European networks

Université Paris-Saclay is a member of 3 key European networks: the Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research – CESAER, the European Universities Association – EUA, and the League of European Research Universities – LERU.

League of European Research Universities

Bringing together 23 European universities of research, the aim of the LERU is to influence the policies and promote the exchanges of best practices on the European level.

LERU Contacts


Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research

CESAER carries the voice of 53 leading research-intensive specialised and comprehensive universities of science and technology from 25 European countries. It is organised in task forces that target key issues. It publishes position and analysis papers in order to represent its member universities with European institutions.

CESAER Contacts


European University Association

Representing over 800 European universities and conference of university presidents, the European University Association (EUA) influences the policies of the EU in higher education, research and innovation.

EUA Contact


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