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The Language & Interculturality Taster Workshops

2021-12-15 13:30 2021-12-15 17:00 The Language & Interculturality Taster Workshops

Led by experts in their field, the Language and Interculturality Taster Workshops combine theory, practical exercises and a Q&A session. They are designed to introduce you to a concept, a field of expertise or a skill set linked to languages and interculturality.

Theme for the workshops’ first edition: Languages & Communication

Choose one or two of the three simultaneous interactive workshops on offer:

(1) French sign language, led by Marie Boccacio-Herz, storyteller, librarian and French sign language instructor

- Since 2005, French sign language has been recognised as its own language, and is currently used by 200,000 people every day.
- During this workshop, learn the basics of French sign language, in total silence, and immerse yourself in a world of silence and visual hubbub.

(2) English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI), led by Grazia Ghellini, head of pedagogical training in English for teaching staff for the internationalisation of teaching at Montpellier Management School and the Université des Sciences de Montpellier

- During this workshop, participants will be able to think about the challenges and advantages of lecturers teaching a discipline in English for whom English is not their mother tongue, and whose audience does not always speak English themselves.
- Participants will explore how they can tackle their own linguistic difficulties and those of their students, and which tools and strategies they can use to support students.

[workshop in English]

(3) The power of images, led by Geneviève Latouche, Consultant in marketing and communication

- During this workshop, learn about the role of images in communication: why do images have such a key role to play? How to make the most of images in professional daily life?
- From Egyptian pharaohs to social media influencers, discover the power of images and take part in some fun group exercises!

Practical information:
Length of each workshop: 1hr 30 mins
Where? Centre de Langues Mutualisé, Eiffel Building, CentraleSupélec, Gif-sur-Yvette*
When? Wednesday 15 Decembre 2021, workshops from 1.30-3pm and 3.15-4.45pm

Register here

*If you would like to attend the workshops but are unable to attend in person, please specify that you would like to follow the workshops online in the 'Comments' section of the registration form.

8-10 rue Joliot-Curie - 91 190 Gif-sur-Yvette

Theme for the first edition: Languages & Communication

  • Public
    Réservé à certains publics
  • Event type
  • Conditions

    Sur inscription

  • Dates
    Wednesday 15 December, 13:30
    01:30 pm - 05:00 pm
  • Location
    8-10 rue Joliot-Curie - 91 190 Gif-sur-Yvette

Led by experts in their field, the Language and Interculturality Taster Workshops combine theory, practical exercises and a Q&A session. They are designed to introduce you to a concept, a field of expertise or a skill set linked to languages and interculturality.

Theme for the workshops’ first edition: Languages & Communication

Choose one or two of the three simultaneous interactive workshops on offer:

(1) French sign language, led by Marie Boccacio-Herz, storyteller, librarian and French sign language instructor

- Since 2005, French sign language has been recognised as its own language, and is currently used by 200,000 people every day.
- During this workshop, learn the basics of French sign language, in total silence, and immerse yourself in a world of silence and visual hubbub.

(2) English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI), led by Grazia Ghellini, head of pedagogical training in English for teaching staff for the internationalisation of teaching at Montpellier Management School and the Université des Sciences de Montpellier

- During this workshop, participants will be able to think about the challenges and advantages of lecturers teaching a discipline in English for whom English is not their mother tongue, and whose audience does not always speak English themselves.
- Participants will explore how they can tackle their own linguistic difficulties and those of their students, and which tools and strategies they can use to support students.

[workshop in English]

(3) The power of images, led by Geneviève Latouche, Consultant in marketing and communication

- During this workshop, learn about the role of images in communication: why do images have such a key role to play? How to make the most of images in professional daily life?
- From Egyptian pharaohs to social media influencers, discover the power of images and take part in some fun group exercises!

Practical information:
Length of each workshop: 1hr 30 mins
Where? Centre de Langues Mutualisé, Eiffel Building, CentraleSupélec, Gif-sur-Yvette*
When? Wednesday 15 Decembre 2021, workshops from 1.30-3pm and 3.15-4.45pm

Register here

*If you would like to attend the workshops but are unable to attend in person, please specify that you would like to follow the workshops online in the 'Comments' section of the registration form.