Afternoon of reflection on territorial research in the southwest of Paris (Feb. 13, 2023)

Several teams of C-BASC and beyond are conducting research on a territorial scale in the southwest of Paris with various partners (e.g. the VivAgriLab living lab, PNR de la Haute Vallée de Chevreuse...). In this context, C-BASC organized an event at AgroParisTech aiming to: 1) identify new themes and collaborations to deepen interdisciplinarity and create synergies, 2) deepen the approach of co-designing projects, especially with non-academic partners, 3) improve the replicability of devices and the genericity of results. Participation was open to all university staff interested in territorial research around the university. We did not invite non-academic partners to the meeting, in order to focus on the objectives we wish to achieve as a scientific community. The minutes of the meeting will be distributed to any researcher who has expressed an interest in the event and to our partners of the VivAgriLab Living Lab.



Afternoon objectives, presentation of VivAgriLab and inventory of projects – Paul Leadley et Diane Maurissen

"Self-introductions" by all participants

Two examples of co-construction of research on the Saclay plateau and surrounding areas:

Inventory of current projects and future expectations:
On Post-its, participants describe their :- current (or past) projects in the Paris-Saclay area (post-it #1), - interests for possible future projects (post-it #2), and- vision of what C-BASC could do to help facilitate 'local' research actions (post-it #3).

Synthesis of Post-its by the organizers

Discussion and roadmap for C-BASC