The C-BASC launch conference (September 27, 2021)

The launch of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Biodiversity, Agroecology, Society and Climate took place on September 27, 2021 (at AgroParisTech in Paris and in visio). The conference focused on some innovative aspects of C-BASC compared to the previous project (LabEx BASC). 


Access the presentations:

I. Presentation of the C-BASC project

II. Conclusions of the 1st C-BASC Steering Committee of 7/9/21

III. Innovation: "spotlight" on the Living Lab 

IV. Research: "spotlight" on food systems 

V. Teaching: proposals from C-BASC coordinators 

VI. Open session: pitches from the C-BASC community:

- Wheat-pea GWAS (T. Flutre, GQE Le Moulon);

-  Understanding the impact of climate change and pest epidemics on fruit trees (A. Cornille, GQE Le Moulon)

Various illustrations of the presentations