Publishing Scientific Knowledge
Paris-Saclay University has developed a real expertise in the production and distribution of online resources for the higher education sector. It has notably developed the technical and human know-how and the right resources to support the digital publishing of educational and scientific content and to experiment with new editorial formats.
As part of the new Paris-Saclay Learning Center (Lumen), the Department of Pedagogical Innovation and the Department of Libraries and Open Science together wish to implement a concerted policy of development and use of open educational resources under licenses promoting open education.
Thematic Digital Universities (TDU)
By joining the catalogs of the Thematic Digital Universities, the Paris-Saclay University participates in the production and distribution of online educational resources under open licenses. These online resources are intended to accompany students in their training as a complement to their professors’ materials or for self-study. The themes currently available are: health, economics and management, engineering sciences, basic sciences, sustainable development, and legal sciences.
Cours Unjf
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS)
Paris-Saclay University is a member of France Université Numérique and as such offers free online courses designed to discover scientific topics and self-paced modules with resources published by academia. The courses are produced and run by internal teams (educational engineers, video makers, integrators, teachers, researchers, etc.) and made available to the public free of charge on the FUN-MOOC platform.
Access to FUN-MOOC
Small Private Online Courses (SPOCS)
Online courses are also offered in private access on the Paris-Saclay University’s eCampus educational platform. These are online training courses intended for initial and continuing education students registered at the University. The Department of Pedagogical Innovation writes, produces, and distributes the SPOCS of the Paris-Saclay University School of First Cycle for undergraduate students (L1 and sometimes L2).
Training on citizenship problematics
Pedagogical Innovation at Paris-Saclay University is also to explore new editorial resources adapted to students and professors’ needs. Moreover, the gamification of educational resources is one of the main lines of work of the Department of Pedagogical Innovation in conjunction with its internal and external partners.
Although the production of “Serious Games” remains expensive and complex, solutions are currently being tested to generate playful and immersive resources at an affordable cost for higher education institutions. These initiatives are being facilitated by programming languages such as HTML and JavaScripts H5P, authoring software such as VTS Editor, as well as membership to the IKIGAI portal of Sorbonne University (IKIGAI)
‘La Formation’ is an escape game designed to inform professors about the main concepts around the program approach and to make them question its notions. This module is aimed at lecturers who have been practicing for at least one year, as they already have field experience and knowledge of key terms linked to pedagogical innovation, such as pedagogical alignment, the pedagogical contract, and skills.