International Engagement Webinar: Racism & the Reflection of Who We Are

2022-06-29 16:00 2022-06-29 18:30 International Engagement Webinar: Racism & the Reflection of Who We Are

Organised by the University’s language & interculturality coordinators, the next international engagement webinar will take place on Wednesday 29 June, from 4pm to 6.30pm.

Perhaps with the social unrest occurring in the United States in 2020, it may have been easy to believe that the issues related to racism were isolated to America. However, racism is part of a global phenomenon that has immediate, important, and direct implications for how we lead, govern, and navigate our society. When framed properly, the issue of racism - or more importantly equity - begs us to consider how we can build a more just society.

And while those questions require action collectively, they should also inspire us to examine ourselves individually. As we move forward, our leaders - including those in Europe - must recognise that diversity, equity, and inclusion should be a part of their leadership mindset. We, in our education communities, in Europe as well as the US, have a particular leadership role to play in the promotion of these values and associated policies so that we can create and nurture a more sustainable world.

Joel Brown’s presentation will be an interactive and dialogic workshop that will help today's mentors and leaders to embody the concept of conscious inclusion.

The webinar will be led by Dr Joel A. Davis Brown, Chief Visionary Officer of Pneumos LLC, a management consulting and coaching firm based in San Francisco (USA) and Nairobi (Kenya), specialising in organisational strategy and culture, transformational leadership and conflict resolution. Expert Panelist with the Global Diversity Equity & Inclusion Benchmarks and a member of Sietar Europa, Joel also teaches active listening and storytelling at IESEG in France.

A simultaneous translation service (French/English) will be provided throughout the event.

Register here

En ligne / online

Racism & the reflection of who we are : the concept of conscious inclusion

  • Public
    Réservé à certains publics
  • Event type
    Conférence / séminaire / webinaire
  • Conditions

    Registration required

  • Dates
    Wednesday 29 June, 16:00
    04:00 pm - 06:30 pm
  • Location
    En ligne / online

Organised by the University’s language & interculturality coordinators, the next international engagement webinar will take place on Wednesday 29 June, from 4pm to 6.30pm.

Perhaps with the social unrest occurring in the United States in 2020, it may have been easy to believe that the issues related to racism were isolated to America. However, racism is part of a global phenomenon that has immediate, important, and direct implications for how we lead, govern, and navigate our society. When framed properly, the issue of racism - or more importantly equity - begs us to consider how we can build a more just society.

And while those questions require action collectively, they should also inspire us to examine ourselves individually. As we move forward, our leaders - including those in Europe - must recognise that diversity, equity, and inclusion should be a part of their leadership mindset. We, in our education communities, in Europe as well as the US, have a particular leadership role to play in the promotion of these values and associated policies so that we can create and nurture a more sustainable world.

Joel Brown’s presentation will be an interactive and dialogic workshop that will help today's mentors and leaders to embody the concept of conscious inclusion.

The webinar will be led by Dr Joel A. Davis Brown, Chief Visionary Officer of Pneumos LLC, a management consulting and coaching firm based in San Francisco (USA) and Nairobi (Kenya), specialising in organisational strategy and culture, transformational leadership and conflict resolution. Expert Panelist with the Global Diversity Equity & Inclusion Benchmarks and a member of Sietar Europa, Joel also teaches active listening and storytelling at IESEG in France.

A simultaneous translation service (French/English) will be provided throughout the event.

Register here