Call for projects: international EUGLOH dual PhD degrees

Within the framework of the EUGLOH European University Alliance for Global Health, Université Paris-Saclay is launching a call for 4 international dual PhD degrees.


Since 2019, Université Paris-Saclay has been coordinating the EUGLOH alliance, one of the first 17 alliances of the European universities initiative led by the European Commission. This highly structuring action includes a very active Erasmus+ training component, which is gradually being supplemented by a research component.

Within this framework, the university is launching a call for 4 international dual PhD degrees (four ½ funding actions) for its communities (constituent faculties and institutes, associate institutions, component institutes, research organisations).


Selected PhD students are recruited by Université Paris-Saclay within the framework of a fixed-term contract. Monthly gross salary is aligned with that of doctoral contracts.

Eligibility criteria

  • The project must fall within an international dual PhD degree, with two separate PhD applications: one in France and one at a partner university of the EUGLOH Alliance.
  • The first 18-month period must take place in France, and the PhD must start before the end of March 2021.
  • The thesis subject must fall within the scope of broad topics of Global health (medicine, pharmacy, sport science, food, chemistry/physics/engineering/maths/IT for health, clean energy, climate, economy/management for health, human sciences for global health, etc.).
  • The research unit of the PhD student in France must be part of Université Paris-Saclay (constituent faculties and institutes, associate institutions, component institutes, research organisations).
  • The length of the stay at University Paris-Saclay must be 18 months. The length of the stay at the partner institution must be at least 18 months. A letter of intent for funding written by the EUGLOH partner must be included in the application file.

Eligible candidates will be selected by the jury of the EUGLOH dual PhD call for project (UPSaclay VP for international and European affairs, deputy VP for European affairs, UPSaclay deputy doctoral VP, IR officer of the doctoral college), following review by the doctoral school of registration. Main selection criteria focus on the excellence of application on the one hand, and on the other on the support of the project towards the structural dynamics for the EUGLOH alliance.

Project submission

Applications must be sent to the corresponding doctoral school of the thesis supervisor specifying [EUGLOH dual PhD] in the email subject line, cc and and

Applications must be submitted by thesis supervisors.

Applications must include the following:

  • First name, last name and contact information of the thesis supervisor at Université Paris-Saclay, affiliated doctoral school, and host research unit;
  • Personal information of the candidate (first name, last name, date of birth, postal and email address, phone number);
  • CV of the candidate as well as academic supporting documents (bachelor and master’s degrees or equivalent degree) including grade report;
  • Project title and description of thesis subject (1 page maximum);
  • First name, last name and contact information of the thesis supervisor at the EUGLOH partner university;
  • Review from the UPSaclay doctoral school (1 page maximum);
  • Letter of intent from EUGLOH partner.

For any question or action proposal within EUGLOH, please write to:

See also