Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
RPL is a way of obtaining an official recognition of your skills and of gaining access to a qualification to facilitate your professional development. RPL helps you to obtain a diploma, a professional title or a professional qualification certificate.
People already in the workforce (employees, job seekers, etc.)
Three processes are possible for the accreditation of your knowledge and skills:
- VAPP (Validation des Etudes, Expériences Professionnelles et Acquis Personnels) or Recognition of Personal and Professional Experience: for people who wish to apply for a training programme but do not have the required degree, based on their experience.
- VAE (Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience) or Recognition of Prior Learning: for people wishing to obtain a diploma (or part of it)
- VES (Validation des Etudes Supérieures) or Recognition of Higher Education Studies: for people wishing to validate higher education studies previously undertaken in France or abroad.
Companies, organisations…
Recognition of Prior Learning supports the personal and professional development of your employees, but it is also an opportunity and a strategic tool for your company. In today’s world, where anticipating the evolution of professions and qualifications is a challenge, RPL is one of the tools which can allow for the forward-looking management of jobs and skills.
International students
You registration depends on several conditions:
Contacts in the University’s faculties and institutes, Grandes Écoles, and the University’s associate member universities.
Faculté de Droit-Economie-Gestion (Jean Monnet)
01 70 27 08 56
Faculté de Médecine
01 46 83 53 42
Faculté de Pharmacie
01 46 83 52 51
Faculté des Sciences
01 69 15 36 03
Faculté des Sciences du Sport
01 69 15 30 79
IUT de Cachan
01 41 24 11 93
IUT d'Orsay
01 69 33 60 20 ou 01 69 33 60 24
IUT de Sceaux
01 40 91 24 32 ou 01 40 91 24 20
Polytech Paris-Saclay
01 69 33 86 05
01 45 49 89 10
ENS Paris-Saclay
01 81 87 48 98
01 75 31 75 00
Institut d'Optique Graduate School
01 64 53 32 36
Université d'Evry
01 69 47 71 01
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin
01 39 25 46 40
Université Paris-Saclay
Direction de la Formation et de la Réussite
Pôle Formation Continue, Validation des Acquis, Apprentissage