EUGLOHRIA Research Project
European University Alliance For Global Health – Transformation Through Joint Research And Innovation Action
The H2020 EUGLOHRIA project is the research component of the EUGLOH alliance coordinated by Université Paris-Saclay with 4 other key European universities of research: Lund University (LU), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU), Universidade do Porto (UPorto), University of Szeged (USZ).
One of the key objectives of the education component of the Alliance (Erasmus+/EUGLOH component) is to develop the European experience of students within the consortium, aiming for 50% participation in EUGLOH training actions by 2025.
The complementary research component to EUGLOH education and teaching actions is carried out by the H2020 EUGLOHRIA project, also coordinated by Université Paris-Saclay, in association with the partners of the Alliance.
The thematic fields are identical to those of EUGLOH as a whole and correspond to the very broad and multi-disciplinary scope of Global Health, i.e. all actions associating medicine, pharmacy, plant sciences, veterinary sciences, physics, engineering, social sciences, economics, sports sciences, climate sciences, clean energies, etc.
EUGLOHRIA is a 3-year project, obtained in July 2020 within the framework of the European Commission's SwafS call (Science with and for Society "Support for the Research and Innovation Dimension of European Universities), with a budget of €2M.
This project supports the EUGLOH alliance in the transformation of its research tools and practices towards cross-collaboration among partners of the Alliance. Namely, it aims to:
- Deploy good practices in research collaborations
- Contribute to the development of the dynamics of the EUGLOH alliance
- Develop growing synergies between research and training at all levels
- Develop ties with society: European citizens, innovation and business ecosystems, public organizations and associations.
EUGLOHRIA is organised in 5 work packages, including the 3 thematic work packages:
The three thematic work packages address the three key objectives of the project:
- Anticipation, management/repair, resilience/prevention of major crises
- Global Health Research Platforms and Infrastructures
- Ecosystems of innovation and links between the academic and private spheres
The project targets:
All researchers and teacher-researchers of Université Paris-Saclay (technical institutes and faculties, member institutions, associate universities, research organisations) interested in the developments of EUGLOHRIA. A very large number of thematic areas can be anchored in EUGLOHRIA from various aspects (computer science or AI, sensors - engineering, metrology, quantum physics - medicine, drugs, sports, economy/management, to name a few.
For all these fields, EUGLOHRIA is a pilot tool to implement experimental practices with a limited number of well-known partners, within a stable institutional relationship.
The aim is to launch a number of European experiences on this scale: 1. Strong interdisciplinary research with partners, 2. Experimental initiatives in the field of open science and data sharing, 3. Advances in sharing access to consortium-wide research platforms, etc.
The breadth of the consortium and regular exchanges are also intended to foster the submission of new European Research/Horizon Europe (EU, FR) or Education/Erasmus+ (EU, FR) projects.
As a researcher or teacher-researcher, if you are interested, we invite you to contact us to know more about the actions (webinars, conferences, visits, etc) organised by EUGLOHRIA and to which you can contribute.
We are convinced that the success of the project depends on the creativity and involvement of the research and teaching community along that of the other players and publics of EUGLOHRIA
EUGLOHRIA aims to establish and strengthen links and partnerships with industrials in order to contribute to the interconnection of the innovation systems of the 5 campuses (Paris-Saclay, Munich, Porto, Lund, Szeged), and to facilitate the access of companies to the pool of students from partner universities, to develop a European dimension, and to benefit in return from their know-how, experience, and networks.
Concrete actions will be organized within the project for and with businesses:
- European consortium size forum: "Job carrier fair"
- Benchmarking of innovation systems on the different sites, including incubators
- Research internship platform (R&D)
- Industrial involvement in the training of the EUGLOH partners
- Thematic conferences with the participation of industrials
In particular, we aim for initiatives towards the establishment of European projects related to innovation (Pillar 2 Clusters or European Innovation Council (EIC) of the Horizon Europe framework programme).
All interested companies or innovation actors are invited to contact us.
The EUGLOHRIA project promotes:
- Creating links between students and research teams and industrials interested and/or involved in the developed actions. This will enable students to develop their networks on the scale of EUGLOH and with industrials involved.
- Opportunities for student research placements, with the possibility of European mobility (studied on a case-by-case basis).
- The openness and inter-disciplinarity of students in the fields of Global Health.
Do not hesitate to contact us.
All interested structures and public authorities (including the Paris Region) are invited to participate in this dynamic.
The EUGLOHRIA project is also aimed at all European citizens and associations. Events will be organized during the project, some of which will be open to all interested citizens and associations.
We encourage their participation in the establishment of certain actions. Do not hesitate to contact us for any actions you would like to develop.
Eric Cassan - – Project Coordinator
Sameea Ahmed Hassim - – Project Manager

Funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Union