Pépite PEIPS
Pépite PEIPS is the network for young entrepreneurs in the Paris-Saclay region!
The Pépite PEIPS aims to raise awareness, educate, and provide guidance in entrepreneurship to students, PhD candidates and recent graduates in the Paris-Saclay region. In particular, it offers:
- PEIPS coordinators in each institution and socio-economic structure to inform, advise and guide students and recent graduates at every stage of their entrepreneurial journey, from the initial idea to developing their project and then their start-up.
- The opportunity to succeed in both their studies and entrepreneurial projects through the French National Student Entrepreneur Status (SNEE) and the Student Entrepreneur Diploma (D2E).
- Competitions and flagship events such as the Student Entrepreneurship Day and the Startup Challenge to support and help turn the desire to start an entrepreneurial venture into reality.
- Training programmes to give students practical experience of business creation, under the guidance of passionate teachers and professionals.

Through Pépite PEIPS, 18 higher education institutions, numerous socio-economic players in the region and a student association are working together to make entrepreneurship and innovation an integral part of the lives of the some 83,000 students in the Paris-Saclay region.
With the Pépite PEIPS network, your ideas and projects are given daily opportunities for success.
This ecosystem is supported by Pépite France, the Student Entrepreneur network, which includes the 33 Pépites (Pôle Etudiant pour l'Innovation, le Transfert et l'Entrepreneuriat (Student hub for innovation, transfer and entrepreneurship)) accredited in March 2014 by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and BPI France.