Covid-19: security measures
Due to the high incidence of coronavirus cases, new measures have been put in place:
- Masks are mandatory indoors and outside buildings or in outdoor queues.
- All convivial or festive social events are currently suspended. This includes thesis defence parties or dos.
- The measures concerning CROUS university catering for students remain unchanged.
- Teaching, exams and competitive examinations can continue to take place in-person, in strict compliance with preventive measures.
- Sports activities (excluding the University’s Sports Service - the SUAPS) which are not related to an academic course are subject to the presentation of a valid vaccine pass and masks must be worn indoors AND outdoors.
- Similarly, access to cultural, sporting and scientific activities, and colloquiums and seminars of more than 50 people which are open to people from outside the University, is subject to the presentation of a valid vaccine pass.
- International students can continue to be hosted, regardless of their country of origin, according to travel requirements, certificates and specific conditions, which can be found on the French Home Office website (Ministère de l'intérieur).
- Libraries will continue to welcome people in the same conditions as previously (compliance with preventive measures, no capacity limit, regular airing of spaces).
If you have any questions, you can contact the University’s crisis unit: cellule-crise.presidence@universite-paris-saclay.fr

Wash hands regularly with soap

Wear a mask

How can you protect yourself and others
General information:
Medical office
The Medical Office (staff and students) are available first by email in each location as well as doctors :
IUT Sceaux
UFR Pharmacie Châtenay-Malabry
UFR DEG Sceaux
Staff and PhD students according to your place of work:
service.medical336@universite-paris-saclay.fr Bâtiment 336- Dr Martine Berthier
service.medical640@universite-paris-saclay.fr Bâtiment 640 - Dr Hervé Tournier
service.medical452@universite-paris-saclay.fr Bâtiment 452- Dr Anne Brun
medecine.preventive@universite-paris-saclay.fr Bâtiment 336
UFR Médecine Kremlin-Bicêtre
Taking care of one's health requires also a balanced diet adapted to this particular period.
You may contact a dietician from the medical office of the university (free service).
Contact : perrine.repecaud@universite-paris-saclay.fr.
A tobaccologist from the medical service is also available to listen to you and can provide teleconsultations for questions related to tobacco or cannabis use. Contact : fabrice.cheruel@universite-paris-saclay.fr
Psychological support
Nightline (open in september) is a listening, support and information service run by students for students.
English-speaking psychologist at the Student Health Service (SUMPPS): Krinio Benfredj - krinio.benfredj@universite-paris-saclay.fr
Reminder of the preventive measures
Strictly observe the following hygiene measures to limit the spread of the virus and the spread of the disease:
- Wash hands regularly with soap or hand sanitizer
- Cough and sneeze into your elbow
Check your temperature as soon as you have ENT signs and if in doubt, do not go to university. - Use disposable tissues
- Do not shake hands to greet people and keep your distance as much as possible, with at least 1 metre between people (especially with regard to fragile people: hospitals, maternity wards, EHPAD, ...)
All of these measures as well as national guidelines regarding travel, will be updated regularly on this University’s website
You can contact the general practitioners of the University Paris-Saclay and the security defense officer at info-covid19@universite-paris-saclay.fr.
In case of signs of respiratory infection (fever or feeling of fever, cough, difficulty breathing) :
- Avoid contact with your relatives
- Contact the SAMU (line 15 on your phone) only if you have trouble breathing,
- otherwise contact a local doctor if you have headache or fever
- Limit movement to what is strictly necessary.
For frail people, each case will be assessed individually, the opinion of the usual attending physician should be sought and forwarded to the personnel department and the university's prevention physician. The infirmaries of the University remain at your disposal.
In addition, you can find information on the following sites:
- Government website: https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus
- Travel advice from the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs/conseils-par-pays-destination/
- WHO FAQ: https://www.who.int/fr/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019
Finally, for the general public:
- A free number (0 800 130 000) has been set up by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health, open 24/7. However, this telephone platform is not authorized to provide medical advice that is insured by the SAMU emergency centres.
These instructions may change depending on the situation.
Wearing a mask remains mandatory on public transport. Failure to comply with this obligation is punishable by a fine of 135 euros.
Accomodation and catering
The University’s canteens are now opened again. They also sell takeaway meals.
The CROUS social service is at your service if you need help:
- Students whose higher education institutions are located in the Yvelines (78) ou Essonne (91) departments: service-social.paris-saclay@crous-versailles.fr
- Students whose higher education institutions are located in the Haut de Seine ( 92) department: service-social.nanterre@crous-versailles.fr
- Students whose higher education institutions are located in the Seine et Oise ( 95) department: service-social.cergy@crous-versailles.fr
Share Entraide
The Share Entraide service offers help when you can't do your shopping in isolation.
Mandatory international travel is authorised for students:
> in Europe, the Schengen area, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan (except for Fukushima Prefecture) and China (for Chinese citizens only), depending on the conditions specified by the international relations services and the Security and Risk Prevention Service (S2PR). Students who may be vulnerable to Covid-19 and its variants or other health conditions which may put them at risk, must seek medical guidance from the University’s doctor.
> subject to the decision taken by the S2PR for requests for all other destinations.
- I have symptoms of COVID-19.
- My COVID-19 test is positive
My COVID-19 test is positive: what to do?
- I'm a contact person for a COVID-19 case.
Unless new instructions, at the beginning of the school year:
- wearing masks will be compulsory in all enclosed spaces
- start of the academic year allowing to meet the teachers and course managers during the first few weeks
- the organisation of the first semester will be based on a possible return to 100% on the campus for students for all activities.
We have likewise, the possibility to run exams on-site in exam-halls, in strict accordance with barrier measures and distancing.
Individual appointments for vocational integration, professional coaching and entrepreneurship are maintained. Appointments can be made at accueil.oip@universite-paris-saclay.fr and entrepreneuriat@universite-paris-saclay.fr
1) In case of problems, students can write to cellule-crise.presidence@universite-paris-saclay.fr.
2) French students abroad and international students: +33(0)6 11 73 99 78, international.welcomedesk@universite-paris-saclay.fr
3) PhD students: see frequently asked questions
4) The Social Service of the CROUS of Versailles, which is currently processing applications for all the campuses of the University of Paris-Saclay. Contact : service-social.paris-saclay@crous-versailles.fr
5) The Student Life and Equal Opportunities Unit of the University's Department of Studies and Student Life, which has set up an emergency system of Individual Social Assistance for the University (A.S.I.U.). Contact: vie-etudiante.deve@universite-paris-saclay.fr
University libraries (Orsay, Châtenay-Malabry, Sceaux, Kremlin-Bicêtre) will remain open by appointment only to enable students to study or borrow/return documents. These appointments must imperatively be made online through the Affluences application the day before by 4pm at the latest. In addition to the booking confirmation and booking number that will be issued and sent to your university email address, you will need an exemption certificate and your student card. These documents are compulsory for students to be able to go to the library.
In case of large numbers of students, access will be granted in priority to students who are required to be on campus: practical work (TP), compulsory internship, etc.
Bookings will be open as of Monday 2 November. You will find more information on the university website, the library pages or by following the university libraries on Facebook or Twitter. Millions of articles, electronic books and chapters are also still available online. Training sessions provided by university libraries as well as PhD thesis submission interviews are to be organised remotely (more information via the Maison du Doctorat).
At all levels, it is our responsibility to maintain contact with all our students, to identify students who are isolated, lacking the material means to connect to the internet, or any other problematic case. The priority is to maintain the human link with all our students.
All students must contact their course manager in case of difficulties (financial, access to resources, internship conditions, ...) and/or the management of the UFR, the IUT, the school where they are registered.
Contact : cellule-crise.presidence@universite-paris-saclay.fr
To facilitate the use of online pedagogical tools and platforms, the faculties and institutions and associate-member universities set up referents or support units for teachers in conjunction with the UPSaclay's Pedagogical Innovation Department.
Frequently asked questions (in french)
Resources in libraries: In order to support students and teachers, the university's libraries are mobilizing (online resources, suggestions for buying electronic books, online training...). More information on their website
More information: collegedoctoral@universite-paris-saclay.fr
In-person convivial gatherings of staff members in the workplace are currently suspended.
- IUT ORSAY : caroline.gavard@universite-paris-saclay.fr
- IUT CACHAN : infirmerie.iut-cachan@universite-paris-saclay.fr
- IUT Sceaux : infirmerie.iut-sceaux@universite-paris-saclay.fr
- UFR Pharmacie : infirmerie.pharmacie@universite-paris-saclay.fr
- UFR Droit-Eco-Gestion: infirmerie.jean-monnet@universite-paris-saclay.fr
- Students : medecine.preventive@universite-paris-saclay.fr Bâtiment 336
- PhD students according to your place of work:
service.medical336@universite-paris-saclay.fr, Bâtiment 336, Dr Martine Berthier
service.medical640@universite-paris-saclay.fr, Bâtiment 640, Dr Hervé Tournier
service.medical452@universite-paris-saclay.fr, Bâtiment 452, Dr Anne Brun