Daniel Comparat

Laboratory : Aimé Cotton (LAC)
Phone : 33 1 69 35 20 55
Email : daniel.comparat@u-psud.fr
Personal website
CNRS researcher since 2000 at the Aimé Cotton laboratory (LAC), senior researcher since 2012.
Head of the Cold & Correlated Matter team at the LAC:
My research activities cover the field of ultracold atoms and molecules:
- Alignment and trapping of molecules resulting from photoassociation. Optical pumping of molecules.
- Interactions between cold Rydberg atoms. Ultracold plasmas.
- Ion and electron beam generation.
- Antihydrogen generation (participation in the CERN/AEGIS experiment).
- Research topics: Ultracold atoms and molecules
- Research areas: Quantum information
- Key words: Cold atoms, cold molecules, Rydberg atoms, antimatter, ion beams, electron beams
Important publications