Bilateral agreements
Université Paris-Saclay has signed numerous bilateral exchange agreements with higher education institutions worldwide.
Go on an exchange in one of our partner universities!
Any student registered at Université Paris-Saclay who has carried out a year’s study at Paris-Saclay.
Discover all our destinations on our map of partnerships.
Some agreements only target defined disciplines. Make sure you have completed all necessary information for your search by selecting "coopération internationale" in the list of exchange programmes and choosing your faculty and discipline.
A mobility project must be prepared in advance. Contact your mobility officer as soon as the academic year begins.
Deadlines for application submission are different from one university to the next.
General procedure:
- Contact your mobility officer to:
- know which partner universities correspond to your field of study
- present your mobility project
- establish your pedagogical project. Your officer insures the validation of studies to obtain the Paris-Saclay degree upon your return to France. - Apply online by filling in the Application for 2021/2022 international mobility form available on the outgoing mobility portal.
- Your mobility officer will nominate you at the partner university. (You are preselected.)
- The partner university contacts you: You must now apply and follow the procedures sent by the partner university.
- You will receive an official admission email/letter from the partner university: You have been admitted! You can prepare for your departure!
- Renew your registration at Université Paris-Saclay (You are travelling as a Paris-Saclay student). Attach a copy of your university attendance certificate to your online application and fill in the form on the outgoing student portal
- Make your visa application once you have been officially accepted by the partner university
- Take out a public liability insurance valid for the country in which you are going to study. As soon as you receive it, attach the insurance certificate to your online application file by filling in the form on the outgoing student portal. Find out more in the Insurance section at the bottom of the page.
- Check for available mobility financial support.
- Fill in your application online (form on the outgoing student portal) and download your signed, stamped and dated attendance certificate.
- Fill in your application online (form on the outgoing student portal) and download your signed, stamped and dated return certificate
- Fill in your report mobility online via the link that will be automatically generated and sent to you via email
- Send your transcript of records from the partner university to your mobility officer so that your teaching units may be validated at the registrar’s office.
Public liability insurance valid abroad throughout your stay abroad
- Public liability is the minimum guaranty included in all insurance policies. In the event of an incident, falling under your responsibility (whether intentional or unintentional), the insurance will compensate the third party who is the object of the incident. In case of an incident falling under your responsibility, you may have to pay substantial fees if you are not covered by an insurance policy.
- It is compulsory for all students to take out public liability insurance valid abroad for the whole duration of their stay.
- You must take out your insurance with your insurance company before your departure.
You must carry out both these procedures before your departure in order to guaranty your coverage abroad and ask for mobility support.
- Leaving for Quebec? Discover the BCI programme
- Leaving for the United States or Canada? Discover the MICEFA and TASSEP programmes
- Discover all our partners worldwide with our bilateral agreements
Department for International and European Affairs
Université Paris-Saclay
Bâtiment 300
Rue du Château
91405 Orsay Cedex
Contact your faculty mobility officer for information about partner universities and establish your pedagogical project.
Paris-Saclay students wishing interested by a mobility experience: outgoing.international@universite-paris-saclay.fr