Daniel Comparat

Laboratory : Aimé Cotton (LAC)

Phone : 33 1 69 35 20 55
Email : daniel.comparat@u-psud.fr
Personal website


CNRS researcher since 2000 at the Aimé Cotton laboratory (LAC), senior researcher since 2012. 

Head of the Cold & Correlated Matter team at the LAC:

My research activities cover the field of ultracold atoms and molecules:

- Alignment and trapping of molecules resulting from photoassociation. Optical pumping of molecules.
- Interactions between cold Rydberg atoms. Ultracold plasmas.
- Ion and electron beam generation.
- Antihydrogen generation (participation in the CERN/AEGIS experiment).

  • ​Research topics: Ultracold atoms and molecules
  • Research areas: Quantum information
  • Key words: Cold atoms, cold molecules, Rydberg atoms, antimatter, ion beams, electron beams


Important publications

  • Real-time trajectory control on a deterministic ion source. C. Lopez, A. Trimeche, D. Comparat, Y.J. Picard. arxiv :1812.09039 submitted to Phys. Rev. Apply.
  • Ion microscopy based on laser-cooled cesium atoms. M Viteau, M Reveillard, L Kime, B Rasser, P Sudraud, Y Bruneau, G Khalili, P Pillet, D. Comparat, I Guerri, A Fioretti, D Ciampini, M Allegrini F Fuso ; Ultramicroscopy 164, 70 (2016)
  • Laser excitation of the n=3 level “Laser Cooling of Molecular Anions” ; P. Yzombard, M. Hamamda, S. Gerber, M. Doser, and D. Comparat ;Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 213001 (2015).
  • “Molecular cooling via Sisyphus processes”, Daniel Comparat, Phys. Rev. A 89, 043410 (2014).
  • “Optical pumping and vibrational cooling of molecules”, M. Viteau, A. Chotia, M. Allegrini, N. Bouloufa, O. Dulieu, D. Comparat and P. Pillet, ; Science 321, (5886) 232 (2008).