M1 Valorisation touristique des patrimoines et préservation de l'environnement

  • Places available
  • Language(s) of instruction

Prepared over 2 years (M1 and M2), the VT2PE Master's degree in "Tourism enhancement of heritage and preservation of the environment" offers students in-depth training in economics and geography-environment, with a strong openness to other disciplines (management, geomatics, law, sociology, etc.) and a field of intervention in the fields of ecological transition and adaptation to climate change, ecotourism and sustainable development.

The VT2PE Master's program trains students for careers in the management, assessment and implementation of environmentally-friendly territorial and heritage development projects. It trains experts able to support institutions, local authorities, companies and associations in their sustainable tourism, ecotourism and outdoor activities projects, ecological transition, support for labeling or CSR initiatives, heritage enhancement and preservation (natural areas, small-scale built heritage, cultural heritage, vernacular heritage), environmental education in areas open to the public, or the preparation and revision of their strategic documents.

It also provides training for research careers with a view to pursuing a doctorate (with a focus on sustainability, resilience and adaptation).

Particular attention is paid to the context of adaptation to climate change, risk and crisis situations (climate, health), uncertainty and the ecological and energy transition. This context cannot be ignored today, with a view to the sustainability of projects and destinations. This aspect of the course also enables graduates to broaden their professional horizons, with several VT2PE graduates having been recruited over the past 3 years as ecological transition project managers for local authorities or parapublic organizations.

The course is taught by both lecturers and a high proportion of professionals from the public and private employment markets (consultants, project and study managers, startup executives, self-employed).

By combining theoretical and practical courses with real-life situations (through participative workshops and tutored projects carried out each year with partners such as the Conseil Départemental des Yvelines, the Tourism Department of local authorities (Saint Martin in the West Indies), the Fédération Française de Randonnée, Natur@mosphere, the Parcs Naturels Régionaux, . ...), this master's degree provides students with a mastery of the concepts, tools and expert methods needed to grasp the challenges of tourism in terms of territorial organization and governance, heritage enhancement and economic development, and environmental, social and cultural preservation.

Through the deepening of its disciplinary foundations, mainly in the human and social sciences, the course offers the opportunity to learn a range of IT tools and software , including GIS and database management systems (DBMS), bibliography management, surveys and analyses, graphic design, web design, video editing and data analysis. It also provides training in observation, analysis, diagnosis, evaluation and forecasting methods adapted to heritage, tourism and recreational development activities and policies.

Although internships are not compulsory (students may or may not complete a university dissertation in conjunction with an internship), they are strongly recommended. The teaching team assists students in their search for an internship, and offers a wide range of internship opportunities every year.

Course Prerequisites

The Master 1 " Tourism, Heritage and Environmental Preservation " in the "political economics and institutions" master's program is aimed at students who have already acquired at least 180 ECTS in one of the following disciplines: economics, geography and planning, economic and social administration, history, sociology, mathematics and computer science applied to human and social sciences, STAPS sports management, life and earth sciences, etc., and who are attracted by human geography and pluralist economics open to contributions from other disciplines.

Internships and supervised projects

If an internship is not compulsory (university dissertation with or without internship), it is strongly recommended. The teaching team helps students find internships as early as M1, and offers a wide range of internships every year.

By 2022-23, 90% of Master 1 VT2PE students had found a 2-3 month internship, and 100% of Master 2 VT2PE students had found a 5-6 month internship.

Some examples of M1 internships: 2-4 month internships (usually 2-3 months)

- Development of sensitive natural areas in the Yvelines (Yvelines Departmental Council)/

- Welcoming the public in IDF peri-urban forests classified as ENS (Yvelines Departmental Council) / Sustainable and resilient reconstruction (Yvelines Departmental Council) / Sustainable and resilient reconstruction (Yvelines Departmental Council)

- Post-disaster sustainable and resilient reconstruction of tourism infrastructures in Saint Martin (UMI SOURCE-UVSQ laboratory and Saint Martin Tourism Department) /

- Conducting visitor surveys in Regional Nature Parks (PNR de la Haute Vallée de Chevreuse)/

- Comparative analysis of sustainable tourism missions within the PNRs and contribution for local authorities adhering to the PNR charter (UMI SOURCE - UVSQ)/

- Ecological ambitions and their relevance to the discovery strategies of new clienteles (Potager du Roi, ENSP de Versailles).

- Tourism development officer (Seine-et-Marne attractivité)

- In charge of roaming and active mobility access to nature discovery sites (Conseil Départemental de la Nièvre).

- Responsible for preparing an eco-labeling application to set up the Sustainable Tourism Fund (Rêves de Mer).

Tutored projects are carried out each year, mixing M1 and M2 students, with various partners: Conseil Départemental des Yvelines (study of visitor numbers at the Department's most attractive natural and heritage sites), Tourism Direction of Saint Martin Collectivity at Antilles (resilience of tourist islands in the face of crises, and Saint Martin's transition to ecotourism), ADEME in association with BURGEAP-GINGER (feasibility study of conversion to renewable energies in tourism establishments in Occitanie), Fédération Française de Randonnée (inauguration of the GRP Chatou-Giverny), Natur@mosphere (theme of the Olympic Games and discovery of French heritage), PNR Haute Vallée de Chevreuse (impacts of visitors/practitioners on natural areas with a view to setting up an observatory).

Additional information

Teaching units are assessed under the CC 100% continuous assessment system and require regular attendance throughout the course. Individual and group work outside class hours (such as the tutored project) is substantial, and hardly compatible with parallel employment. Assessment methods are varied: table-top exams (few), reports and assignments (more numerous), oral presentations, notes on workshop participation, etc. You are strongly advised to have your own computer and a driver's license (a condition of employment for many internships offers).

Our teaching location 

  • Décrire le territoire dans son rapport à l’économie, à l’espace et au temps, dans ses dimensions multiples (culturelle, identitaire, sociale, environnementale, juridique) et reconnaître et comparer les différents types de tourisme et de patrimoines matériels et immatériels.

  • Identifier et expliquer à différentes échelles les enjeux touristiques et environnementaux, le fonctionnement des institutions et les réseaux d’acteurs qui interagissent sur un territoire, les mécanismes économiques qui régissent ce territoire et les principes éthiques et de développement durable relatifs à la mise en tourisme du patrimoine.

  • Formuler, comparer et appliquer les méthodes de diagnostic territorial dans une perspective de valorisation touristique et de préservation de l’environnement, en expliquant l’utilité et les limites des SIG (systèmes d’information géographique).

  • Décrire le pilotage de projet depuis sa formulation jusqu’à son évaluation.

  • S’exprimer efficacement à l’oral et à l’écrit, concevoir une démarche de recherche et développement, d’études et/ou prospective.

  • Travailler en groupe, identifier des partenaires, mobiliser des réseaux.

Post-graduate profile

From Master's level 1 to Master's level 2, executive assistants, project managers and project leaders in various fields related to tourism, ecotourism and leisure, natural/cultural heritage management, strategic planning and development of local territories, environmental education for the general public, ecological and energy transition and environmental preservation, researchers (bac + 5) in economics and geography-regional planning, specializing in the sustainability, adaptation and resilience of destinations in the face of climate change, risks and crises.

Career prospects

The VT2PE Master's degree leads mainly to executive-level positions in operational and functional management in heritage establishments and sites (NRP, parks, conservatories, cultural and leisure sites, etc.), private companies (consultancies and engineering firms specializing in tourism engineering, site and heritage resource management and enhancement projects, environmental education, and support for the public), local authorities and territorial tourism bodies (CRT, CDT, ADT, etc.), or mixed structures such as mixed economy companies and associations, NGOs, etc.). ...) or mixed structures such as semi-public companies, associations, and NGOs. Master 2 graduates may also consider pursuing a doctorate (Bac+5) to become researchers or teacher-researchers in economics, geography, and regional planning (particularly on the themes of sustainability, adaptation and resilience of destinations in the face of climate change, risks and crises).

  • Sectors: consultancies and engineering firms specializing in (eco)tourism strategies, territorial development and local action, local authority and intercommunal services, tourism promotion structures (CDT, tourist offices, operators), associations, managers of natural areas (parks, PNR, conservatories, reserves, ONF, etc.), urban planning firms, surveys, NGOs, UNESCO, etc. A doctorate may also be envisaged.
  • Professions: ecotourism project manager and project management assistant in sustainable tourism engineering; consultant/assignment manager/study manager or expert in tourism strategy, CSR, GIS, label and certification monitoring, territorial development, ecological transition, surveys and polls, soft links and eco-mobility, biodiversity and environmental education, events, tourism agency manager, tourist accommodation project manager.

Examples of positions held by VT2PE graduates:

  • Environmental coordinator: Intervention and animation in schools, organization of biodiversity events and technical dossiers.
  • Development and communications officer: Development of partnerships and projects, communications and events, fund-raising.
  • Tourism development officer: Development of tourism activities, promotion and updating of these activities.
  • Research Manager: Market research for hotel and tourism projects, field trips to visit hotels, presentation of research findings to customers.
  • Local social development agent: Creation of social projects in rural areas, bringing together organizations, residents, and local authorities.
  • Project coordinator: nature activities, support for school agendas, project development.
  • Project manager: Organization and follow-up of events, management of partnerships, website and social networks.
  • Tourism project manager: creation of tourism products, management of communications and European INTERREG cooperation programs.
  • Project manager in charge of the ecological transition: in charge of setting up the PCAET (Climate Plan – Territorial Air-Energy) and related actions for a community of communes (local civil service).
  • Sport CSR project manager: Support for sports players in measuring their impact, development of CSR policies for partner companies, raising awareness of sustainable development issues.
  • Energy agency manager: Coordination of teams, development of partnerships.
  • Tourist office manager: Team organization for tourism, excursions, and leisure activities.
  • Environmental educator: Raising awareness of sustainable development, project set-up and accounting management.
  • Trail expert - Development officer: Evaluation and proposal of hiking trails, advice and coordination with local authorities and associations.
  • Geographer-analyst: GPS mapping, geographic data quality testing, project management.
Download the detailed training brochure (in French):
Socio-economic relations

Our partners 

The institutions and companies of our professional contributors, partners universities an research organizations


The VT2PE Master's degree is attached to the International Mixed Unit Sustainability and Resilience (UMI SOURCE), UMI 272 under the supervision of UVSQ and IRD, part of the UFR des Sciences Sociales from UVSQ (Université de Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines and Institut de Recherche pour le Développement with branches in Senegal, Madagascar and Côte d'Ivoire),

UMI SOURCE, with its 4 branches (France, Senegal, Madagascar, Côte d'Ivoire), offers opportunities for all students wishing to work in the field in the countries where it is present.

It offers our students scientific relays and the chance to work in collaboration with UVSQ and IRD researchers (teams from Félix Houphouët-Boigny University in Côte d'Ivoire, Antananarivo University in Madagascar, Cheikh Anta Diop University in Senegal).

The teaching staff of the VT2PE Master's program in the EPI field actively participate in research networks (CIRAD, GIS-GEMDEV, Association Française d'Economie Politique, Association Tiers Monde, etc.) and research projects (ANR, FEDER, PEPR, etc.). It also has a partnership with the Ibn Zohr University from Agadir in Morocco (in particular with geographers).

UMI SOURCE, 47 Bd Vauban 78047 Guyancourt, France (6th floor, Bât. Vauban) https://www.umi-source.uvsq.fr/


Le S1 est composé d'un socle commun à la mention "Economie politique et institutions" comportant des UEs méthodologiques et transversales : obligatoires et en option ; des cours de spécialité, obligatoires pour le parcours "Valorisation touristique des patrimoines et préservation de l'environnement" et au choix dans les autres parcours, ainsi que d'éléments de formation destinés à l'initiation à la recherche (séminaires, mémoire de recherche) ou à la pratique (projet de groupe).

Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Séminaire "Capital" 1 12
Séminaire "Développement et environnement" 1 12
Séminaire "Quantitativisme réflexif" 1 12
Séminaire "Valeur, prix, politique" 1 12
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Anglais 2 18
Méthodologie, recherche et projet 2 20
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Enquête qualitative en sciences sociales I 4 30
Fabrique et pratique des grandes enquêtes 3 20
Initiation à l'économétrie 4 15 15
Systèmes d'information Géographique (SIG) 3 8 18
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Climate change and development 2 8 16
Du diagnostic au projet de territoire 2 18
Institutions et échelles territoriales 2 24
Les patrimoines naturels et culturels: typologies, gouvernance et politiques publiques 3 20
Tourisme durable 2 12
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Ecologie territoriale 2 18
Ethique economique, sociale et environnementale 2 24
Loisirs et sport de nature 2 10
Valorisation des services écosystémiques 2 24
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Réponses à appels d'offres et évaluation de projets 2 9 9

Le S2 est composé d'un socle commun à la mention "Economie politique et institutions" comportant des UEs méthodologiques et transversales : obligatoires et en option ; des cours de spécialité, obligatoires pour le parcours "Valorisation touristique des patrimoines et préservation de l'environnement" et au choix dans les autres parcours, ainsi que d'éléments de formation destinés à l'initiation à la recherche (séminaires, mémoire de recherche) ou à la pratique (stage et mémoire de stage).

Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Anglais 2 18
Méthodologie, recherche et projet 4 15
Séminaire "Capital" 1 12
Séminaire "Développement et environnement" 1 12
Séminaire "Quantitativisme réflexif" 1 12
Séminaire "Valeur, prix, politique" 1 12
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Analyse des données 2 12 18
Enjeux numériques du monde contemporain 2 20
Enquête qualitative en sciences sociales II 2 20
Le système des Nations Unies: fonctionnement et missions 2 20
Systèmes d'information Géographique (SIG) 3 8 18
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Mémoire universitaire (recherche ou stage) 7
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Droit de l'environnement et enjeux touristiques 2 12
Education à l'environnement à travers le tourisme et les loisirs 2 15 3
Introduction à la gestion financière des projets 2 5 10
Risques, vulnérabilités et développement durable 2 24
Sustainable tourism 2 18
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Economie de l'environnement 1 2 24
Economie des réseaux et territoires 2 20
Politiques sportives urbaines 2 20
Subjects ECTS Lecture directed study practical class Lecture/directed study Lecture/practical class directed study/practical class distance-learning course Project Supervised studies
Valorisation des services écosystémiques 2 24
Modalités de candidatures
Application period
From 15/02/2024 to 25/07/2024
From 26/08/2024 to 30/08/2024

Les dates indiquées ci-dessus sont uniquement valables pour la plateforme Inception. Les candidats qui dépendent de la plateforme MonMaster ne sont pas concernés.
Pour connaître la plateforme sur laquelle vous devez candidater, vous trouverez plus de renseignements sur la page Candidater à nos masters.

Compulsory supporting documents
  • Course selection sheet.

    (listed in decreasing order of preference if more than one within the EPI Mention)
  • Copy diplomas.

  • Copy of identity document.

    (for French or EU students only, or otherwise, permit residence in France (non-EU students))
  • Supporting documents (TOEFL, TOEIC, certificate of a teacher ...) of a level of a foreign language.

    (compulsory if no subject evaluated in English Language before)
  • Motivation letter.

    (cover letter explaining your professional project)
  • List of other masters requested (excluding Saclay).

    (listed in decreasing order of preference, the Master EPI listed and ranked too)
  • All transcripts of the years / semesters validated since the high school diploma at the date of application.

    (with years/semesters non validated before)
  • Certificate of French (compulsory for non-French speakers).

    (TCF less than 2 years old with at least B2 level for all can-do levels: "Reading", "Grammatical structures", "Listening", "Speaking", “Writing”)
  • Curriculum Vitae.

    (with a recent photograph)
Additional supporting documents
  • Research project.

    (mandatory for applicants wishing to pursue with PhD studies)
  • VAP file (obligatory for all persons requesting a valuation of the assets to enter the diploma).

  • Supporting documents :
    - Residence permit stating the country of residence of the first country
    - Or receipt of request stating the country of first asylum
    - Or document from the UNHCR granting refugee status
    - Or receipt of refugee status request delivered in France
    - Or residence permit stating the refugee status delivered in France
    - Or document stating subsidiary protection in France or abroad
    - Or document stating temporary protection in France or abroad.

Course manager(s)
Nathalie POTTIER - nathalie.pottier@uvsq.fr
Administrative office
Nathalie PIERRON - nathalie.pierron@uvsq.fr