Waves and Matter Doctoral School
The Waves and Matter Doctoral School - EDOM - covers quantum physics, dilute matter and optics.
More precisely, the fields covered are quantum physics, optics, atomic and molecular physics, laser physics, plasma physics, nanophotonics as well as the interface domains of these themes such as biomedical imaging or condensed matter. All types of plasmas are represented at EDOM (cold and hot, stellar, interstellar and fusion plasmas), as well as their technological applications. In particular, EDOM is involved in fusion by magnetic confinement.
EDOM is a doctoral school (ED) of the University Paris-Saclay, which enrolls doctoral students for the Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay, the Institut d'Optique Graduate School and the ENS Paris-Saclay.
EDOM is open to a very large number of doctoral student hosting teams (EAD) located in other research centers in our geographical area, such as CNRS, CEA, Soleil, Onera. Ile de France Sud is characterized by a very high concentration of laboratories working in these fields as well as a very large number of scientific higher education institutions with excellent students. In addition, there are major facilities such as Soleil, the femtosecond and attosecond laser servers at CEA Saclay and the C2N nanofabrication facility, research centers of major organizations (ONERA, CEA, CNRS) and industrial research centers (Thales, Horiba, EDF), as well as the Sytematic competitiveness cluster and a growing network of technology start-ups. In this context, EDOM is a link that brings together most of the resources for training in and through research in these domains.
EDOM is naturally involved in the PALM, NanoSaclay and LASIPS labex as well as in the Attolab, Andromede, Cilex, Refimeve and Tempos equipex.
Gestionnaire de l'EDOM :
Bâtiment 520 (ISMO) - Rez-de-chaussée - Porte 0.09
Bureau : 01 69 15 75 26 - Mobile : 07 64 01 63 86
Rules of procedure
Order of August 26, 2022 amending the order of May 25, 2016 setting the national framework for training and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma.
Règlement intérieur des études doctorales de l’Université Paris-Saclay.
For the 2023-2024 academic year:
Monday, November 20, 2023 from 12pm to 2pm
Monday, January 29, 2024 from 12pm to 2pm
Friday June 7, 2024 from 2pm to 5pm
Each year, the EDOM Board awards a thesis prize to approximately 10% of the theses defended during the year. The theses eligible for the thesis prize are those of a duration of less than or equal to 42 months proposed by the jury of defense unanimously. Moreover, the theses realized within the EDOM have often received national prizes.
Prix de thèse EDOM 2020
MAU Adrien (ISMO)
Prix de thèse EDOM 2019
GOBLOT Valentin (C2N)
NEVEU Pascal (LAC)
Prix de thèse EDOM 2018
DE SANTIS Lorenzo (C2N)
Prix de thèse EDOM 2017
GROSS Isabell- LAC
Prix de thèse EDOM 2016
Guillaume AOUST, ONERA
Marie-Christine DHEUR, LCF
Prix de thèse EDOM 2015
Syamsundar DE (LAC)
Valerian GIESZ (LPN)
Prix de thèse EDOM 2014
Antoine CAMPER (CEA)
Sylvain RAVETS (LCF)
Prix de thèse EDOM 2013
Sandrine RICAUD (LCF)
Prix de thèse EDOM 2012
Perrine BERGER (LAC)
Each year, our doctoral students also participate in other thesis awards.
Prix de thèse PhOM 2020
Prix de thèse DGA 2020
Mathilde Makhhsiyan (ONERA/DOTA)
Prix de thèse PhOM 2019
Loïc Lavenu (LCF), pour son travail sur une Source laser à fibre dopée Yb de haute énergie délivrant des impulsions de quelques cycles optiques
Thomas Noblet (LCP), pour son Etude optique du couplage vibroélectronique à l'interface entre boîtes quantiques semiconductrices et molécules organiques
Pierre Pichon (LCF), pour son travail sur le Pompage par LED de concentrateurs luminescents et de lasers dopés aux métaux de transition
Maximilian Schemmer (LCF), pour son travail sur la Dynamique hors équilibre des gaz bosoniques unidimensionels
Prix Pellat de la Société française de physique
Adrien Leblanc ( Lidyl) dirigé par Fabien Quéré en collaboration avec l’équipe de Jérome Faure du LOA.
Prix de la Chancellerie
Nicolas Bourg (ISMO) dirigé par Sandrine Lévêque-Fort.
Prix de recherche fondamentale du Cnano
Marie-Christine Dheur (LCF) dirigée par Gaétan Messin et J.J. Greffet
Prix de thèse PhOM 2017
Romain Geneaux (Lidyl)
Prix de thèse 2017 de l'European Solar Physics Division
A joint division of the European Physical Society, and the European Astronomical Society.
Prix de thèse de la SFP Daniel Guinier 2015
Raphael Lopes a été lauréat du prix de thèse de la Société Française de Physique 2015
Prix de thèse DGA 2015
Xavier DELEN (LCF)
Prix du DIM Nano-K 2015
Sylvain RAVETS (LCF)
Prix du RTRA 2015
Florence de la BARRIERE (ONERA-LCF)
Maxime de BIOSSAC (ISMO)
Prix de thèse DGA 2014
Perrine BERGER (LAC)
Prix du DIM Nano-K 2014
Prix de thèse ParisTech (2013)
Florence de la BARRIERE (ONERA, LCF)
Prix de thèse ParisTech 2012
Access map
The Ondes et Matière doctoral school is located on the Saclay plateau on the Orsay Faculty Campus, in building 520
Rue André Rivière, 91405 Orsay
2.1783046 48.707674250064
Ondes et Matière Doctoral School academic year calendar - 2023-2024
EDOM Scientific Days 2024
Tuesday February 27 and Wednesday February 28, 2024 at ISMO (building 520).
EDOM doctoral contract competition - Year 2024 :
Deadline for submission of thesis offers by the thesis director: Tuesday April 9, 2024 at 11:59 pm
Deadline for applications: Tuesday April 23, 2024 at 11:59 pm
Invitations to auditions: Tuesday May 21, 2024
Auditions for eligible candidates: Monday June 3 and Tuesday June 4, 2024
Jury for the EDOM competition - Year 2024: Friday June 7, 2024 from 12pm to 4pm
Publication of results: Monday June 10, 2024
CEA/LMCE - Laboratoire Matière sous conditions extrêmes - DAM
C2N - Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies
DMPE - Département Multi-physique pour l'énergétique
IAS - Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
ICP - Institut de Chimie Physique
ISMO - Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d'Orsay
LAC - Laboratoire Aimé Cotton
LCF - Laboratoire Charles Fabry
IJCLab - Laboratoire de Physique des deux Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie
LPGP - Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas
LPP - Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas
LPS - Laboratoire de Physique des Solides
LuMIn - Laboratoire Lumière, Matière et Interfaces
LIDYL - Laboratoire Interactions, Dynamique et Lasers
ONERA/DOTA - Département Optique et Techniques Associées
ONERA/DPHY - Physique, Instrumentation, Environnement, Espace
ONERA/DMPE - Département Multi-physique pour l'énergétique
ONERA/LEM - Laboratoire d'Études des Microstructures
SPEC - Service de Physique de l'État Condensé
SOLEIL - Synchrotron Soleil
The back-to-school meeting will take place
Thursday November 30, 2023 at 10am in the ISMO Amphi (Building 520)
For PhD students entering the 1st year of their 2023-2024 thesis.
This meeting is compulsory.
EDOM competition calendar
Closing date for applications: Tuesday April 23, 2024 at 11:59 pm
Invitation to auditions: Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Competition auditions: Monday June 3 and Tuesday June 4, 2024
Jury meeting (Conseil de l'EDOM): Friday June 7, 2024
Publication of results: Monday June 10, 2024
Liens utiles
The Ondes et Matière Doctoral School competition - Programme Blanc GS Physique
EDOM 2024 doctoral contract competition timetable
Submission of thesis topics on ADUM by EDOM thesis supervisors:
Tuesday April 9, 2024 at 11:59 pm
Closure of applications on ADUM Espace Candidature, by candidates submitted to the competition :
Tuesday April 23, 2024 at 11:59 pm
Invitations to auditions (eligible candidates) sent : Tuesday May 21, 2024
Auditions for eligible candidates: Monday June 3 and Tuesday June 4, 2024
EDOM Council to validate the ranking of auditioned candidates: Friday June 7, 2024
Thesis recruitment through the EDOM competition
To apply, you need to consult the Thesis Proposal topics on ADUM and then contact the thesis directors.
If a thesis director agrees, you can submit an application on ADUM_Espace Candidature.
To complete your application, M1 and M2 internship supervisors should send letters of recommendation directly to edom@universite-paris-saclay.fr, following the model below, without passing through the applicant:
To be able to carry out a thesis at the EDOM, the candidate must be admitted by the EDOM, whether or not as part of the competition.
The first step is to choose a subject and obtain a favorable opinion from the thesis director.
The second stage is qualification by the Doctoral School, i.e. the examination of the candidate's aptitudes by the Doctoral School. There are three ways of obtaining this qualification:
1) Doctoral contract competition. Your application will be examined in this context.
2) Pre-admission for funding applications (allocation spécifique normalien, allocation spécifique X, bourse DGA, bourse CIFRE, bourse ministère des affaires étrangères, etc).
Applications must be submitted directly to ADUM, and must include at least i) a one- or two-page CV, ii) transcripts of L3, M1 and M2 grades, if available, iii) letters of recommendation following the model available at the bottom of this page (to be sent directly by the internship supervisor to the following e-mail address edom@universite-paris-saclay.fr ), iv) a reasoned opinion from the future thesis supervisor, v) a favorable opinion from the laboratory director, as requested directly on ADUM.
3) Qualification in the case of acquired funding (funding from an ANR project, a European project, a contract with an industrial partner, a grant from a foreign government). The application must be sent to the deputy director of the laboratory, and must include at least i) a one- or two-page CV, ii) transcripts of L3, M1 and M2 grades, if available, iii) letters of recommendation following the model available on the "doctoral contract competition" page, iv) a reasoned opinion from the future thesis director, v) a favorable opinion from the laboratory director.
Pre-admission is granted by the EDOM Director on the advice of the Deputy Director. Pre-admission is confirmed following an interview with the candidate's laboratory deputy director. The thesis director and laboratory director may also be involved. It is important to contact the Doctoral School as soon as possible, as the admission decision can only be made if the candidate is of a comparable level to those recruited through the competitive process.
The third stage is final admission, which takes place at the time of first registration in the doctoral program, after verification that the required diplomas have been obtained and that funding has been secured.
Sample letters of recommendation (required to complete your application)
On the ADUM Application Area, you must submit all the documents listed below in a single PDF file. You can use a free online tool like "combinepdf" for this.
Documents to be submitted on ADUM :
- All mandatory ADUM sections,
- A one or two page Curriculum Vitae,
- A copy of your identity card or passport,
- For foreign students, if you already have one, a copy of your visa or residence permit,
- Transcripts of your last year of Licence (or equivalent),
- Transcripts of your Master's degree (or equivalent),
- A copy of the Master's diploma or certificate of achievement if already available, or a provisional certificate of achievement,
- If you already have half-financing, a copy of the proof,
- One or two letters of recommendation.
Click on "Finalize procedure" (« Je finalise la procédure ») to submit your application.
In addition to the ADUM procedure, EDOM requires a recommendation from two former research internship supervisors. Each of these two recommendation sheets must be sent by the supervisors to edom@université-paris-saclay.fr.
Receipt of these two sheets will validate the completeness of your application for the EDOM competition.
An audition is systematically held before any thesis is registered, whatever the source of funding.
The audition lasts 25 minutes.
Candidates have 12 minutes for their presentation. The remaining time is devoted to questions.
The recommended format for the presentation is as follows:
- 1 sheet of CV,
- 3 to 4 sheets presenting a research internship,
- 2 sheets presenting the thesis project.
Questions will focus primarily on the research internship.
The future thesis supervisor is invited as an observer.
The assessment criteria used by the audition panel are :
- Academic quality (CV),
- Suitability of CV for thesis subject,
- Quality of presentation and answers,
- Motivation for the thesis,
- Ability to integrate into the host team.
According to the pre-admissibility list drawn up by the management of the Ondes et Matière Doctoral School, successful candidates will receive an electronic invitation to the auditions, which will take place over two days. No information will be given by telephone. Please inform EDOM - edom@universite-paris-saclay.fr in advance if you will be abroad at the time of the auditions.
Following your eligibility, you will be auditioned by the competition jury.
Auditions will be held on the following dates and locations:
Monday June 3 and Tuesday June 4, 2024
Université Paris-Saclay - Bâtiment 520 (ISMO)
Rue André Rivière - 91400 Orsay
The EDOM Board validates the ranking of the main and complementary lists presented by the ED management.
Successful candidates will be informed by e-mail, will have 7 days to confirm their choice and will be invited to start the thesis registration procedure. It is important to register as soon as possible, so that the doctoral contract can be drawn up and signed. In this way, salary payments will be effective from the start of the thesis.
Thesis recruitment using funding other than EDOM funding
All candidates must meet all the conditions below and be admitted to EDOM to register for a thesis. This recruitment procedure is compulsory and consists of verifying that all scientific and financial conditions have been met so that EDOM can guarantee the smooth running of the doctoral project.
In the absence of a competition, thesis proposals submitted to ADUM and validated by EDOM, as well as the dossiers of candidates proposed for recruitment, are examined at any time of the year by EDOM's deputy director, who is responsible for the laboratory.
The recruitment process is similar to that of the School's competitive examination (see above).
What changes for non-competitive recruitment:
Once your file has been completed, which includes submitting your application on ADUM Espace Candidature and EDOM's receipt of the two recommendation forms, you must attend an audition before an admissions jury, whose members are :
- The deputy director of EDOM, responsible for the laboratory applying for the position,
- One or two representatives of the same laboratory with their HDR and external to the doctoral project,
- The thesis supervisor and/or co-supervisor as observer.
The admissions jury must decide whether or not to admit you to the thesis, and sign a report formalizing your admission to the thesis.
The thesis registration procedure for the current academic year can then begin.
An audition is systematically held before any thesis is registered, whatever the source of funding.
The audition lasts 25 minutes.
Candidates have 12 minutes for their presentation. The remaining time is devoted to questions.
The recommended format for the presentation is as follows:
Questions will focus primarily on the research internship.
The future thesis supervisor is invited as an observer.
The assessment criteria used by the audition panel are :
If the jury's opinion is favorable, the secretariat must receive the minutes of the hearing signed by all the jury members before the application file can be transferred to the ADUM registration area, enabling the candidate to register for a thesis.
Other thesis funding
CDSN : Appel à candidature
To receive the ED director's opinion on your application for a CDSN contract, you will be asked to send :
- A CV listing your academic background and internships,
- Your transcripts for L3, M1 and the first semester of M2.
Contact: edom@universite-paris-saclay.fr
Bourse CSC : Candidat - Encadrant
Application deadline: January 21, 2024
All candidates with a favorable or qualified opinion from the SDF are auditioned by the École Doctorale Ondes et Matière.
Audition dates: end of January to end of February 2024
Publication of results by the CSC: June (indicative date)
It is possible to write a thesis under joint supervision. In this case, the student has two thesis supervisors from different institutions in different countries (cotutelle with another French institution is not possible). The student then obtains a doctorate awarded by both institutions.
Programme de financement des cotutelles internationales de doctorat (ADI)
Thesis registration campaign - June 1 to October 31.
Registration for a thesis is annual, and is renewed at the beginning of each academic year.
The student card is only issued when registering for the first year of the thesis. Doctoral students must keep their physical card for the duration of their thesis, and update it digitally on the ISIC website in subsequent years. The card is valid until December 31 of the academic year in which the doctoral student is registered.
Registration and re-registration of all EDOM doctoral students in all thesis years:
Bureau : 01 69 15 75 26 - Mobile 07 64 01 63 86 - nadia.chapiteau@universite-paris-saclay.fr
Registration and re-registration for the "Ondes et Matière" Doctoral School.
- First stage: Pedagogical registration is carried out by the Doctoral School,
- Second step: Administrative registration is carried out by the Université Paris-Saclay, which registers all doctoral students under the supervision of the Faculté d'Orsay, Institut d'Optique Graduate School and ENS Paris-Saclay.
These two registrations are carried out jointly, exclusively on ADUM, using a one-stop dematerialized procedure for all EDOM doctoral students.
Before registering for the 1st year of your thesis, you need to follow the recruitment procedure, either through the ED competitive examination or through recruitment outside the competitive examination.
As a reminder, you must :
- have submitted an application via ADUM, which has been accepted for examination by EDOM management. Espace Candidature
- have had an audition :
- before the competition jury if you are applying for the EDOM doctoral contract competition,
- or before a specific jury, made up of a member of the EDOM management, a representative of the laboratory external to the doctoral project and holding the HDR, and the future thesis director and/or co-supervisor as an observer.
At the end of the hearing, an admission report with a favorable opinion is submitted to the EDOM secretariat.
On receipt of the PV signed by all the members of the jury, your application file will be transferred to the ADUM registration database, enabling you to begin the registration procedure for the 1st year of your thesis.
Your registration file must include all the documents required to register for the 1st year of your thesis: submit a single PDF file to ADUM.
- Double-sided proof of identity (or passport),
- Proof of funding for a minimum of 36 months (attestation of commitment including the start and end dates of the thesis as well as the monthly salary received, or employment contract signed by all parties, scholarship notification).
- Attestation of successful completion of the diploma required for thesis entry (Master 2 diploma, engineering diploma, etc.), or, if applicable, a provisional attestation of successful completion of this diploma,
- Certificate of CVEC (current year - Académie VERSAILLES),
- Proof of civil liability insurance for the current year,
- Up-to-date social security certificate:
- for doctoral students who are citizens of a country in the European Economic Area, the country's social security is valid; attach a valid certificate.
- for international doctoral students not yet covered by social security: register on Ameli.fr,
- If you are a co-supervising doctoral student: co-supervision agreement or draft co-supervision agreement.
Further information:
If you have been ranked in the EDOM competition, on the complementary list, have obtained other funding and wish to register for the EDOM, please contact Mrs Nadia Chapiteau before starting any procedure on ADUM.
Candidates who have been admitted to a thesis without competition may register throughout the academic year.
Please note, however, that registration must be started before you start your thesis.
A few tips:
- Indicate whether you are a contract doctoral student in charge of teaching (your teaching mission entitles you to a maximum of 7 training points),
- Decide with your thesis director on the composition of your monitoring committee.
- If you have a co-supervisor, enter the number of co-supervisors (minimum 25% per co-supervisor).
- Fill in the summary of your thesis project in both French and English. This summary must be identical and sufficiently detailed for it to be published on the national thesis website, which many companies consult.
- Remember to activate your @universite-paris-saclay.fr e-mail address here
Guide d’accueil des doctorants et chercheurs internationaux
Before the meeting of your monitoring committee, you will receive a satisfaction questionnaire from the doctoral school secretariat. Fill it in and send it exclusively to the EDOM deputy director, who is responsible for your host laboratory.
From April onwards, you'll need to start organizing your end-of-1st-year thesis monitoring committee to draw up your thesis monitoring committee report (CR), which is included in the thesis monitoring booklet.
- It is mandatory that your thesis follow-up booklet, signed by its members, be submitted to ADUM between June and September, BEFORE you can re-register. To do this, the person in charge of your follow-up committee must send your thesis follow-up booklet to the doctoral school.
- All 2nd-year re-registrations, regardless of when they started their thesis, even if late, must be made between June 1 and October 31.
Your re-registration file must include all the documents required to register for the 2nd year of your thesis: submit a single PDF file to ADUM.
- Double-sided ID (or passport),
- Copy of your employment contract signed by all parties or scholarship notification,
- Up-to-date social security certificate,
- Certificate of CVEC (current year),
- Proof of current civil liability insurance and/or for the academic year in which you are enrolling.
Organization of your thesis follow-up interviews with a view to re-registration for the 3rd year of your thesis:
- Send your progress report, completed and signed by you and your thesis supervisor, to the EDOM deputy director, who is responsible for your host laboratory. Progress report for thesis re-registration.
- Schedule an initial interview with your laboratory director or the laboratory representative in charge of doctoral student follow-up.
- In September, the ED secretariat will propose available slots for a second thesis follow-up interview with the EDOM deputy director responsible for your research unit.
Please note:
- EDOM will upload your thesis committee report on ADUM, which will complete your registration file.
Your registration file must include all the documents required to register for the 3rd year of your thesis: to be submitted on ADUM in a single PDF file.
- Double-sided proof of identity (or passport),
- Copy of your employment contract signed by all parties or scholarship notification,
- Up-to-date social security certificate,
- Certificate of payment of CVEC (current year),
- Proof of civil liability insurance for the current year.
If you defend your thesis before December 31 of the current year, you do not need to re-register for the 4th year of your thesis.
Otherwise, you must re-register for the 4th year of your thesis.
Case n°1: for effective re-registration :
- You started your thesis late and have not completed the 36 months of your thesis by December 31,
- You are in cotutelle for 4 years (or more),
- You have a CSC agreement for 4 years,
- You have obtained an extension of funding for your thesis beyond December 31 in the calls for extension of doctoral contracts.
For this re-registration, you must in all cases submit your proof of funding on ADUM (in a single PDF file) (amendment to your employment contract and your initial employment contract, cotutelle agreement, CSC grant notification, certificate of extension of thesis funding beyond December 31, etc.).
Case n°2: if you defend your thesis after December 31st of the current year, but are not in one of the 4 cases mentioned above, you must re-register for the 4th year of your thesis and provide proof of thesis funding until your defense, bearing in mind that your resources must meet the requirements of the EDOM internal regulations III.3.8
Your registration file must include all the documents required to register for the 4th year of your thesis: to be submitted to ADUM in a single PDF file.
- Double-sided identity card (or passport),
- Up-to-date social security certificate,
- Certificate of payment of CVEC (current year),
- Proof of civil liability insurance for the current year,
- Copy of your employment contract from the start of your thesis, signed by all parties,
- Proof of extended funding, indicating start and end dates and gross or net monthly amount received.
For all stages from admission to defense, your contacts (ED referents) are the deputy directors who will support you throughout your PhD.
Directeur Adjoint
Directeur Adjoint
Institut d'optique Graduate School (IOGS)
Laboratoire Charles Fabry (LCF)
Référent des laboratoires : C2N, LAC, LPS, LTCI, LUMIN.
Directeur Adjoint
Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (C2N)
Référent des laboratoires : LMCE, IJCLab, ICP, LCF, LPGP, LPP, SPEC
For all administrative questions concerning your doctoral contract in the field of Human Resources (signature, amendment, sick leave), and only for doctoral students whose employer is the University of Paris-Saclay, you should contact the Human Resources department of the Research division:
Generic address of the HR department (preferred): rh-doctorants.sciences@universite-paris-saclay.fr
Copies to Pôle Recherche Manager Ms Vanessa DELAISSE vanessa.delaisse@universite-paris-saclay.fr
For other PhD students with other funding, please contact the Human Resources department of your host laboratory.
useful links
Contribution de Vie Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC)
Démarches administratives : Sciences Accueil
Transport _ Les titres et tarifs Vianavigo
Transport _ Se déplacer
Logement : Héberjeunes / Association Sciences AccueilHabitat
Doctoral training is designed to
- Strengthen the scientific culture of doctoral students,
- Prepare them for their future careers in both the public and private sectors,
- Promote international openness.
All doctoral students must be trained in research ethics and scientific integrity.
As part of the doctoral contract, doctoral students may, in addition to their thesis work, spend 1/6 of their time teaching or providing expertise and advice in another institution, or carrying out a mission within the Université Paris-Saclay.
S'inscrire aux formations et activités doctorales complémentaires.
The training program offered by Collège de France - Partnership signed, here is the procedure for welcoming doctoral students at Collège de France.
In parallel with their thesis work, each doctoral student must acquire a minimum of 25 training points during the preparation of their doctorate, divided into three categories, with a minimum of 6 training points in each:
- First category (minimum 6 points):
- Training directly useful for carrying out research work,
- Training in research ethics and scientific integrity (mandatory for all doctoral students during their thesis),
- Training directly useful for writing the thesis or presenting the research work in writing or orally,
- Training in open science.
- Second category (6 points minimum):
- Training to enhance scientific culture,
- Training in sustainable development,
- Programs promoting international openness.
- Third category (6 points minimum):
- Courses designed to prepare students for their professional future.
For 10 points:
- Courses: 1 point for 5 hours (maximum 10 points for a course)
- National or international conferences: 1 point for 5 hours, up to a maximum of 10 points for all conferences attended.
For 5 points:
- Participation in evaluation committees or juries: 1 point for 5 hours, up to a maximum of 5 points.
- Membership of an organizing committee for a scientific event: 1 point for 5 hours completed, up to a maximum of 5 points.
For 7 points:
- Teaching assignments and vacations: 1 point for 5 hours of teaching-related training for teaching doctoral students, up to a maximum of 7 points.
Parcours de formation à l’enseignement du supérieur. -
Scientific mediation, expertise or promotion: 1 point for 5 hours of training, up to a maximum of 7 points.
For 3 points:
Representing doctoral students on laboratory, doctoral school or Graduate School boards: 3 points for 2 years or more.
Involvement in student associations (student associations only): 1 point for 5 hours, up to a maximum of 3 points.
Active participation in a learned society or science dissemination association: 1 point for 5 hours, up to a maximum of 3 points.
Participation in a mentoring program: 1 point for 5 hours up to a maximum of 3 points.
Co-supervision of laboratory trainees: 1 point for every 5 hours worked, up to a maximum of 3 points.
For 1 point:
Lectures: 1 point for 5 hours of lectures attended.
Doctoral student representative on laboratory, doctoral school or Graduate School boards for one year only.
The declaration and validation of training courses are carried out exclusively on the doctoral student's personal ADUM space.
- Training courses offered by ADUM and Université Paris-Saclay:
You need to contact the training manager so that the training can be validated and included in your skills portfolio.
- Non-catalog training courses and activities:
Doctoral students must register exclusively on their personal ADUM space under the heading "Formation hors catalog".
Only a certificate of attendance signed by the teacher in charge of the course, indicating the dates of training and the total number of hours attended, should be submitted for validation and allocation of training points.
If applicable, attach a certificate of attendance signed and stamped by the thesis supervisor, certifying the dates and total hours of training attended.
Please note
All doctoral students with a teaching assignment must attend a teaching training course to validate this activity in the training plan during the preparation of their thesis.
In accordance with the doctoral training decree and the EDOM's internal regulations, follow-up procedures are compulsory and must be renewed for each academic year and for all thesis re-enrollments, whatever the year.
The follow-up committee booklet must be completed in full, depending on the thesis year. The follow-up committee report is mandatory for re-registration in all thesis years. It must be submitted on your personal ADUM space by August 31 at the latest.
If the work is of a confidential nature, the members of the monitoring committee sign a confidentiality agreement, which is given to the thesis supervisor before the work is examined.
How to set up your monitoring committee
In consultation with your thesis supervisor, you must choose your monitoring committee. It can be set up before or after your first thesis registration. At the end of the calendar year, you'll need to fill in your ADUM profile.
A doctoral sponsor, non-specialist in the field of thesis research,
- Must have previous experience of doctoral supervision,
- If possible, be a holder of the "habilitation à diriger des recherches",
- Be a member of the doctoral student's host laboratory,
- be external to the student's research team.
A scientific tutor, expert in the thesis research field,
- Must be from outside the doctoral student's host laboratory
- Be from outside Université Paris-Saclay, whenever possible.
- Must not be a regular collaborator, nor regularly co-author articles with members of the PhD student's host team.
- Be able to understand the technical aspects of the PhD student's research work.
One of these two members must be named on ADUM as the contact person for your monitoring committee.
Le livret du comité de suivi individuel (CSI) - ( 67.21 Ko)
To be completed by the doctoral student and sent to the members of the monitoring committee.
What is the role of the committee member?
The monitoring committee referent is responsible for drawing up the monitoring committee report and sending it to the doctoral school at nadia.chapiteau@universite-paris-saclay.fr by August 31 at the earliest. This will enable you to complete your thesis re-registration file. There is no particular criterion for selecting a committee member.
Attention: The person in charge of your monitoring committee must not be confused with the person in charge of your host laboratory, who is one of the EDOM's deputy directors.
Please note
The EDOM deputy directors and the directors and deputy directors of the doctoral student's host laboratory do not take part in this individual monitoring committee.
Members of the committee cannot be thesis referees.
To do:
The doctoral student must submit his or her monitoring committee book endorsed by the thesis director at least 7 days before the monitoring committee meeting.
In April or May of each year, you must organize a meeting of your monitoring committee.
To organize this committee :
- Contact the members of your monitoring committee and your thesis director a few months or weeks beforehand to schedule the meeting, which can be face-to-face or remote.
- Prepare your 2nd-year progress report following your 1st-year follow-up committee meeting, or your 3rd-year progress report following your 2nd-year follow-up committee meeting.
- Then send this booklet to the members of your monitoring committee at least 7 days before the meeting.
The meeting will comprise 3 stages:
- Stage 1: Presentation of progress by the doctoral student and discussion (the thesis supervisor may be present at this stage, but is not obligatory),
- Stage 2: Follow-up committee meeting with the doctoral student and without the thesis supervisor,
- Step 3: Follow-up committee meeting with the thesis supervisor and without the doctoral student.
After the meeting, the two members of your monitoring committee can add their conclusions, opinions and recommendations to the document in .docx format, then :
- Send it, dated and signed, in PDF format, to the doctoral school at nadia.chapiteau@universite-paris-saclay.fr,
- And send it to you, dated and unsigned, in .docx format, so that you can use it again the following year.
You need to sign and date the follow-up booklet in PDF format to re-register for your thesis.
It must be sent to the doctoral school before the August 31 deadline. Without this document, you will not be re-registered, and your thesis will not be able to continue. If you receive this document on time, you will be able to re-register for your thesis in September 2023.
To promote doctoral students' participation projects, EDOM can help you financially with a grant of up to €500.
This grant is paid directly to your laboratory, once only during your PhD, within the limits of the annual budget we can allocate to this operation.
Interested PhD students should send a request to Nadia CHAPITEAU, which must include :
- The announcement and projected program of the thematic school, or the stay abroad, or the specialized training course, or the summer or winter school,
- The projected budget for the mission,
- The form completed and signed by you and your thesis supervisor:
Demande de subvention pour formation doctorale - ( 474.76 Ko)
Send a copy of your mission order to EDOM once it has been issued by your laboratory.
All missions in France or abroad must be covered by an official mission order issued by your employer (university, CEA, CNRS, etc.), which provides administrative cover and insurance in the event of accident or medical problem. If the mission is financed by another organization, your employer's mission order will be issued free of charge.
Please respect this procedure and contact Nadia CHAPITEAU for further information.
Every year, all doctoral students enrolled in a thesis at EDOM meet for two days in March/April/May for the EDOM Scientific Days.
Only second-year PhD students present their work orally (in French or English) for a dozen minutes, followed by 3 minutes of questions. The variety of topics covered requires them to be very pedagogical.
At the end of each half-day session, first-year PhD students vote for the best presentation of each session.
The winners receive a prize of 250 euros.
EDOM Scientific Days - Edition 2024
Tuesday February 27 and Wednesday February 28, 2024 at the ISMO Amphi - Building 520
Congratulations to the winners of the EDOM PhD Days 2024 Best Presentation Awards
Mme HOFER Britton (LCF)
Mme PINTO DIAS Daniela (C2N)
Congratulations to the winners of the EDOM PhD Days 2023 Best Presentation Awards
Mme CHANDECLERC Marie-Charlotte (LuMIn)
Mr FYRILLAS Andreas (C2N)
Mr DOLLIOU Antoine (IAS)
Congratulations to the winners of the EDOM PhD Days 2022 Best Presentation Awards
M. BUREIK Jan-Phillip (LCF)
M. BORNET Guillaume (LCF)
M. PINCET Lancelot (ISMO)
Congratulations to the winners of the EDOM PhD Days 2021 Best Presentation Awards
Mme ILLAND Abigail (ISMO)
Congratulations to the winners of the EDOM PhD Days 2020 Best Presentation Awards
Mme BILLARD Marie (C2N)
M. SCHOLL Pascal (LCF)
Congratulations to the winners of the EDOM PhD Days 2019 Best Presentation Awards
M. MONIN Hector
Mme POMMIER Delphine
Mme TERRAS Feriel
M. VINDOLET Baptiste
M. WALCH Pierre
A description of the Université Paris-Saclay examination procedure and links to official texts are available here.
The jury must comprise 4 to 8 members:
- with (at least) 2 research supervisors (HDR), external to the supervisory team and to the doctoral project, external to the University of Paris-Saclay, external to EDOM, and with no joint publications with the doctoral student,
- with at least half of the members having the status of university professor (or equivalent, e.g. research director), with the understanding that the thesis director is not taken into consideration for this count,
- with at least half of the members external to the supervising team, the doctoral project, the doctoral school and Université Paris-Saclay, with the thesis director being taken into consideration for this count,
- with at least one member of Université Paris-Saclay (excluding the thesis director and co-supervisors) holding the status of university professor (or equivalent), or at least HDR,
- with, if possible, a balanced proportion of men and women, corresponding at least to an 80/20 ratio of jury members.
It is of course possible to select members of the jury who carry out their research activities abroad, provided their status is clearly specified.
Unless justified otherwise (e.g., if required by a thesis co-supervision agreement), members of the supervisory team are guest members. The jury may ask any member of the supervisory team to contribute to the preparation and progress of the thesis. The thesis director and co-supervisors may therefore be invited by the jury to speak, take part in the deliberations and give their opinion, but under no circumstances do they take part in the jury's final decision.
These principles governing the composition of defense juries are designed to guarantee the independence of jury members and the quality of doctorates awarded by the University of Paris-Saclay, thereby ensuring national and international recognition.
If the defense is on or before December 31, the doctoral student does not need to re-register.
The declaration of defense must be declared on ADUM :
- 3 months if the defense is of a confidential nature
- 2 months before the scheduled date of defense
Other situations:
- For September examinations, the summer closure must be taken into account. The procedure for declaring a defense will be carried out for the 1st fortnight of September by May 12 at the latest, and for the 2nd fortnight of September by July 5 at the latest.
- For defenses after December 15: by October 15 at the latest.
It is possible to request a provisional schedule from the secretary's office to help you prepare your defense and find out the deadlines for each stage.
Thesis defense procedure
STEP 1: Identify jury members with the thesis director
STEP 2: Define material organization
- Date of presentation
- Place of defense (on or off Paris-Saclay premises)Authorization form to defend outside Paris-Saclay available in your personal ADUM space.
- VideoconferenceTechnical guarantor declaration form available in your personal ADUM space.
- Embargo
At the time of the 1st legal deposit of the thesis, a request for embargo can be made and is limited to 1 to 5 years maximum.
At 2 months from the end of this period, the embargo can be extended for a further 1 to 5 years.
- Confidentiality and in camera sessions
Defense in camera is exceptional.
It should only be used if the thesis is of a clearly confidential nature, and the defense should be declared 4 months before the scheduled date.
STEP 3: No later than one week before the deadline for starting the declaration of defense on ADUM) - Validate the composition of the jury and the manuscript.
The doctoral student sends his or her EDOM referent :
- A proposal for two external HDR rapporteurs with their titles and functions as well as the university or organization to which they belong.
- A proposal for the composition of the jury, including titles and positions, as well as the university or organization to which they belong.
For research fellows, research engineers holding a doctorate and lecturers, it will be specified whether they have the HDR. They will also propose a provisional defense date to their EDOM advisor.
- The finalized manuscript
STEP 4: Declare the thesis defense on ADUM by submitting the manuscript. It is imperative that the data concerning jury members entered on ADUM is accurate. This will avoid errors on the diploma.
If your defense is of a confidential nature, this stage must be started 3 months before the scheduled date of the defense.
Any delay or non-compliance may result in postponement of the defense.
STEP 5: Make the 1st legal deposit of the defense
STEP 6: The doctoral school sends invitations to the jury members, some of whom also receive a power of attorney if the defense has been declared by videoconference, provided that Université Paris-Saclay has signed the defense authorization.
By the same e-mail, they receive the electronic version of the manuscript.
STEP 7: Rapporteurs submit their reports on ADUM.
After receiving the opinion of the thesis director and the doctoral school, the defense authorization, together with the reports, is submitted to the establishment for decision and signature.
STEP 8: Within 14 days (legal deadline), the doctoral school automatically publishes on the Internet the defense papers authorized by the establishment.
This publication is a legal obligation. See here
Doctoral students must validate their 1st legal deposit with the library before the defense and their 2nd deposit after the defense.
Validation of the 1st deposit by the library in ADUM assigns the NNT and gives access to the defense documents in the doctoral student's ADUM interface.
In accordance with the 2016 decree, the 2nd deposit in ADUM is compulsory and the manuscript is definitive. It authorizes publication of the diploma.
Your contacts for submitting your thesis, depending on your referring institution (make an appointment by e-mail):
The defense can be scheduled at the beginning of the procedure by the doctoral student on ADUM until the day before the defense by the ED, if one or more members of the jury are unavailable to attend in person.
In both cases, you need to create virtual rooms, fill in the technical guarantor declaration form and send it to Nadia Chapiteau.
When the official invitation to the defense is sent out, each member of the videoconference jury will receive a proxy giving the jury president the right to sign the PV and defense report on his or her behalf.
Each proxy must be sent to the thesis director before the defense, and completed afterwards with the name of the jury president.
Preferably in French. However, it is possible to write in English.
In this case, a French summary of at least 4000 characters, including spaces, must be provided when the manuscript is submitted for the 2nd time.
The GS Physique Thesis Award form must be sent in completed, dated and signed within 15 days of the defense, together with the thesis supervisor's defense report.
The defense report, the minutes, the jury's opinion and any proxies must be filed and signed on ADUM by the thesis director.
The originals should be sent to:
Maison du doctorat - Université Paris-Saclay
Documents de soutenance
ENS Paris-Saclay
4 Avenue des sciences
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
The attestation de réussite au diplôme de doctorat is issued and available on your personal ADUM space under certain conditions:
- after the 2nd electronic submission of your thesis, validated by the library. To do this, corrections must be made to the thesis.
Maximum deadline for the 2nd deposit with corrections requested by the defense jury:
- 1 month for minor corrections.
- 3 months for major corrections.
Without a correction request, the second deposit is compulsory. It allows us to specify the name of the jury president on the cover page and to add the NNT number.
Details of how to collect your diploma are available on the Université Paris-Saclay website.
Université Paris Saclay 2023 doctoral graduation ceremony, Friday June 30, 2023.
Université Paris-Saclay 2024 doctoral graduation ceremony, Friday June 28, 2024
Half of our PhD graduates find jobs in research at the university or in major research organizations (CNRS, CEA, ONERA, etc.). Industry is an important outlet. The majority of our PhD graduates work in technical occupations that enable them to make the most of their skills. They are divided between large groups (Thales, Saint Gobain, etc.), SMEs and technology start-ups.
Directeur de l'EDOM
Université Paris-Saclay
Institut des sciences moléculaires d'Orsay (ISMO)
Directeur Adjoint
Directeur Adjoint
Institut d'optique Graduate School (IOGS)
Laboratoire Charles Fabry (LCF)
Référent des laboratoires : C2N, LAC, LPS, LTCI, LUMIN.
Directeur Adjoint
Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (C2N/CNRS)
Référent des laboratoires : LMCE, IJCLab, ICP, LCF, LPGP, LPP, SPEC.
Gestionnaire de l’EDOM
Université Paris-Saclay, Rue André Rivière - Bâtiment 520 (ISMO) - 91405 Orsay
Bureau : 01 69 15 75 26 - Mobile : 07 64 01 63 86