M2 Mathematics of Randomness

  • Places available
  • Language(s) of instruction

We give the theoretical basis of modern probability and/or statistics at an advanced master level.
The main objective is to prepare excellent students whose goal is to pursue in a PhD program.
Our thematic spectrum is very broad, ranging from the statistical theory of machine learning, high dimensional probability and statistics to stochastic calculus, Markov chains, random graph and ergodic theory.

Course Prerequisites

Master 1 (or equivalent) in fundamental mathematics. Applicants who have excelled in their studies at universities, engineering schools, teacher training colleges in France or elsewhere, and who wish to learn the fundamentals of random mathematics (probability and/or statistics and/or machine learning ...). The programme naturally leads to to doctoral thesis preparation.

Additional information

Watch the video below to know more about M2 Mathematics of Randomness.

  • Understand and proficiently use high-level mathematical tools and methods.

  • Conceive and write a rigorous mathematical proof.

  • Understand and mathematically model a problem in order to resolve it.

  • Analyse a research paper with a view to summarising it and using it.

  • Be proficient in the use of digital tools and major programming languages.

  • Clearly explain a theory and mathematical results.

Post-graduate profile

Most of our students continue in a PhD program.

Career prospects

Phd program either in applied or theoretical probability and statistics.
Other job prospects include : Data scientist, teacher in prep school (classe prépa), finance, insurance...


Laboratoire de mathématiques d'Orsay
Mathématiques et Informatique pour la Complexité et les Systèmes.

Centre de recherche en économie et statistique
Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information
Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES).


Le premier semestre regroupe un ensemble de cours "fondamentaux donnant les bases des probabilités et statistiques théoriques au niveau M2.2.

Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Apprentissage par renforcement 2.5
Apprentissage statistique et rééchantillonnage 5 20
Chaîne de Markov : approfondissements 5 20
Concentration de la mesure 5 20
Concentration et sélection de modèles 5 20
Convex analysis and optimisation theory 5
Estimation non paramétrique 2.5
Generalisation properties of algorithms in ML 2.5
Graphes aléatoires 7.5 25 12
Introduction to Probabilistic Graphical Models 2.5
Machine Learning 2.5
Méthodes bayésiennes pour l'apprentissage 2.5
Modèles à chaîne de Markov cachée et méthodes de Monte Carlo séquentielles 2.5
Modèles graphiques pour l'accès à l'information à grande échelle 2.5
Mouvement brownien et calcul stochastique 7.5 28 20
Optimization for Data Science 5
Probabilités et Statistiques en grande dimension 5 30
Projet Machine Learning pour la prévision 7.5 36 20
Statistical Learning Theory 2.5
Théorèmes limites et applications 5 20 10
Théorie ergodique 7.5 25 12
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Séminaire des élèves 2.5 10

Le second semestre regroupe des cours plus spécialisées qui ouvrent sur des thématiques de recherche actuelles.
Il est complété par un stage/mémoire obligatoire.

Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Analyse topologique des données 4 20
Apprentissage et optimisation séquentielle 4 20
Bayésien non paramétrique 4 20
Calcul de Malliavin 4 20
Extrêmes 4 20
Fiabilité des systèmes 4 20
Geometric Methods in Machine Learning 4
Inférence sur de grandes graphes 4 20
Introduction mathématique au compressed sensing 4
Matrices aléatoires 4 20
Modèles solubles en probabilités 4 20
Modèles statistiques pour la génomique 4
Online Learning and Aggregation 4
Optimisation et statistique 4 20
Permutations aléatoires et théorie des représentations des groupes symétriques 4
Processus de branchement et populations structurées 4 20
Statistiques spatiales pour l'environnement 4 20
Systèmes de particules en intéraction 4 20
Temps locaux et théorie des excursions 4 16
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Mémoire ou Stage 14 80
Modalités de candidatures
Application period
From 15/01/2024 to 15/07/2024
Compulsory supporting documents
  • Motivation letter.

  • All transcripts of the years / semesters validated since the high school diploma at the date of application.

  • Curriculum Vitae.

  • Detailed description and hourly volume of courses taken since the beginning of the university program.

Additional supporting documents
  • VAP file (obligatory for all persons requesting a valuation of the assets to enter the diploma).

  • The application procedure, which depends on your nationality and your situation is explained here : https://urlz.fr/i3Lo.

  • Supporting documents :
    - Residence permit stating the country of residence of the first country
    - Or receipt of request stating the country of first asylum
    - Or document from the UNHCR granting refugee status
    - Or receipt of refugee status request delivered in France
    - Or residence permit stating the refugee status delivered in France
    - Or document stating subsidiary protection in France or abroad
    - Or document stating temporary protection in France or abroad.

Course manager(s)
Administrative office