Physics in Ile de France

L'école doctorale

The Doctoral School, or "École Doctorale Physique en Île-de-France",  is formally hosted by

and driven jointly with the universities:

The broad scientific scope of the EDPIF includes the physics of fundamental interactions, quantum physics of dilute or condensed matter, statistical physics, soft matter and biophysics, as well as fundamental topics in optics, acoustics and hydrodynamics. 
Though the School is oriented toward both experimental and theoretical fundamental physics, it is nevertheless open to related applications.

The EDPIF hosts more than 500 PhD candidates preparing their doctorate in its 40 laboratories throughout the Paris region (both center and south area),  and comprises more than 800 researchers involved in thesis supervision.

More details at :

Sujets de thèse, admission et concours

The admission to the doctoral school Physique en Ile de France is carried out in 2 ways :

- admission via the doctoral school competition

- ongoing admissions

Admission via the doctoral school competition

Thesis proposals are visible : here.

Candidates can apply to this proposals : here.

Candidates must upload a number of documents. This must be done before the deadline, April 30, 2019 at midnight. Candidates admitted to the hearing are selected on the basis of their applications on 17 May 2019. The hearings will take place in Paris on 4 and 5 June 2019. The results are validated by the ED Board on June 7, 2019. The candidates are then informed of the result.

Once admitted, candidates will be able to register administratively from 2 September 2019.

Ongoing admissions

A large number of proposals are funded by various organizations. Thesis proposals are visible here. Candidates can apply to this proposals here.

In order to comply with the rules of the Université Paris-Saclay, candidates must pass an oral exam in front of an audition committee.  This audition committee is made up of at least 2 senior rechearchers (the thesis supervisor cannot be one of these 2 persons).

The hearing shall consist of:

10 minutes of presentation by the candidate of his/her titles and works as well as a brief description of his/her thesis subject.

5 minutes of questions by the committee.

At the end, the committee writes a report whose model is downloadable below (in French). The committee sends the report by e-mail to the doctoral school.


Inscription et réinscription

Registration in 1st year

Steps to follow :

- to be admitted at the Ecole doctorale (please check the admission page)

- register at the University Paris-Saclay via the ADUM portal which will generate the necessary documents for your administrative registration.
- also fill in your form on the EDPIF website.

Remarks :

- You are part of one of the few multi-site doctoral schools, i.e. one that straddles several universities. By default, ADUM tends to consider that your doctoral school is'Paris-Saclay only' and therefore some procedures are not quite the same as in other doctoral schools.

- Unfortunately, you will often have to rewrite the same thing twice on the ADUM and EDPIF sites, all computerized.

You will find many informations in the  EDPIF Doctorant guide.

Procedure :

In a first step, create your account on the ADUM platform :  ADUM and "créer un compte".
Once this is done, please fill in all that is asked of you.

If some items are too complex to complete at this time, write NA.
Of course, fill everything concerning the title of your PhD, the name of your supervisor, the lab...

Remarks :
1) You ares asked to upload many documents. Feel free to ask your supervisor for help since many parts are in French.

2) You can then download, print the paper documents and have the 3 documents signed :

- formulaire d'inscription
- convention de formation
- charte du doctorant

To obtain the signature of the doctoral school's management, you can send these documents by post (not very recommended) to :

Université Paris-Sud
LPS - Bât. 510
Mme Sabine Hoarau
91405 ORSAY Cédex

Other possibility : make an appointment with M. Marino Marsi to sign the documents.



Mme Terras Véronique
Centre national de recherche scientifique (CNRS)
Laboratoire de physique théorique et modèles statistiques (LPTMS)

Marsi Marino
Université Paris-Saclay
Laboratoire de physique des solides (LPS)

Mme Hoarau Sabine
Université Paris-Saclay
Laboratoire de physique des solides (LPS)