As the world evolves in its ability to understand diversity and difference, we must reconcile how identity is impacted by historical systems of inequity. Identity is a multifaceted phenomenon that goes beyond nation-state identifiers or single social attributes. It creates a complex mosaic that calls forth the opportunity to understand the worldview of each global citizen in rich and complex ways that recognize the full humanity of every individual. At the same time, the modern way of conceptualizing identity also creates perils and risks for how each person can be treated by their peers, communities, and professional organizations.
This workshop is designed to expand the conversation around identity and difference and provide key insights for how leaders and educators can support a progressive understanding of interculturalism, recognize the importance of intersectionality, and start to rid the world of biased and micro-aggressive behavior.
As the world evolves in its ability to understand diversity and difference, we must reconcile how identity is impacted by historical systems of inequity. Identity is a multifaceted phenomenon that goes beyond nation-state identifiers or single social attributes. It creates a complex mosaic that calls forth the opportunity to understand the worldview of each global citizen in rich and complex ways that recognize the full humanity of every individual. At the same time, the modern way of conceptualizing identity also creates perils and risks for how each person can be treated by their peers, communities, and professional organizations.
This workshop is designed to expand the conversation around identity and difference and provide key insights for how leaders and educators can support a progressive understanding of interculturalism, recognize the importance of intersectionality, and start to rid the world of biased and micro-aggressive behavior.