboratories within the Chemistry Graduate School are working on research themes covering a wide range of disciplines, such as the physical chemistry of elementary reactions, analytical chemistry, the development and characterisation of materials and biomaterials, the design of molecular edifices of various sizes and their application in numerous fields with high societal challenges, as well as work related to the chemistry of and for life. To carry out their projects, the laboratories have their own analysis and characterisation equipment and also benefit from the Université Paris-Saclay community for access to many platforms.

The platforms are classified here into three categories: 

  1. Chemistry platforms hosted by laboratories within the GS (internal platforms)
  2. Platforms of laboratories within the GS Chemistry or other GS used for the development of studies at the interfaces of Chemistry, Physics and Life Sciences (interface platforms)
  3. Platforms of very large national research infrastructures. 


Internal platforms

The laboratories within the GS Chemistry host several experimental platforms and have expertise in the analysis of all types of samples: solid, liquid, gaseous, organic, inorganic and biological, etc.

MET, MEB, XPS, AFM, RMN, DRX, RPE, spectroscopy, chromatography, mass spectrometry, cluster calculations, magnetometry, elemental analysis and a chemical library, etc.

An exhaustive inventory of all the tools available in the laboratories is difficult to carry out. This section only lists equipment labelled as platforms.

Platforms at interfaces

Laboratories within the GS Chemistry are developing numerous projects at the interface with Physics and Life Sciences. With this in mind, they host or use technical platforms related to these disciplines. 

National and international infrastructures

The Paris-Saclay community has an exceptional concentration of very large research infrastructures (TGIR) and national infrastructures, which chemists at the GS use to develop their projects.