Climate and biodiversity solutions: Agricultural and natural spaces, keys to resilience

2021-01-28 18:00 2021-01-28 19:30 Climate and biodiversity solutions: Agricultural and natural spaces, keys to resilience

Université Paris-Saclay, Terre & Cité (T&C), the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority, the Nature Conservancy (TNC), the EIT Climate-KIC and The Conversation France are organizing an introductory webinar on Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 9am (California Time) / 6pm (Paris Time) for students, researchers, academics, professionals and all those who are interested in deepening their understanding of the resilience and sustainability of peri-urban agricultural and natural spaces.

This introductory webinar will launch a series of short seminars to understand how the conservation of agricultural and natural peri-urban spaces can contribute to sustainable management and socioecological resilience, and clarify the role that research can play in this regard.
Recognized experts from France and California will present the key concepts and their applied research. Featuring local stakeholders, the webinar’s objective is to reflect on public policy design and its

A translation service will be available during the webinar to interpret speakers from French to English and English to French.

Registration deadline:
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 3am (California time)/ 12pm (Paris Time)

Paul Leadley (IPBES author, Université Paris-Saclay)
Nathalie de Noblet (IPCC author and CNRS researcher at the Laboratory for Sciences of Climate and Environment (UVSQ, CEA, CNRS))
Romain Melot (Sociologist, local stakeholders, Université Paris-Saclay)
Louise Jackson (Emerita Professor and Specialist in Cooperative Extension, UC Davis)
Carrie Schloss (The Nature Conservancy/Terracount project)
With the participation of:
Caroline Doucerain (President of Terre & Cité)
Andrea Mackenzie (General Manager of the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority)
Hosted by Fabrice Rousselot (The Conversation France)

chez soi / at home
Thematic : Développement soutenable, Research

(based on the case studies of the urbanizing landscapes of Paris-Saclay and the Silicon Valley)

  • Public
    Tout public
  • Event type
    Conférence / séminaire / webinaire
  • Conditions

    Registration needed

  • Dates
    Thursday 28 January, 18:00
    06:00 pm - 07:30 pm
  • Location
    chez soi / at home

Université Paris-Saclay, Terre & Cité (T&C), the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority, the Nature Conservancy (TNC), the EIT Climate-KIC and The Conversation France are organizing an introductory webinar on Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 9am (California Time) / 6pm (Paris Time) for students, researchers, academics, professionals and all those who are interested in deepening their understanding of the resilience and sustainability of peri-urban agricultural and natural spaces.

This introductory webinar will launch a series of short seminars to understand how the conservation of agricultural and natural peri-urban spaces can contribute to sustainable management and socioecological resilience, and clarify the role that research can play in this regard.
Recognized experts from France and California will present the key concepts and their applied research. Featuring local stakeholders, the webinar’s objective is to reflect on public policy design and its

A translation service will be available during the webinar to interpret speakers from French to English and English to French.

Registration deadline:
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 3am (California time)/ 12pm (Paris Time)

Paul Leadley (IPBES author, Université Paris-Saclay)
Nathalie de Noblet (IPCC author and CNRS researcher at the Laboratory for Sciences of Climate and Environment (UVSQ, CEA, CNRS))
Romain Melot (Sociologist, local stakeholders, Université Paris-Saclay)
Louise Jackson (Emerita Professor and Specialist in Cooperative Extension, UC Davis)
Carrie Schloss (The Nature Conservancy/Terracount project)
With the participation of:
Caroline Doucerain (President of Terre & Cité)
Andrea Mackenzie (General Manager of the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority)
Hosted by Fabrice Rousselot (The Conversation France)