Chemical sciences: molecules, materials, instrumentation and bio systems
The doctoral school
The direction of the ED 2MIB no longer has access to the pages of the ED website since the establishment of the new Université Paris-Saclay site.
The update of the 2MIB pages is put on hold.
Information and news are therefore not regularly published.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
MESRI 2020 Competition
MESRI 2020 Competition: The planning is confirmed : Application deadline : Avril 24th
The 2019 PhD graduation ceremony
5th PhD Day of ED 2MIB - JED 2019
The fifth PhD Day of the 2MIB Doctorale School of Université Paris-Saclay took place on June 11th 2019 at Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne (Evry)
Information and program: JED 2019
MESRI 2019 Competition
The planning of the MESRI 2019 competition is online in the section PhD Subjects / MESRI 2019 Competition
Doctoral School 2MIB n°571
The doctoral school "Chemical Sciences: Molecules, Materials, Instrumentation and Biosystems (2MIB)" is a disciplinary school based on the chemistry of the Paris-Saclay perimeter, which cover a large part of the spectrum of the discipline.
The aim of the Doctoral School is to offer PhD students a space in which they can conduct fundamental research in chemistry and its applications that address social challenges such as the environment, sustainable development, materials, health, etc. Numerous cross-cutting research themes have been developed in particular at the interface of physics, biology and pharmacology.
The DS is organized around 3 clusters or programs:
- Physical, Biophysical and Analytical Chemistry (CPBA)
- Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry (COB)
- Inorganic and Materials Chemistry (CIM)
Two transversal axes are developped:
- Professional integration and international mobility of doctoral students
- Doctoral training
Key figures:
296 enrolled PhD students in 2020-2021
90 enrolled per year
314 researchers authorised to manage research
3 universities (UPSUD, UEVE, UVSQ)
2 schools (X, ENS Cachan)
5 postgraduate schools
4 research organisations (CEA, CNRS, INSERM, Synchrotron Soleil)
26 laboratories and host research Units
Rules and regulations (in French)
The governance of the doctoral school is ensured by a director assisted by five deputy directors each dealing with a scientific pole or a transverse axis.
The director of the doctoral school is Antoine Pallandre, Professor at the Institut de Chimie Physique of the Université Paris-Sud.
The three deputy directors in charge of scientific programs are:
- CPBA Program, Jérôme Mathé, Associate Professor at the Laboratoire Analyse et Modélisation poru la Biologie et l'Environnement (Université Evry Val d'Essonne). e-mail :
- COB Program, Xavier Moreau, Professor at the Institut Lavoisier de Versailles (Université Versailles - Saint Quentin en Yvelines). e-mail:
- CIM Program, Frédéric Avenier, Associate Professor at the Institut de Chimie Moléculaire et des Matériaux d'Orsay de l'Université Paris-Sud. e-mail :
The two deputy directors in charge of the transversal axes are:
- Professional integration and international mobility, Isabelle Leray, Director of Research at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay. e-mail:
- Doctoral training, Eric Eliot, Research Engineer at the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, Director of Laboratoire Léon Brillouin. e-mail:
Steering Committee
The steering committee is made up of the director, the deputy directors, the local correspondents of the institutions and the assistant.
The committee meets on average once a month to allow members to consult each other on current affairs. He assists the director in the preparation of school events and Council meetings.
It evaluates the doctoral applications.
Scientific Council
The composition of the Board is in accordance with Article 9 of the Decree of 25 May 2016. The Board of the Doctoral School is composed of 26 members divided as follows:
- 16 members representing ED management, institutions, research units and administrative staff composed of:
- The director of the ED,
- 7 representatives of the institutions,
- 2 representatives of the engineering, administrative or technical staff,
- 6 members of the research units.
- 10 PhD students and external members at Paris-Saclay University composed of:
- 5 representatives of doctoral students elected by their peers,
- 5 external members.
Directors of Research Units are invited to ED 2MIB Board meetings.
The members of the scientific council are detailed in the file below:
Les membres du conseil scientifique détaillés
The board of the ED is met at least 3 times a year by the director. It defines, within the framework of the policy of the establishments, the scientific policy and the policy of doctoral formation of the school and it assesses each year the different balance sheets of the ED.
The council meeting minutes (in French) :
Compte rendu - Mars 2019
Compte rendu - Décembre 2018
Compte rendu - Mai 2018
Compte rendu - Avril 2018
Compte rendu - Novembre 2017
Compte rendu - Mai 2017
Compte rendu - Février 2017
Compte rendu - Novembre 2016
The PhD Day
5th PhD Day of ED 2MIB - JED 2019
The fifth PhD Day of the 2MIB Doctorale School of Université Paris-Saclay took place on June 11th 2019 at Université d'Evry Val d'Essonne (Evry)
Marc Fontecave, Professor at Collège de France, Membre de l'Académie des Sciences, gave the plenary lecture.
Louis Fensterbank (Sorbonne Université), Souhir Boujday (Sorbonne Université) et Stéphane Cordier (Université de Rennes 1) presented thematic conferences.
45 oral presentations and 48 posters were presented by the PhD students.
The program:
Programme court JED
The complete program
We wish to sincerely thank all the people who participated in this day. Through your conferences, your presentations, your participation in the organization and animation of the day or your mere presence you have given a scientific, and not only administrative, dimension to the doctoral school.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2019 JED Awards:
- COB Program: Lucas Frédéric (CEA SCBM, UPSUD) - best oral communication, Marie Auvray (CMIB, UPSUD) - best poster
- CIM Program: Philipp Gotico (CEA SB2SM, UPSUD) - best oral communication, Nicolò Baggi (ICMMO, UPSUD) - best poster
- CPBA Program: Hana Illichová (LCP, UPSUD) - best oral communication, Jérémy Donon (CEA LIDyL, UPSUD) - best poster
Thanks again to all our sponsors:
4th PhD Day of ED 2MIB - JED 2018
The fourth PhD Day of the 2MIB Doctorale School of Université Paris-Saclay took place on October 18th 2018 at IUT d'Orsay - Université Paris-Sud (Orsay)
Claire-Marie Pradier, Vice-Director de l'Institut de Chimie of CNRS, gave the plenary lecture.
Laurent Bouteiller (Sorbonne Université), Sylvie Ferlay (Université de Strasbourg) and Frédérique Courant (Université de Montpellier) presented thematic conferences.
46 oral presentations and 44 posters were presented by the PhD students.
Short JED 2018 program.
Le programme court de la JED 2018
Le programme long de la JED 2018
We wish to sincerely thank all the people who participated in this day. Through your conferences, your presentations, your participation in the organization and animation of the day or your mere presence you have given a scientific, and not only administrative, dimension to the doctoral school.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 JED Awards:
- COB Program: Maxime Jarret (ICMMO, UPSUD) - best oral communication, Maxime Jarret (ICMMO, UPSUD) - best poster
- CIM Program: Timothé Godou (CEA NIMBE, UPSUD) - best oral communication, Nicolas Osenciat (ICMMO, UPSUD) - best poster
- CPBA Program: Aline Rigal (LipSys2, UPSUD) - best oral communication, Pauline Maury (ISMO, UPSUD) - best poster
Thanks again to all our sponsors:
3rd PhD Day of ED 2MIB - JED 2017
The third PhD Day of the 2MIB Doctorale School of Université Paris-Saclay took place on October 17th 2017 at ENS Paris-Saclay (Cachan)
Régis Réau, Director of Research Air Liquide, gave the plenary lecture.
Dario Bassani (ISM Bordeaux), Laurent Micouin (Université Paris Descartes) and Clotilde Policar (ENS Paris) presented thematic conferences.
43 oral presentations and 59 posters were presented by the PhD students.
The conference program:
Programme complet jed 2017
We wish to sincerely thank all the people who participated in this day. Through your conferences, your presentations, your participation in the organization and animation of the day or your mere presence you have given a scientific, and not only administrative, dimension to the doctoral school.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2017 JED Awards:
- COB Program: Augustin Peneau (ICSN, UPSUD) - best oral communication, Thi Phuong Thu Nguyen (ICMMO, UPSUD) - best poster
- CIM Program: Antoine Bohn (ICMMO, UPSUD) - best oral communication, Amandine Boulmier (ILV, UVSQ) - best poster
- CPBA Program: Christelle Dubois (CEA-SPI, UPSUD) - best oral communication, Yoann Peperstraete (Sun, UPSUD) - best poster
Thanks again to all our sponsors:
2nd PhD Day of ED 2MIB - JED 2016
The second PhD day of the 2MIB Doctoral School of Université Paris-Saclay took place on November 8, 2016 at INSTN - CEA Saclay
Gilberte Chambaud, President of the SCF, former director of the CNRS Institute of Chemistry, gave the plenary lecture.
Guillaume Rogez (IPCMS), Laurence Grimaud (ENS) and Hubert Girault (EPFL) presented thematic conferences.
45 oral presentations and 56 posters were presented by PhD students.
The conference program:
Le programme jed 2016 - format pdf
We wish to sincerely thank all the people who participated in this day. Through your conferences, your presentations, your participation in the organization and animation of the day or your mere presence you have given a scientific, and not only administrative, dimension to the doctoral school.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2016 JED Awards:
- COB Program: Yann Bourne-Branchu (LCM, X) - best poster, Pierre Quinodoz (ILV, UVSQ) - best oral communication
- CPBA Program: Veronica Macaluso (LAMBE, UEVE) - best poster, Pierre Barbier Saint Hilaire (SPI, CEA) and Luisa Carvalho (SEARS, CEA) - best oral communications
- CIM Program: Feng Shao (ICMMO, UPSUD) - best poster, Kevin Dedecker (ILV, UVSQ) and Benjamin Cahier (ICMMO, UPSUD) - best oral communications
Thanks again to all our sponsors:
1st PhD Day of ED 2MIB - JED 2015
The first PhD Day of the 2MIB Doctoral School of Université Paris-Saclay took place on November 24, 2015 at Ecole Polytechnique
Alain Fuchs, President and CEO of the CNRS gave the plenary lecture.
Philippe Sautet, Matthieu Sollogoub and Thibaud Coradin presented thematic conferences.
45 oral communications and about 60 posters were presented by PhD students.
The conference program:
Programme jed
Programme jed 2015
We sincerely thank all those who participated in the inauguration of the ED 2MIB. Through your conferences, your presentations, your participation in the organization and animation of the day or your mere presence you have given a scientific, and not only administrative, dimension to the doctoral school.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2015 JED Awards:
- COB Program: Pierre Quinodoz - Best Poster (ILV) and Audrey Dumoulin - Best Oral Communication (ICSN)
- CPBA Program: Marie Clément - Best Poster (LCP) and Laurent Laboureur - Best Oral Communication (ICSN)
- CIM Program: Mathieu Xémard - Best Poster (LCM) and Anne Pensel - Best Oral Communication (LAMBE)
Thanks again to all our sponsors:
General Directory and PhDs
Supervising Authorization (HDR)
Direction of theses
Except in special cases, the supervision of a thesis will be entrusted to researchers or teaching researchers with a supervising authorization (HDR), in accordance with the regulations in force.
Supervising potential
The ED "Chemical Sciences: Molecules, Materials, Instrumentation and Biosystems (2MIB)" has in theory a high potential for supervision since it includes 300 HDR for only 300 doctoral students. Although in practice not all HDR graduates have PhD students, this still leaves great flexibility for starting interdisciplinary research projects.
My Personal Space
Access to My Personal Space:
Laboratoires /Laboratories
In alphabetical order :
- Bioénergétique, Biologie Structurale et Mécanismes (SB2SM)
- Génomique métabolique (GM)
- Institut de chimie moléculaire et des matériaux d'Orsay (ICMMO)
- Institut de Chimie Physique (ICP)
- Institut des sciences moléculaires d'Orsay (ISMO)
- Institut Galien Paris-Sud (IGPS)
- Institut Lavoisier de Versailles (ILV)
- Laboratoire Analyse et Modélisation pour la Biologie et l'Environnement (LAMBE)
- Laboratoire Nanosciences et Innovation pour les Matériaux, la Biomédecine et l'Énergie (NIMBE)
- Laboratoire de physique des solides (LPS)
- Laboratoire Interactions, Dynamique et Lasers (LIDYL)
- Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB)
- Maison de la simulation
- Photophysique et photochimie supramoléculaires et macromoléculaires (PPSM)
- Service d'étude du comportement des radionucléides (SECR)
- Service d'études analytiques et de réactivité des surfaces (SEARS)
- Service de chimie bio-organique et de marquage (SCBM)
- Service de la corrosion et du comportement des matériaux dans leur environnement (SCCME)
- Service de Pharmacologie et Immunoanalyse (SPI)
- Service hospitalier Frédéric Jolliot (SHFJ)
- Synchrotron SOLEIL (SOLEIL)
- Unité Universitaire Interdisciplinaire Lip(Sys)² : Lipides, Systèmes analytiques et biologiques
Laboratoires (hors périmètre)
- Chimie, modélisation et imagerie pour la biologie
- Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule (I2BC)
The Doctorate
The doctorate is a training phase for the doctoral student. It is based on professional experience of research within a research unit recognized by a national evaluation.
The normal duration of the doctorate is three years. All the original scientific work carried out during the duration of the doctorate (the thesis) is the subject of a final dissertation which is defended at the thesis defense.
During his doctorate, the student is evaluated (see page Doctorate advancement) and must undergo a doctoral training.
The entire training process, both in the laboratory and in the doctoral programs followed, constitutes the doctoral project which is validated by the doctoral school.
Doctoral Charter
- Doctoral training, a definition.
- The Université Paris-Saclay's Doctoral Degree.
- The doctoral charter, one definition, multiple objectives.
- Scope of application.
Commissions, Committees and Selection Panels,
- The thesis defence examination panel.
- The individual thesis monitoring commitee
- The doctoral studies admision Panel,
Parties involved in the Doctoral Training Programme,
- The Doctoral Student,
- The Supervisor.
- The research group director.
- The doctoral school unit director.
Mediation and conflicts résolution.
Upload the Doctoral Charter (PDF)
Ethics and Integrity
Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity Council
PhD Graduation Ceremony
The 2019 PhD graduation ceremony
PhD subjects and ED Competition
The ED 2MIB organizes annually:
- The competition for doctoral contracts awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI).
- The collection and evaluation of applications for the doctoral contracts of IDEX Paris-Saclay - Interdisciplinary Doctoral Initiative (IDI).
- The collection of applications for various Calls for Projects: LabEx, China Scholarship Council (CSC) ...
- The collection of PhD subjects for various funding programs.
PhD Offers
Find all the offers of the doctoral school on the Adum plateform
Make a PhD offer
Paris-Saclay University has joined the ADUM network which brings together more than a hundred doctoral schools in France.
- Are you a thesis supervisor or co-supervisor in a Paris Saclay Doctoral School?
- Do you want to update your profile?
- Do you want to propose a thesis subject?
If you can not log in, check with your doctoral school director if you have been registered in the database. Once in the database, you will only be able to propose a thesis offer if your ED has chosen to collect thesis offers using the ADUM.
Contact for details.
MERSI 2020 Competition
Procedure of the MESRI 2020 competition
The dates of the competition are confirmed. The competition will be organized either by total videoconference, partial or or face to face depending on the conditions of the deconfinement
The MESRI 2020 doctoral contract award procedure is divided into several phases:
- Submission of subject proposals by the supervisors (HDR)
- Student applications on topics published by ED
- Selection of candidates admitted to oral
- Auditions by the Program Boards
- Validation and publication of the results.
The application procedure is carried out on the ADUM platform.
Detailed schedule:
- Until February 17th: Submission of subject proposals by HDR
- Before February 21st: Validation of subjects by Unit Directors and ED
- February 24th: Publication of subjects on the ED website
- From February 24th to April 24th: Application on subjects published by ED
- April 28th: Deadline for HDR to submit an application notice
- May 4th to 11th: Selection of candidates admitted to oral examination by the Program Juries
- May 11th to 15th: Sending notifications
- May 25th to 28th: Auditions of candidates by the Program Boards
- CIM program - May 25th
- CPBA program - May 27th
- COB program - May 26th and 28th
- From May 29th to June 4th: Validation of the results by the Steering comitee and the Council of the ED.
- June 4th: Communication of the results
Important dates for candidates:
- From February 24th to April 24th: Applications on subjects published by ED
- 25th, 27th and 28th May: Auditions of candidates by the Program Boards
- June 4th: Communication of the results
Important dates for supervisors:
- Until February 17th: Submission of subject proposals by HDR
- April 28th: Deadline for HDR to submit an application notice
- June 4th: Communication of the results
The audition consists of a 10-minutes presentation with slides on the academic background, the research project and the match between the two. The presentation is followed by 5 minutes of questions.
Composition of boards:
MERSI 2019 Competition
Results of the MESRI 2019 competition
Registration on the main list (LP) or complementary list (LC) was notified on May 28 to all candidates auditioned.
The ranking in the complementary list was communicated to candidates on June 27, after validation by the doctoral college.
The 24 contracts proposed in LP are distributed as follows:
By establishment:
- 19 UPSUD
- 2 UEVE
- 2 UVSQ
- 1 ENS Paris-Saclay
By pole:
- 10 CPBA
- 10 COB
- 4 CIM
By research units:
- 4 LCP
- 2 ICSN
- 2 SPI
- 2 SCBM
- 1 ISMO
- 1 LipSys2
- 1 Institut Curie
- 2 ILV
- 1 GM
- 1 PPSM
By diploma of origin:
- 10 University Paris-Saclay
- 14 Other French or foreign university
Procedure of the MESRI 2019 competition
The MESRI 2019 doctoral contract award procedure is divided into several phases:
- Submission of subject proposals by the supervisors (HDR)
- Student applications on topics published by ED
- Selection of candidates admitted to oral
- Auditions by the Program Boards
- Validation and publication of the results.
The application procedure is carried out on the ADUM platform.
Detailed schedule:
- Until February 18th: Submission of subject proposals by HDR
- Before February 22th: Validation of subjects by Unit Directors and ED
- February 25th: Publication of subjects on the ED website
- From February 25th to April 26th: Application on subjects published by ED
- May 3rd: Deadline for HDR to submit an application notice
- May 6th to 10th: Selection of candidates admitted to oral examination by the Program Juries
- May 21th to 24th: Auditions of candidates by the Program Boards
- COB program - May 21th
- CPBA program - May 23th
- CIM program - May 24th
- From May 27st to June 24th: Validation of the results by the Steering comitee and the Council of the ED, the Doctoral College and the Establishments.
- June 24h: Publication of the results
Registration on the main list (LP) or complementary list (LC) was notified on May 28 to all auditioned candidates.
The LC ranking will be communicated after validation by Collège Doctoral meeting on June 24.
Important dates for candidates:
- From February 25th to April 26th: Applications on subjects published by ED
- 21th, 23th and 24th May: Auditions of candidates by the Program Boards
- June 24th: Publication of the results
Important dates for supervisors:
- Until February 18th: Submission of subject proposals by HDR
- May 3rd: Deadline for HDR to submit an application notice
- June 24th: Publication of the results
The audition consists of a 10-minutes presentation with slides on the academic background, the research project and the match between the two. The presentation is followed by 5 minutes of questions.
Composition of boards:
MERSI 2018 Competition
Results of the MESRI 2018 competition
Registration on the main list (LP) or complementary list (LC) was notified on May 24 to all candidates auditioned.
The ranking in the complementary list was communicated to candidates on June 27, after validation by the doctoral college.
The 26 contracts proposed in LP are distributed as follows:
By establishment:
- 19 UPSUD
- 2 UEVE
- 2 UVSQ
- 2 ENS Paris-Saclay
- 1 X
By pole:
- 11 CPBA
- 9 COB
- 6 CIM
By research units:
- 4 ICSN
- 1 LCP
- 1 ISMO
- 1 LIDyL
- 1 Institut Galien
- 1 LipSys2
- 1 Institut Curie
- 2 ILV
- 1 LCM
- 2 PPSM
By diploma of origin:
- 12 University Paris-Saclay
- 14 Other French or foreign university
Composition of juries:
- Dr Corine Simonnet - Présidente - Institut Lavoisier de Versailles, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin
- Pr Anne Bleuzen - Laboratoire de Chimie Inorganique - ICMMO, Université Paris-Sud
- Dr Frédéric Lafolet - ITODYS, Université Paris Diderot
- Pr Christian Bonhomme - Laboratoire Chimie de la Matière Condensée, Sorbonne Université
- Dr Léo Mazerolles - Equipe "Métaux et Céramiques à Microstructures Contrôlées" (MCMC), CNRS Thiais
- Dr Frédéric Averseng, Laboratoire Réactivité et Surface, Sorbonne Université
- Dr Eric Eliot - Président - Laboratoire Léon Brillouin - CEA
- Dr Jérôme Mathé - LAMBE, Université Evry Val d’Essonne
- Dr Sophie Sacquin-Mora - Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique, IBPC
- Pr Rodolphe Vuilleumier - Laboratoire PASTEUR, ENS, Sorbonne Université
- Dr Christophe Tribet - Laboratoire PASTEUR, ENS, Sorbonne Université
- Dr Nancy Brodie Linder - Laboratoire de Chimie Biologique, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
- Dr Boris Vauzeilles – Président - ICSN et ICMMO, Université Paris-Sud
- Dr Frédéric Avenier - ICMMO, Université Paris-Sud
- Dr Cyril Ollivier - Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire, Sorbonne Université
- Dr Laurent Micouin - LCBPT, Université Paris Descartes
- Dr Christine Gravier-Pelletier - LCBPT, Université Paris Descartes
- Pr Thierry Brigaud - Laboratoire de Chimie Biologique, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
ADI 2019 Competition
In 2019, IDEX Paris-Saclay is funding the ADI2019 program to support the implementation of doctoral projects as part of an international cotutella agreement (double doctorate degree or joint degree).
Transmission of files, before June 18, 2019 at midnight, via the form below.
Submission of applications ADI 2019.
CSC 2020 Competition
CSC Cooperation Programme with Paris-Sud University
Paris-Sud University and Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) concluded in 2012 an agreement that provides for the financing by the Chinese government of 40 Chinese PhD students per year for 4 years. PhD students thus funded will do their PhD in a Doctoral School Paris-Saclay. All disciplinary fields, and therefore all Doctoral Schools are eligible.
This program is exclusively reserved for PhD students who register administratively at the University Paris-Sud.
Preference will be given to the laboratories registered in the Paris-Sud five-year contract.
Funding received by doctoral students can be up to 48 months. It includes a "living allowance" (which is not a salary but a grant) of € 1,200 per month, a China-France air ticket, and visa fees.
The 2020 campaign of the Paris-Sud / CSC program will take place as follows:
- From September 28, 2019 to November 21, 2019
Publish the thesis project in English on ADUM indicating for the type of funding: Autre Concours-Appel à Projets-Chinese Scolarship Council (CSC).
Attach a pdf of the project and be careful to fill out the form.
Attention to key words: to make appear the scientific field in the key words.
After validation of the projects by the Doctoral Schools the subjects will be available on the site:
- From November 21, 2019 to December 20, 2019
Display of doctoral projects validated by the Doctoral Schools on the Paris-Sud website, for Chinese students.
Chinese students must apply during this period, directly to ADUM.
Project holders will be notified via ADUM, they will have to contact the student.
- January 6 to 12, 2020
Final selection of candidates by thesis supervisors, always via ADUM.
- January 14 to 22, 2020
Ranking by the Doctoral Schools of the project / candidate couples resulting from the selection by the supervisors.
Candidates will be interviewed by the admission jury of the ED on January 14 and 16, 2020 (skype: ed2mib)
- Between January 23, 2020 and February 6, 2020
Final selection of project / candidate couples by the university, including a list of 60 project / candidate pairs, and a complementary list. This selection will be sent to the CSC no later than February 16, 2020
- February / March 2020 (indicative date)
Application by Chinese students to CSC.
- April 2020 (indicative date)
Examination of the admissibility of files by the CSC.
- May 2020 (indicative date)
The CSC informs Paris-Sud of the final results.
In order to facilitate communication between all concerned, an e-mail address specifically dedicated to the CSC program has been created: It will be the single point of contact for the CSC program, both for PhD supervisors and doctoral schools and for Chinese candidates.
Admission and Registration
Pour pouvoir s'inscrire en doctorat de l'Université Paris-Saclay, il faut obtenir une admission dans l'ED 2MIB.
To get a first registration in Doctorate of Université Paris-Saclay, you must obtain an admission in ED 2MIB.
The procedures for admission to the 2MIB Doctoral School were established by the doctoral college during the establishment of the Université Paris-Saclay.
This admission is done on audition by the admissions jury of the Doctoral School (ED).
To be able to pass this audition, it is necessary to elaborate beforehand a doctoral project which must include 3 necessary components:
- a scientific project,
- a thesis supervisor,
- a minimum of 3 years financing.
To gather these 3 points, potential PhD supervisors with funding or wishing to participate in the ED competition submit subjcts on the ED website.
It is mandatory to go through an application on these offers. If the application is accepted by the potential thesis supervisor, an audition is proposed by the jury.
Thesis offers are available on the ED website.
There are few offers in September-October, because the majority is published in March-April, at the time of the financing competitions.
It is also possible to contact professors directly in the laboratories concerned to find out if they have thesis funding or unpublished offers.
The list of laboratories or research units is available on the ED website.
Access reference documents for registration or re-registration.
The admission must go through an application process.
Without a complete application file following the process described below, no registration at Paris-Saclay University will be validated.
This process is carried out in 5 steps according to an online procedure on the ADUM portal which requires the prior creation of an account on his personal space. The candidate can only intervene from step 3.
1 - Deposit of an offer by the future supervisor (HDR).
2 - Validation of the offer by the Deputy Director of Program (DAP).
3 - Application of the student on the offer.
4 - Evaluation of the application by the DAP:
the DAP organizes an audition (Tuesday afternoon on the slot 14:00 - 16:00). This is a 10-minute presentation with slides on the academic background, the research project and the match between the two, followed by 10 minutes of questions.
5 - The admission board qualifies the candidate, the DAP validates the application on ADUM and sends an admission form (formulaire d'admission).
Instructions for applying:
For the applicants:
First Registration
After receiving an admission form from us. To get a first registration in PhD, the steps to follow are now:
- go to the CVEC website and pay the subscription,
- complete all the information requested on your ADUM account, do not forget your photo and the pdf file including:
- admission form,
- PhD funding certificate,
- master diploma or certificate,
- CVEC certificate,
- civil liability insurance certificate,
- social security certificate,
- passport or ID,
- for foreigner PhD students (out of EU) valid "titre de séjour",
- for co-tutelle PhD, agreement project approved on Université Paris-Saclay website,
- for PhD realized in two laboratories, estimated planning.
- contact Corinne Ruello for verification and validation of your ADUM file (,
- after validation of your file by Corinne Ruello, have the registration form signed by the thesis director and the laboratory director (do not make the signatures without the previous validation) and submit them to the secretariat of the ED.
The rest of the procedure will be explained directly by Corinne Ruello.
Re-enrollment for a doctorate in 2019-2020 is made on the registration portal (ADUM).
- For re-enrollment in the 2nd and 3rd year, the opinion of the external member of the monitoring committee is requested.
- For re-enrollments in the 4th year or 5th year, a letter of derogation must be provided. In addition, the opinion of the external member of the monitoring committee is requested if the defense procedure is not done simultaneously with the application for registration.
- For re-enrollments in 6th year or more, an activity report and a letter of derogation must be provided.
The fields must be well informed on ADUM, the requested documents must be provided in the form of a pdf file.
Once you have completed the application, you must contact Corinne Ruello, ED's assistant.
Once the file validated by Corinne Ruello, the signature circuit for registration can begin.
Training and Monitoring
The PhD student's monitoring system comprises two levels, the one provided by the host team (thesis director, director of the unit) and the one provided by the ED (director and assistant directors). At the level of the ED, the director ensures the smooth running of the theses, relying in particular on a monitoring committee for each thesis.
The ED and the Paris-Saclay doctoral college offer a catalog of scientific, general and professional courses. PhD students are asked to validate during the thesis at least 50 h of scientific disciplinary courses and 50 h of transversal general and professional training.
Monitoring committees
The PhD student's monitoring system comprises two levels, the one provided by the host team (thesis director, director of the unit) and the one provided by the ED (director and assistant directors).
At the level of the host team, the organization of PhD students' days will be encouraged.
At the level of the ED, the director ensures the smooth running of the theses, relying in particular on a monitoring committee for each thesis.
These committees are set up for any new doctoral student as of September 2015.
Each Monitoring Committee is composed of a member external to the research unit and the research project and the Deputy Director of Program (DAP) of the ED in which the student is enrolled (COB, CIM or CPBA).
The external member, researcher or teacher-researcher, is proposed by the thesis director, in consultation with the student. This proposal is sent to the DAP of the concerned program for validation.
The role of the external member is to meet the student every year between June and November, to discuss the progress of the research and all questions related to the progress of the thesis.
The interview will lead to the writing of a summary report and the delivery of an opinion on the re-enrollment of the doctoral student. These will be sent to the ED.
The meeting with the doctoral student may be completed by a discussion with the thesis director.
Form for the external member's report:
This set requires availability. If transport costs are incurred for the doctoral student to meet the external member of the monitoring committee, they can not be supported by the ED.
The re-registration decision will be made by ED direction on the basis of this report, and on the advice of the thesis supervisor.
PhD Training
The ED 2MIB and the Paris-Saclay Coctoral College offer a catalog of scientific, general and professional courses. PhD students are required to validate for the duration of the thesis at least fifty hours (50 hours) of scientific disciplinary training and fifty hours (50 hours) of transversal general and professional training.
Validation of training hours:
The training hours will be validated following the process described below.
- Training offered by ED 2MIB or transversal or non-ED trainings managed by ADUM:
- Pre-registration or registration in ADUM to validate the choice of training.
- After participation in the training, deposit in ADUM certificates of participation.
- Assignment of the hours validated by the training manager of the ED.
- Training not managed by ADUM:
- Before registration, entry of the characteristics of the training by the doctoral student in his personal space ADUM. At this stage, in case of doubt about the ED validation, contact the training deputy director of the ED.
- After participation in the training, deposit in ADUM certificates of participation.
- Assignment of the hours validated by the training manager of the ED.
Case of doctoral students teaching:
For doctoral students carrying out teaching as a teaching doctor or as a temporary employee, a training exemption is granted in proportion to the hours of training within a maximum limit of 25 hours of training for 64 hours of equivalent annual teaching time.
The same system of training exemption will be applied for PhD students performing expertise or valuation missions.
Thesis in cotutelle with a foreign university:
Exemption from doctoral training if the length of attendance at Université Paris-Saclay is less than half the duration of the thesis.
18 hours maximum are validated for participation in a congress because a congress is not considered as a training in its own right but as dissemination of scientific results.
Science Days:
Six hours are validated per day of participation. Three hours a day are added in case of participation in the organization of the days.
Training recognized by the ED (non-exhaustive list):
Transverse tranings
- Transversal trainings offered by Paris-Saclay University: click here.
- Further training for doctoral students proposed by UPSud: Days or half days. Validation of three hours of training per half day and six hours per day.
Scientific trainings
ED 2MIB PhD Day: 7 hours of training validated for the day.
As a rule, the master courses are not validated in doctoral training. In fact, a candidate can only be admitted to a doctoral degree if he or she has very good master's level knowledge in his / her field of initial training and the expected masters and doctoral training are not the same. The training in masters focuses mainly on knowledge, methods, concepts mastered and recognized while the doctoral training is intended to develop the scientific culture of doctoral students on the most current fields of research, on what is becoming or what is challenged.
Only the director of the doctoral school who validates the training plan of each doctoral student may exceptionally authorize (or advise in certain cases) a PhD student to follow a master's module as part of his doctoral training.
Welcome Day
Journée des Entrants - Welcome day 2018
The meeting took place on January 28, in Magat room,
Laboratoire de Chimie Physique, building 349, Université Paris-Sud at Orsay.
Modalities of the defense
To be able to support, 3 forms, informed with the help of ED, must be provided by the doctoral student with the schooling of the establishment:
- Reviewers appointment (désignation des rapporteurs) - at the latest 2 months before the defense
- Jury proposal (proposition de jury) - at the latest 1 month before the defense
- Defense authorization (autorisation de soutenance) - at the latest 1 month before the defense
The manuscript must be presented to the Deputy Director of Program (DAP) at the time of appointment of the reviewers.
The publication or acceptance of at least one scientific article on the work of the PhD student is a necessary condition for the authorization of defense.
Closing for summer holidays
for any defense scheduled between August 19 and September 13, 2019: the defense authorization must be emitted before July 19, 2019.
Prepare the defense
When the manuscript is almost finalized. The PhD supervisor (DT) composes a jury, checks the availability of the members and starts to look for a defense date.
To be able to support, 3 forms must be provided by the PhD student (DOC) to the schooling of the establishment.
1 - Reviewers appointment - Designation of rapporteurs
The form must be sent to ED no later than 2 months before the defense (it is better to start the procedure 3 months before the defense).
- The DT or DOC contacts the Deputy Director of Program (DAP) and sends him:
- the thesis manuscript (pdf version)
- the proposal of 2 reviewers: Name, Function, Establishment + CV if the reviewer is not a Professor or equivalent
- After validation of the proposal by the DAP, the DOC completes the data of the reviewers on ADUM and contacts Corinne Ruello (CR), the assistant of the ED.
- After validation by CR, the DOC may print the form, have it signed and forward it to the ED.
- The form is signed by the DAP and sent by the DOC to the institution's schooling.
2 - Proposition de Jury - Jury proposal
The form must be finalized no later than 1 month before the defense (may be done simultaneously with the appointment of rapporteurs).
- The DT or DOC contacts the DAP and sends him:
- at least one scientific publication on thesis work
- the proposal of Jury members: Name, Function, Establishment + CV in case of doubt about the possibility of being a member of the Jury
- After validation of the proposal by the DAP, the DOC completes the data of the Jury members on ADUM and contacts CR
- After validation by CR, the DOC may print the form, have it signed and forward it to the ED.
- The form is signed by the DAP and sent by the DOC to the institution's schooling.
3 - Autorisation de soutenance - Defense authorization
- The form must be finalized no later than 1 month before the defense.
- After receiving and reading the two reports, the DAP validates the defense authorization
- The form is signed by the DAP and sent by the DOC to the institution's schooling.
Closing for summer holidays
for any defense scheduled between August 19 and September 13, 2019: the defense authorization must be emitted before July 19, 2019.
The Jury
The composition of the jury is proposed by the thesis director. ED management verifies its relevance and compliance with regulations.
The candidate's work is examined by at least two reviewers authorized to supervise research (HDR) outside the doctoral school and the Université Paris-Saclay.
The composition of the jury must be as follows:
- The number of jury members is between 4 and 8.
- It is composed at least half of French or foreign personalities, outside the doctoral school and the Université Paris-Saclay.
- At least half of the jury must be composed of Professors or similar.
- One of the jury members must be a member of Université Paris-Saclay, it cannot be the thesis supervisor.
- The thesis supervisor participates in the jury, but does not take part in the decision.
- The members of the jury nominate among them a president who must be a Professor or similar. The thesis supervisor cannot be chosen as president of the jury.
Upcoming defenses
After the PhD
Profesionnal Insertion
Actions conducted jointly with companies, local authorities, associations, etc.
In terms of training and insertion, the ED 2MIB pursues many common objectives with the Chemical Society of France. Establishing strong relationships with this association would be a major asset in the integration policy.
Actions implemented to optimize insertion
Transversal training, and in particular Doctoriales, strongly contributes to the professional integration of PhDs.
PhDFuture is the 2018 survey on the employment of PhDs at Paris-Saclay University.
PhD Students & Alumni
The group Linkedin PhD Students & Alumni - University Paris-Saclay is a professional network, to which you choose to join or not, aims at creating a space of direct exchanges between the doctoral students and the doctors of the University Paris-Saclay, between doctoral students and their representatives, with doctoral and doctoral associations.
National and International Mobility
International mobility, both incoming and outgoing, of doctoral students will be strongly encouraged. Within this framework, the doctoral school will be able to answer calls to European programs of the Erasmus Mundus type (action 1, 2 and 3) and Tempus.
An important asset for incoming international mobility would be to be able to offer university housing locally.
Regarding outgoing mobility, PhD students will be encouraged to stay in foreign laboratories.
Regarding incoming mobility, the high rate of foreign students in the ED 2MIB requires the use of English and French for communication by email and on the Internet. website. Doctoral programs in English, including so-called transversal courses, are offered by co-operators.
ED is associated with incoming and outgoing mobility for short stays. At the national level, the ED 2MIB, some PhD students carry out a significant part of their work in other French laboratories. Short-term mobility is also becoming more frequent, especially for characterizations with large instruments. This is also true at the international level. Moreover, many foreign doctoral students stay in laboratories, and it would be desirable for these doctoral students to have contact with the ED.
International cotutella agreement
How to establish an International cotutella agreement
Conditions, contacts, procedures and informations
Access the international cotutella agreement request interface
Directeur de l'ED
M. Colbeau-Justin Christophe
Institut de Chimie Physique (ICP)
Assistante Pédagogique
Mme Ruello Corinne