Daniel Esteve
Laboratory : Service de physique de l'État condensé (SPEC)
Phone : 33 1 69 08 55 29
Email : daniel.esteve@cea.fr
Daniel Esteve performed his PhD research on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the laboratory of Prof. A. Abragam. He is a co-founder of the Quantronics group of SPEC devoted to the investigation of quantum electrical circuits and more broadly of mesoscopic physics. Quantronics noticeably investigated macroscopic quantum tunnelling, explained and probed dynamical Coulomb blockade, made single electron pumps transferring electrons one by one, measured electron-electron interactions in nanostructures, operated a superconducting quantum bit circuit able to perform the foundational experiments of quantum physics, demonstrated a proof-of-principle of quantum speed-up for a quantum search algorithm, and Electron Spin Resonance. Quantronics now develops hybrid structures based on superconducting quantum circuits and spins, mesoscopic superconductivity including Andreev physics and quantum phase slips, and quantum optics in the microwave domain.
- Research topics Mesoscopic physics, superconductivity, quantum information processing, magnetic resonance
- Research areas Circuits électriques quantiques
- Key words Superconductivity, quantum transport, single electron tunneling, single Cooper pair electronics, Coulomb blockade, mesoscopic su
Important publications