M2 Nuclei, Particles, Astroparticles and Cosmology

  • Places available
  • Language(s) of instruction

The Master's degree M2 NPAC is intended for students training towards research in nuclear physics, particle physics, astroparticles and cosmology. It seeks to prepare students for an experimental or phenomenologicall PhD in the main research centres such as the CNRS, the Universities or the CEA. This training is designed to provide students with the fundamental knowledge in the world of the infinitely large (cosmology and astroparticles) and the infinitely small (particle and nuclear physics).

The Master 2 NPAC trains the future researchers of tomorrow. One of NPAC main assets is its strong link with research. All the teachers are leading-edge researchers in their domain. The students work in laboratories, during their internships and also when studying a selected researchers' work, particularly in instrumentation. Indeed, these areas of research require increasingly powerful and sophisticated instruments, their performances determining the advances of the discipline. The Master 2 NPAC program thus includes lectures in both the detector physics and the accelerator physics fields. This training is recognized for its academic quality by the research laboratories in the Paris region, and all over France. NPAC students are also welcome in theoretical and astrophysics laboratories. After the NPAC 1-year training, about 90% of the students obtain a grant to begin a PhD thesis. Most of the hosting laboratories are in Paris area, but also elsewhere in France or abroad.

Course Prerequisites

Quantum Mechanics Notions of Subatomic Physics Classical Electrodynamics

  • Use specialised knowledge of physics with the requisite scientific rigour.

  • Gather information on a scientific issue, based on the capacity identify relevant sources.

  • Use conceptual, methodological, numerical, technical and practical skills and knowledge to model and solve problems in physics or related subjects.

  • Carry out a physics project in an autonomous manner and produce a critical analysis of the results.

  • Adapt to a new environment, work as a team and collaborate to achieve common goals.

  • Communicate effectively in two languages including English, and in a manner adapted to the target audience.

Post-graduate profile

Most of the students go on to do a thesis in nuclear physics, particle physics or astroparticles.

Career prospects

Further studies at doctoral level or entry into employment at Master's (Bac+5) level.

Academic partner



Astrophysique, Instrumentation et Modélisation de Paris-Saclay - DRF/IRFU/DAp
Centre de Sciences Nucléaires et de Sciences de la Matière
Département d'Astrophysique - DRF/IRFU
Département de Physique des Particules - DRF/IRFU
Département de Physique Nucléaire - DRF/IRFU
Département d'Electronique des Détecteurs et d'Informatique pour la Physique - DRF/IRFU
Institut d'astrophysique spatiale
Institut de physique nucléaire d'Orsay
Institut de physique théorique - DRF
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique
Laboratoire de physique théorique et modèles statistiques.

Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire et des Hautes Energies
Laboratoire Astroparticules et Cosmologie
Grand Accélérateur National d'Ions Lourds
Institut Astrophysique de Paris
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies
Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille.


Le S1 NPAC est constitué d'un tronc commun, de 3 parcours thématiques dont l'étudiant doit en choisir 2, et d'un UE au choix parmi 2 proposés.

Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Physique des Détecteurs 3 30
Projet Expérimental 6 120
Théorie Quantique des Champs 6 60
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Cosmologie et Astroparticules 6 60
Des Noyaux aux Etoiles 6 60
Physique des Particules 6 60
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Physique des Accélérateurs 3 30
Relativité Génerale 3 30

Le second semestre de NPAC commence par 4 semaines de cours/projet informatique et un cours avancé. Ensuite, les étudiants débutent la période de stage (14 semaines).

Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Cours/Projet Informatique 3 120
Stage 24
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Cosmologie avancée 3 30
Physique au delà du Modèle Standard 3 30
Physique des neutrinos et matière noire 3 30
Physique hadronique et réactions nucléaires 3 30
Modalités de candidatures
Application period
From 01/02/2024 to 30/06/2024
Compulsory supporting documents
  • Motivation letter.

  • All transcripts of the years / semesters validated since the high school diploma at the date of application.

  • Curriculum Vitae.

Additional supporting documents
  • Certificate of English level (compulsory for non-English speakers).

  • Detailed description and hourly volume of courses taken since the beginning of the university program.

  • VAP file (obligatory for all persons requesting a valuation of the assets to enter the diploma).

  • The application procedure, which depends on your nationality and your situation is explained here : https://urlz.fr/i3Lo.

  • Supporting documents :
    - Residence permit stating the country of residence of the first country
    - Or receipt of request stating the country of first asylum
    - Or document from the UNHCR granting refugee status
    - Or receipt of refugee status request delivered in France
    - Or residence permit stating the refugee status delivered in France
    - Or document stating subsidiary protection in France or abroad
    - Or document stating temporary protection in France or abroad.

Course manager(s)
Administrative office